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Everything posted by heewit

  1. "Guys here you have the REG page : The patch : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=X3A63D2R " Everything is on forum... use search next time :)
  2. yeye server starts today ! hurra xD
  3. how long beta will take?
  4. stop flaming ;) server is pro in my opinion! Check other servers and compere it to l2trasure. There is one conclusion for it l2trasure>all
  5. blessed scrolls buyable in store?
  6. dont spam as well kid
  7. cant stand waiting xD
  8. anyway server is empty ;p
  9. now it look much better... and wonder why u changed it... no population imo ;p
  10. server = fail GM's = bigger fail xD
  11. l2treasure will be the best choice imo ;)
  12. custom = unbalance
  13. the donate is rly nice and it wont make donators OP
  14. i told u that server sux hard and gms are doing nothing instead of telling to players they do smth xD
  15. isnt it x500? if u want to make server retail like, lets make l2off and x50 rates
  16. yea and broken database with rollback haha
  17. loled with this retail buff u should change rate for x5... Imagine mass pvp and each of pt member going for buff to town... gg
  18. fail server ;) like all HR these days ;)
  19. great feature :) i love your ideas:)
  20. haha atm online = 1 and its not online any more;p
  21. u should be sory for that u made lol server with 100% offline
  22. I agree with Asiaaa with 100%.
  23. dager in ic set OP as hell, 50+ online , some things to fix
  24. I have this error each time i wana try to log in: Can't find 'intUUIScriptexecGetServerType' in 'NWindow.dll' History: UPackage::GetDllExport <- UFunction::Bind <- UField::PostLoad <- UStruct::PostLoad <- UFunction::PostLoad <- UObject::ConditionalPostLoad <- (Function NWindow.UIScript.GetServerType) <- PostLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::LoadPackage <- NCFrameWnd::NCFrameWnd <- XMLWindowData::Create <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindows <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindows <- NConsoleWnd::InitializeXMLUI <- NConsoleWnd::Initialize <- NConsoleWnd::Init <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine
  25. fail again?
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