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Everything posted by dEvilKinG

  1. It's stops being a game when it brings some income to you. It's an investment. And since you got a team you can split the amount with the other members as good.
  2. I wouldn't give full access to my computer to someone for 1$ he can use it for anything illegal. :-)
  3. What trusted means in this case? I never told he has the intention to scam anyone. The point is he ask someone else to invest in his place and if things will be good he will get his money back plus some fee, what if the project fails? The investor loses his money. But really, it's ridiculous. If there's a team of 4 members they can gather a badget to setup anyserver. If they can't get the needed amount when they are a team, how do they wait someone stranger, himself alone, pay for their shit? Good luck finding a "Sponsor", altho i doubt anyone will do this. P.S. People like me achieve things, and I'm not trolling or anything.
  4. You got a team and you can't afford renting a machine? How old are you? 14?
  5. Advext64 is offering a Highfive extender, dunno about quality you should contact them.
  6. I have seen many bugless perfect low rates. Most of the time it's the lack of players.
  7. Server seems cool old school. With some decent advertisment it can't fail. It's all about advertisment. If you do it correctly you won't fail.
  8. Google: Dedicated server for gameservers, ddos protections, european hostings. Το google ειναι διπλα σου :-)
  9. Good luck, Altho you're maybe gonna have issues about copyrights, i mean because of the domain name.
  10. It's obviously l2j.. dont advertise fake info.
  11. another wannabe mod. ontopic: welcome
  12. Φιλε βλεπεις πολυ youtube και διαβάζεις συνομοσιολογιες παραπάνω απ'οτι πρέπει, καλυτερα να διαβάσεις λιγο για το σχολειο σου μπας και καταφερεις τιποτα στην ζωη σου, ισως και να αποδείξεις οτι ειχες δικιο σε αυτα που πιστευες.
  13. Actually he needs acis missing quests ^_^
  14. You don't know what my knowledge is and what i've done but i know what's yours. Since you're telling ddos protection only for l2. It seems you know nothing about ddos.
  15. Seriously, what's the problem? I'm giving facts about internet protocols with no personal involvement. They are protocols that you don't know how they work and tho you're selling protection for them.
  16. It's not like this. It's a shame staffers do not care about their members, maxcheaters became a place of scammers over the last couple years. I can agree that there are dumb people who fell of the first obvious scammer, but we shouldn't congrats scammers for finding dumb people/kids. Anyway, if you don't like this thread you can simply keep silent. You are not forced to answer everything and above everything don't act tocooltobecomeasmartass.. No offense, no hard feelings Unfortunately we never had anything on acis forums. I barely remember you on acis. I have nothing personal with you, I'm just telling how things work.
  17. Justice, seriously, you can see this answer. It's obvious he can't protect anything. If you know the basics of TCP/Syn/UDP protocols or have logical mind you can see he is saying shit. I will explain it the way i would i explain it to kids. You are in cinema, the door is capable to pass through 3 people at the same time, if there is a massive "attack" there still the door is capable to pass 3 people at a time. This is what ddos does, blocking your "door", NOT PORT, you can attack any port open/closed, the target is to close the network gateway not the port itself. So even if he filters the packets it's done after the network gateway aka router, it doesn't matter if the connections reach the computer, his network is full. Thats why hardware firewalls are placed before routers. :-) Happy judging, this guy doesn't know anything of tcp/udp/syn protocols.
  18. Seriously, it's a pointless topic. It's like asking a vegeterian "Meet or salad?". You're on a gaming forum that's focused on Lineage II mostly, so what would you expect? I bet most of people that voted for lineage never played World of warcraft or any other RPG game.
  19. What's up with this "acis" [tag]? You think that you'll attract more people? You're wrong. First of all you're not customer nor inner circle, you're using an outdated of at least 10 revisions pack, (now it's been 13 revs) when for other projects 10 revs would be nothing, on acis 10 revs mean hundreds or thousands lines of code modifications,fixes,implementions. On the other hand you got no knowledge, because if you had you would be in inner circle or at least sharing/helping/answering/orwhatever. Also what about this? On L2Victirious (which is another server using our files), trying to make people leave the server to make them join yours. If the other server is *fail* (when calling a server a failure, it means it's messed up with bugs,corrupted staff, crappy events/features.) the same applies to your, since you're using the same pack as a base. You would ask me why did i reply on your thread. First of all you're distributing fake information about the pack. # All skills working # - Seriously? Not even l2off has full skills working as they should.. Secondly i don't like people who "piss on others work" in order to show off. Well, that's enough. You're just a kid after all, you wouldn't understand. Also, as a matter of fact, your server is a failure. You got nothing new, nothing unique. Every feature that's included in yours exists on every other same type of server. Have a good day.
  20. ταμειο ακομη μια φορα. Για σημερα (3/5) Σαλκε χ/2 Μπορντο 2 Και καλο ταμειο
  21. paste a sample here of both tables with column names and i will explain it to you.
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