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Everything posted by Junkee

  1. Mi se pare mie sau forumu' asta se cam stinge ? Nu mai e activitatea de alta data, pacat. :(
  2. Salut ! Sunt uimit de cata activitate e pe aici :))
  3. Salut ! Sunt uimit de cata activitate e pe aici :))
  4. Salut, ce mai faceti spammerilor ? :D
  5. Ce mai faceti, ce mai ziceti ? :D toate bune si frumoase?
  6. Saluuuuuuut !
  7. Already shared by me 2 years ago, and btw they are called Emerald Weapons, not Esmerald. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=36723.0 Credits goes to l2solid server, weapons were created by ZacK and adapted by me for L2J.
  8. OFF: I wonder if someone can share the L2Extreme system folder :D ON: Thank you for share Sighed, I was looking for L2Extreme pack for a home made server to play with my friends :D
  9. LOL@ http://cocalari.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/parcare.jpg Preluata de pe Cocalari.com =))
  10. L2Gold (C4) when the server was in good times with almost 4k players online. Since DHX took the server from Fear, the first owner, server began to go down. Sad but true.
  11. Nice server description, and also nice features. I wish you good luck and all the best with your project, Setekh :D
  12. Hello and welcome :D
  13. Nu pot sa ascult acum ca sunt la munca :((( Am sa incerc mai tarziu :D
  14. Hello
  15. Maybe you get drunk,and let your gf pregnant it is very possible YES
  16. C'mon dude, I'm just 21 years old, I don't want a baby :D
  17. I vote for "I'm pregnant" is the worst thing, from my point of view :D
  18. Ai id-ul meu noob :D
  19. L2J,L2OFF ? Put the [..] before the title. Thx
  20. Ia uite peste cine dau aici :> hai noroc
  21. This armor looks nice, very stylish textures. Thx for share, keep it up
  22. Nice client mod, but I'll never use this in a public server :P looks kinda childish :D
  23. The one which is already shared is not complete? I ask because i"m not OFF dev
  24. heh...ce mai sunt 40 de lei in ziua de azi :D o noapte de betie la o terasa :D
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