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Everything posted by heewit

  1. web server is under ddos only. server is OK. It will start in 30 min.
  2. We start soon! Expected online 4-5k !
  3. START: 04.05.2012 17:00 GMT+4 Patch and registration available in here: http://lineage.ru/cabinet
  4. L2 PTS, Quest items drop for varka/ketra, it/fog x2. For others I have no idea but probably retail like. We are an International Clan, still recrouting :) If you are interested, visit us here: http://whysoserious.phorum.pl
  5. pm me for more info :)
  6. Clan WhySoSerious is recrouting players for Nanna x75. For more Info please visit: http://whysoserious.phorum.pl
  7. lineage.ru // Interlude PTS // Nanna x75 Start: 04.05.2012 INFO OBJECTIVES: To create a full server without losing basic aspects of the game. Save the most important things: spoil-craft, seven signs, manor, castles and their benefits, olympiad, pvp for end game farm spots, battles for raid bosses (Noble RB, subclass RB) and the epiqs ... Collection of the most famous Russian and foreign clans in order to create a unique and large scale PVP server. Development team wants to present an international project in order to achieve the greatest a-beep-t of online players. Server Rates: Exp: x75 SP: x75 Adena: x50 SealStones: x25 Drop: x30 Spoil: x15 Quest Reward: X10 (only quests for adena, exp, sp) BUFFER: Our task is to create a convenient way to obtain the necessary buffs at any place where ever you are, and you should not waste your time and nerves to create 'an army' of boxes for a comfortable pvp. Buff book - every character has this book inside inventory, you can create your own profile and then buff yourself by pressing a single button. Buff book can be used anywhere in the world except the Olympiad arenas, as well as can not be used when the character is in battle, or has the 'flag' status. NPC Buffer - located in all cities, this NPC is created as an alternative to the buff book when you need urgent rebuff, and when your character has still battle mode or 'flag' status. NPC Buffer & Buff book have all buffs, songs, dances from the second and third profession, EXCEPT resists and summoner buffs. Buff time - 60 minutes. Self buff time - according to the official server. The maximum number of slots buff - 24 GAMEPLAY: Dual Box allowed, Automatic learning all the skills, Automatic pick up, Weight limit doubled, Seven Signs with 7 day cycle (4 days - a period of struggle, 3 days - Seal the period) * may change. Drop of the raid and epic bosses according to the official server. Implemented a skill Block Buff, Mana potion restores 2.000 MP with 12 s. reuse. This is the best solution for pvp server, so we can avoid situation where a support class as bishop has no limited MP. Official features from NCSOFT: Enchanting and craft chance, Festival of Darkness, 24 slots for buff, Number of slots in the inventory / book craft / trade, Augmentation system, The parameters of the raid and epic bosses. PROFFESIONS: First class - 1.000.000 adena Second profession - 10.000.000 adena The third profession: 200 Black Halisha's Mark and 15.000.000 adena, which can be obtained from monsters in Shrine of Loyalty: Grave Scarab, Scavenger Scarab, Grave Ant, Scavenger Ant, Shrine Knight, Shrine Guard (no quest needed) The completion of the quest. What are the benefits?: Halisha's Mark needed to class change! Quest item is x5. Therefore you should not kill the 700 but 140 monsters. Upon completion of the quest for 3rd profession, you get: 50.000.000 Adena, Giant's Codex and 22.994.040 Exp Raid Bosses Drop and spawn time: Shilen's Messenger Cabrio (for Cabrio Infernium Scepters and sub-class) - 3 hours + / -60 minutes Death Lord Hallate (for Hallate Infernium Scepters and sub-class) - 3 hours + / -60 minutes Kernon (for Kernon Infernium Scepters and sub-class) - 3 hours + / -60 minutes Longhorn Golkonda (for Golkonda Infernium Scepters and sub-class) - 3 hours + / -60 minutes Flame of Splendor Barakiel (for nobless pass and the status of a nobleman) - 3:00 + / -60 minutes Varka's Hero Shadith (Level 4 Alliance with Ketra Orcs) - 1:00 Varka's Commander Mos (level 5 alliance with the Ketra Orcs) - 1:00 Ketra's Hero Hekaton (Level 4 Alliance with Varka Silenos) - 1:00 Ketra Commander Tayr (level 5 alliance with the Varka Silenos) - 1:00 Respawn time of all other raid bosses and epiqs, according to the official server. SUBCLASS AND NOBLE: SUBCLASS : Please note, the quest is not required! You must have 4 Infernium Scepters and 100.000.000 adena Scepters can be obtained by killing raid bosses, same as it was made by NCSOFT. All the scepters can be sold through the retail shops to the other players. Raid bosses - scepters: Shilen's Messenger Cabrio - Cabrio Infernium Scepters Death Lord Hallate - Hallate Infernium Scepters Kernon - Kernon Infernium Scepters Longhorn Golkonda - Golkonda Infernium Scepters Once you collect all four scepter and 100.000.000 adena, return them to the NPC Hel and you will get a subclass. NOBLE: Please note, the quest is not required! You must have Nobless pass and 250.000.000 adena Nobless pass is obtained by killing a raid boss Flame of Splendor Barakiel. The group, who will kill the raid gets Nobless pass. Nobless pass can be sold through the retail shops to the other players. CRAFT: Recipes for weapons A / S-Grade: Relics of the Old Empire (Imperial Tomb): In this quest you can get recipes for weapons of A / S-Grade. For the A-grade should be 500 Broken Relic Part. For S-grade 1000 to Broken Relic Part. Broken Relic Part - transferred / sold through the retail shops to the other players. Gather the Flames (Forge