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Everything posted by Seamless

  1. i think its not template :P is something like exe looks like actually!
  2. Ola auta mporoun na doulepsoun kai se enan java server. To na trexeis l2official einai paranomo dioti ta arxeia einai klemena
  3. apagoreuete na trexoun l2 official server
  4. im not judge you or something but you can tell the truth about home server.Anyway good luck with you server online time :)
  5. are you dump or something :P let me guess you are 16 years old you are just know how to add buffer your speed net is 2 mbps upload.And why im going play to a server witch going to close in 2 weeks? juset check maxcheaters private servers and you will understand what i mean.85% of the servers are closed.
  6. i really love your website :D And server is damn good too
  7. Are you kinding me or something come on ucoz site s server with buffs 20 min and 1 hour enchants at full +360.And "my connection is not very good but is not home server" here i thing your dedicated is located at pakistan thats why? just face the trutth and stop call your selfs developers administrators and all this sh*ts ;) anyway gl!
  8. vazeis ta stoixeia ths database tou server sto php kai auto mpenei sthn database pernei auta ta stoixeia p to exeis programatisei na pernei kai ta emfanizei sthn selida
  9. happy happy easter and happy new year!
  10. gia to wall shot einai na baleis geodata ama baleis geodata eisai ok me to wallshot!
  11. ta guard mou fenete den eimai sigouros oti bgenoun me to pou 3ikinisi to siege! afto to tsekares na fadasto ?
  12. oxi apo to community board ta pm douleuoun kanonika! otan akoma kai na einai online o allos patame "name text kai mden mas bgazei tipota alla apo to community ola einai ok !! kamia idea ?
  13. to exoume se gracia final to thema mas einai den theloume na to kanoume udapte se epilogue! ama kanoume update xanoume kai ta java mod! apla theloume na 3eroume an yparxei kapoia lysi peri autou to problimatos!
  14. Epic fail! L2 java with x5 rates!Website from webs and the last one yes the name hooligans!
  15. Zito 1000 sygnomi gia to double post! apla tha ithela esto mia apadisi apo kapoion eidiko developer gia to ti mporo na kano! esto oti 3erete re guys come on! Euxaristo!
  16. dows anyone know from greece where i can found that sound when we add it to song and goes like "MYKONOOOOS" if you have go there you know what i mean :P
  17. re pedia xrisimopoio l2 java compile pack.Me to pou ekana tin egatastasi tou apo tin arxi kiolas to personal message den douleuei.ennoo oti molis patao to " gia na bgei to onoma kai na grayo den kanei tipota den stelnei.mono apo commnity board mporo na steilo kai einai kai zori! Kamia idea gia to pos tha epilithei to provlima ? Euxaristo
  18. i think is like dragonhunter's l2j attacker is nothing else than a ddos ping programme.Epic fail and is illegal too. oh by the way i propably buy this shit for 50 cent no 50 euros lol.You thing that we are dump ?:P
  19. really great server! and fantastic website :)
  20. no its not only that but i want to know if a official server is illegal. Where some1 find the files from official and how it get them. :S?
  21. Epidi den 3eroume oloi apo linux mporeis na gineis ligo poio sigekrimenos sto ti xrisimeuei afto ?
  22. How someone find l2 official files :S? wtf how they do that?
  23. gia poio logo einai sigekrimena gia ucoz ?:P diladi ama thelo na to balo allou den tha mpenei h i ucoz pernei mono auta ta template lol :P
  24. its the same link but i dont know why someone else post it again anyway the original one is add also at mxc private servers!
  25. Someone delete this topic this server is allready exist and posted by me! The original one!
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