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Everything posted by dimco

  1. oh yeah he was awesome! rock-boy:P
  2. i hope juliet is not dead... <3 elizabeth mitchell
  3. actually you used many colors and its too much background is much different that gonidis, you should use grey-black and little blue (my opinion ofc) but i like your text 6.5/10
  4. tpt agori m, na se kala g ta kala s logia:D
  5. signatures are different than fixing pictures:S
  6. ok im gona searh for new texts
  7. hello guyz, i tried to make signatures alone without reading any kind of guide i know its not good but i want your opinion as my first work first: second:
  8. system t tragoudi pos legete re?
  9. they added some photo from ps where is the difficult?
  10. Hello guyz, here is a tutorial about how to make a gravestone 1. Make a new document with the resolution 600?450 2. use Paint Bucket Tool and use color grey and paint it grey 3. now go Filter > Texture > Texturizer and press OK 4. now go Filter > Noise > Add Noise and press OK 5. now go Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen 6. now copy this: and paste it 7. now add Hard Light and fix the Opacity and it will become like this: 8. now go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects and a new box will appear and fix it as im doing here: and hit okOK it will become like this: 9. now use Horizontal Type Tool and write something like this: you may need this symbol: † also you have to use Multiply 10. now go to Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options... and select Bevel and Embleess then Texture and hit ok ok as you did it now you are rdy to make your own real gravestone (start from step 8 ) Hope you like, i know, this isnt what you're expexted but its my try Credits to me and my friend kostas
  11. yes its a island on north-east of greece
  12. [GR] kaliteri paralia? ego ime tipos ts polis...
  13. it appears the same size:S Edited: ok i found it, i had to zoom in
  14. what is this tut? no link for download, no infos, just a photo and credits?
  15. Durex: avatar 9/10 aekara ftw sig 2/10
  16. s stelno s pm kati links p vrika st internet k lene pos douleui s win 7
  17. lol? mipos st windows 7 dn boris na tre3is portable?:S
  18. vrm na t kateuazo:P t error s vgazi?
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