of the Gods): In this quest you can get recipes for weapons of A / S-Grade. For the A-grade should be 500/600 Torch (depending on how the exchange). For S-grade should be 1000/1200 Torch (depending on how the exchange). Torch - transferred / sold through the retail shops to the other players. Recipes and key materials for armor class A / S-Grade: Alliance with Varka Silenos + War with Ketra Orcs (Hunting in the location of Ketra Orc Outpost) In this quest you can get recipes and key materials for armor A / S-Grade Nepenthes Seed - transferred / sold through the retail shops to the other players. Upon reaching level 5 Varka Silenos Alliance , you will be able to buy boxes and figures, from which one you can pick random recipe or a key material for the A / S-grade armor. Attention! The number increased! By the opening boxes / figures you get 100% chance for one of the components. EXAMPLE: Goods looted - Blue Cargo Box: - 60 Nepenthes Seed sealed imperial crusader helmet pattern (5) - 10% Sealed Draconic Leather helmet pattern (5) - 10% Sealed Major Arcana Hood pattern (5) - 10% Sealed Imperial Crusader Gauntlet design (5) - 10% Sealed Imperial Crusader boots design ( 5) - 10% Sealed Draconic Leather Gloves Fabric (5) - 10% Sealed Draconic Leather boots design (5) - 10% Sealed Major Arcana Gloves Fabric (5) - 10% Sealed Major Arcana boots design (5) - 10% Sealed imperial crusader shield part (5) - 10% Alliance with Ketra Orcs + War with Varka Silenos (Hunting in locations Varka Silenos Post) Same as Alliance with varka. GM SHOP: Equipment Class D / C / B-Grade is sold for adena Equipment Class A / S-Grade only by craft Soul Crystal 1-10 level sell for adena Soul Crystal 11-12 level sold for adena and ancient adena Soul Crystal level 13 just by pumping Dual Sword Craft Stamp Soul / Spirit / Blessed Spirit-Shot Class D / C / B-Grade is sold for adena Soul / Spirit / Blessed Spirit-Shot Class A / S-Grade only by craft The basic set of recipes for crafting resources Consumable items: Scroll for offline shop, Resurrection and teleport scrolls Arrows Class B / A / S Cursed Bone, Energy Stone, Soul Ore, Spirit Ore, Recovery Scroll, Greater HP, Mana Potion, Greater CP OLYMPIAD: Protection against feeders. Now everyone can be a hero, while having only one character. The system is designed in such way so the Hero title will be given to players who deserved it! Olympiad period - 1 month Implemented protection from the dual boxes, a 1 character from 1 computer at a time. (You can not register for the Olympics at the same time with two or more characters). CLAN HALLS: The minimum bid for the purchase of the clan hall is increased by 10 times, Payment of rent clan halls increased 10 times, The first auction will take place on 10th May at 22:00 (+4 GMT), Clan hall can be bidded by clans who reached level 8. The maximum bid for Clan Halls: 999,999,999 Adena CASTLE AND CH SIEGES: The first siege will be held May 12 and 13 Sieges are held every week on Saturday and Sunday MARKET: Prohibited sale near GK in all cities Trade zones are included in Giran and Aden (released the main lines of traffic) A detailed description of the offline trade EVENTS: Avtoeventy created by NCSOFT Tournaments "Gods of the Arena" (System TvT) Copyright contests and promotions, with the active participation of users receive bonuses Bonuses for voting (l2top & mmotop). As a bonus you get Voting Crystal. UNIVERSAL IN-GAME MENU: Set of commands in the chat . menu: Enable / Disable the learning experience Remaining Timer for time items Enable / Disable receive private messages on the chat (also disables the ability to trade) Register for the tournament, "Gods of the Arena." You can do this during farming, after the tournament will finish you will be teleported back to the same place, Buy a Offline Shop Ticket Activate the offline shop CURRENCY: Adena chest - Chest of adena. Available two-way exchange adena <> 1 Adena chest. Tear of Devotion - Tears of Devotion, a reward for a donation to the server. Crystal Votive - Crystal reward for voting on the rating sites, as well as for active participation in community life. WEB PAGE: http://lineage.ru/ FORUM: http://forum.lineage.ru/ MORE INFO:http://forum.lineage.ru/showthread.php?t=14017&p=191516#post191516
  8. Is there any working bot on official servers from gameforge right now? (free one)
  9. while Aion went f2p, rubot should do the same ;)
  10. Hey, I am looking for a private server which I can run on gameforge client. I just want to test some classes before f2p will start, so I don't want to download new ncsoft client , just for few days :) If u know any priv which can run on GF client, let me know in here. Or mby u know how I can change that GF client to NA ncsoft. Thanks in advance!
  11. I play on x50. Any idea if any bot works there? xD Who else from here play there?:)
  12. 250 online and 80% mages , 10 % gladis, and rest. Top pvp players all are mages and gladys. Isn't it show which classes need to be fixed?
  13. only nukers and glads mean smth on pvp... other classes totally nerfed
  14. r u blind or what? here's the link: http://www66.zippyshare.com/v/86052560/file.html
  15. 60 online, bit low for such rates
  16. I was already spamming about balance since the server opened and I don't get even any answer about nukers issues.
  17. did u make balance? or still nukers hit trickster for 150? and dagger hit 6k bckstabs?
  18. players online?
  19. online 60+ and still growing ;)
  20. check their forums
  21. but are u sure the population will be bigger now?:)
  22. failed already? (website off)
  23. why u wiped it?
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