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Everything posted by XoDD

  1. Ok i understand it i got it to like the 6th and 7th step and i am lost... what do i do nexted O.O convert what can u show me the "code" or soemthing to convert possible do it with an example u know what i mean so others can understand very well becuase we all know we all learn from examples xD
  2. Great Guide Imma try and see if i can understand it ^.^
  3. Just so u all know there is an Aion server out already hosted by a lineage2 server it's a private server i cant remember the link but if u search hard enough u can find it!
  4. I've tried looking for guides but seems the he remade the newest version or something and yes i am new trying to figure out how to work it i SLIGHTY GOT IT under processes i got l2.exe to show up i injected.dll i opened my l2 cliente and logged in obviously l2.phx first then l2 i put hte files in just trying to figure out how atm check for guides but i still dont understand il REALLY NEWB to this!
  5. It's awesome if you or someone can add a video on how to work it uz i got the thing and all but i cant ge the packets and such :/
  6. AWESOME thank oyu <3 but now i need to find out how to use this version >.< anyone like to help me?
  7. nice but whats IG and oog stand fior?
  8. um can someone like help me use phx cuz i dont know how >.< and i'd love to have some help!!
  9. lol the man is just spamming everyone does this and also do that and have like a pet summoned and pick up aswel
  10. hahahaha best works wren ppl offline and doesnt work on HB+
  11. rofl it's so simple i cant believe i never thought of this ILY<3
  12. awesome for spamming summoning cp pots
  13. lloll i didnt even understand what he said...
  14. ok yet i got it but i cant like u know really understand it can someone make me a guide for stomthing and be very precise
  15. ok thanks ill keep for referance i dont got enouhg posts
  16. I'VE TRIED TO SEARCH FRO GUIDES BUT I dunno how to do it lol so i jsut gave up......
  17. lol same here it's so frekaing shiit
  18. man when iw as younger i fell for this retarded trick lost SOV +5 acumen...
  19. how do u use ingame walker? ive used phaered and the l2walker 2.13 and i have no lcu what to do to connect to a server with walker the closest i got was to view the HP but i cannot make it auto cast spells on nearby monsters
  20. Ok thanks bro!
  21. ok thanks ^.^ is there an existing one for final?
  22. um does this work for gracia final no one has answered my quesiton please answer and make a guide on how to make it work cuz im new to this :/
  23. Help me please
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