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Everything posted by dimco

  1. devil4 ine 3anadokimase, bori na exis caps on
  2. ok thx:D kateuase k auto, dn exis tpt na xasis, ine poli mikro arxio
  3. st board t ps o seeya ekane share m kati dika t texts, ego boro na t peraso auta?
  4. kane search st maxhackers.com k grapse " [MU] Adobe Photoshop CS4 Portable (No activation" ego auto douleuo
  5. gmt efaga ban:( tespa, na kano mia erotisi, exo PS cs 4, boro na peraso dikam text mesa?
  6. 1. try your ways and then try my way and check which one is better:D 2. i didnt say anything like that, i just said that my way is "better"
  7. BG=? its fast made but its ok her hair but if you spend more time then her hair would be realistic
  8. 1. shiny teeth obviously that they're fake 2. you can not use sponge everytime you want, it depends from the lighting in your picture so my guide is better cuz you can make them as you want :D
  9. http://www.l2.hopzone.net :D you can find your server you want or http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0
  10. nimizo pos ine gamato topic auto, tespa MrAderson=PowerRangerBoy
  11. dodge tool makes it shiny but with this tutorial you make 'em white ;)
  12. o yeah but i fu.cked it alittle bit cuz i wanted to make it really fast and share it here
  13. mpa apo mousiki mono metal rock gothic k tetia, an k tr p t skeutome m ir9e ena tragoudi, beno k kano post, elpizo na t dis t tragoudi m, exi foverous stixous
  14. pano st xili m, iparxoun ta dika s pano st kormi s, iparxi t aggigma m mesa st mialo m, iparxi i morfi s mesa stn kardia m, iparxi i diki s m exi fai i kapsoura k 3enixtisa k apopse...
  15. ela mila m tn 9eo http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/main.html
  16. x0a0x0xa0 LoL i made a video, for prof that this tut is mine(you know the reason) and im uploading now on youtube, 2h remaining:S
  17. Here is a tutorial about how to change a background, its pretty easy and useful It would be awesome a pictures of you and something beutiful behind of you, like a beach or Paris or a place that you like Anyway, lets start! 1. we will need two layers, in one layer we need the Background and to other Layer we will need a photo of a person 2. now go to Channels and select the Blue 'cause its the most darkest of other colors(red and green) 3. now Right Click on the blue and select Duplicate Channel and it will appear a copy of Blue 4. now go Image > Apply Image and now go to Blending and choose Color Burn and press ok 5. now go to Image > Adjustments > Curves it will apperar a new box and now we have to make black-darker and white-lighter and then click ok 6. now take the Pen Tool end select ONLY the face of the girl! do not touch her hair!!! 7.now press Right Click > Make Selection > OK Now take the Brush Tool and make sure your color is Black and draw her face with black! 8. go to channels and select these: and then press Ctrl and Click on Blue Copy and the photo will become like this: 9. now go to Layers then make sure you got both eyes on and then press Add Layer Mask and it will become like this: 10 now you will see that her hair is "white" in corners from the lights, now we have to fix it... Open a new layer, the new layer must be between the Background and the woman's photo now select the Eyedropper and take a color of her hair and now choose the Brush Tool and then, draw her hair's corners and play with Opacity WE ARE DONE!! VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RendIMXyAAg it took me 8h to upload it!!! Credits: to me
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