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Everything posted by XoDD

  1. only a douche bag would fall for it
  2. Could someone pm me and help me? dont know how to connect to my private server lineage2revolt
  3. last time i was on l2pride which was couple of month ago they never had 20+ max it ws 16 then they made it +10 i do not believe this person has +20 gear. and the gear isnt hard to get it takes maybe 1 full day on PI doing a few of the quests and farmign with a tyrant not hard VERY VERY EASY i made aprox 1m in serveral days and got the pride gear in the following week and enchanted skills
  4. well i just quit l2 i have nothing of lineage 2 anymore its all about aion for me Wc3ft eXteel and black shot
  5. It doesnt work on all servers but majority of em work. but does the stats stack when u glitch it? because i never tried that.
  6. PlayerVibe.com they changed the forums so GL finding your way around cuz i cant. they are making a 7x server now aswell
  7. Alright im selling a som +15 DC robe set and a bunch of A grade armor and weapons unsealed so u dont need to hassle with that i have Majestic Nightmare Darkcrystal heavy but missing some helms ill sell em cheap also selling IMP shield the server is 10x so :) and also im selling a buff station aprox 3 of them for maybe 100 CND they are naked in Cgrade weapons Sa'ed to fit the appriote situtation. pm me if u want to buy them
  8. im glad u like my bug i found but isnt it jsut an asc bug?
  9. u have the pwoer to move it i tihnk sinc eu donated
  10. wron section, and screw hp you got mad hp and m.def get damage so +dex and +str so +4str +4 dex
  11. On the past few servers i have been on these are the bugs i have found on gracia final This will also help all new GM on the server Foundation armor is bugged doesnt give the orgional bonus + the foundation bonus Sa weapons on vesper attribute crystals on vesper armor attribute stones on dynasty i HOPE this will help people with their servers
  12. Well i got banned on that account this is my new one i really like it that u guys enjoy this bug if u dont believe me that it is my account.. tried to get it unbanned but everyone hates me :( i did like the -5 karma tho ^.^
  13. he means a raidboss that is 10 levels higher then u
  14. thats crazy i have to give u guys props for like making all that must of taken years!!! il try it as soon as i can
  15. i need help with it i tried this wya but i think i did something wrong any one can help? cuz when i load l2net it gives me some error >.>
  16. it some times works it works sometimes for me but not always i can swim for like half way then i run slow agian
  17. it works on final it's just that yout server blocked it
  18. Ok i some what get it so like 100x of a certain item then what? i need like a play by play
  19. grr i cant do it i feel so handi cap
  20. sweetness but i can run some 3rd party progs alrdy always help ful hehe ^.^ But how do u ppl make these files!!!
  21. yeah i have no clue what u said il read over until i understand it and phear3d has made a method to bypass it im going to try that thank you for your great help i appreciate your magnificent help MVP 1nsanity
  22. Didnt they removed this like in interlude that return damge doesnt work on raids?
  23. So far i was only able to Re buy the items i already bought which is easting more of my money and i can change day into night vice versa dunno how to enchant still i tihnk like i need the codes for it ibuy a weapon and a enchant i have bboth codes what nexted?
  24. Ok tested didnt work for me i udnerstand the packets part but likke how do i find the packets or "code" of a certain weapon i want? so i need the packets of the weapon i want and the enchant scroll how do i get those? and what do i do? ROFL I TEST A FEW THINGS AND I AS ABLE TO CHANGE DAY TO NIGHT VICEVERSA!! pretty cool but not what i wanted! :/
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