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About Rex0p

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    All we are is dust in wind.

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  1. Is it dead already?anyone knows?
  2. Everything sold to @Doomzday,A mod can close the thread
  3. Hello,what im willing to sell: SK 56 with doom heavy,c dagger with othel lvl 2,also has arround 20 scrolls 50% for XP http://prntscr.com/n8kawq ES 47with karmian c staff and arround 30 scrolls 50% for xphttp://prntscr.com/n8kb0h PP 55 with haste-dw learned and gmight gshield rdy for 58,also arround 20ish 50% xp scrolls http://prntscr.com/n8kaov Spoiler 50 BD 58 with 20ish 50% xp scrolls http://prntscr.com/n8kber SE 52 with stigma learned and also xp scrolls http://prntscr.com/n8kbme WC 53 has chant of rage and chant of vampire,missing chant of movement and also has some scrolls for xp 50% http://prntscr.com/n8kd8o WARLORD 48 also has xp scrolls http://prntscr.com/n8kcf7 SWS 58 also has xp scrolls http://prntscr.com/n8kcjs TK 54 also has xp scrolls http://prntscr.com/n8kcpc I'd like to sell them all as a package really cheap but i dont mind selling just one.
  4. hello are you still interested?
  5. hello are you still interested?
  6. i had bd arround 59 before quitting i think,are you still interested?
  7. Is this server still alive running c4 and ppl playing there?free bump :p
  8. WTS TITAN 80 Glad noblesse subs WL/sagi/titan spoiler noblesse subs titan/sagi/summoner 56 bd 78 sws 78 wc 78 cardinal 78 Also a lot of sets,IC SET-TALLUM HEAVY-MAJESTIC LIGHT-DC robe i sell all pretty cheap,pm me we can find a nice deal! thx in advance
  9. i need riot k9 nasus :)
  10. το φτιάξω εγώ μέσω teamviewer. dystixws file mou ston server p paizw dn douleuei kanena bot :(
  11. 8a mporouse kapoios na m dwsei script gia archer p na kanei auto hits ,rapid shot ka8e 19 lepta kai na vazei hp kai mp pots?prospa8w na to ftia3w toso kairo kai spammarei MP potion synexeia dn 3erw gt....(gia l2 net script)
  12. what are u talking about?i never advertisted anything through l2mxc server.maybe another people did and i dont agree with that if it happened.i just tried to advertise this server throught this forum and not throught another l2 server....and they keep deleting my topics
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