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Everything posted by Zorr0

  1. server looks nice but need fix the lag and downtime...
  2. dont work in my server :S
  3. i think its good strategy . :S
  4. Index of / Name Last modified Size Description [DIR] Parent Directory 10-Dec-2008 06:28 - [DIR] _private/ 09-Aug-2008 13:41 - [DIR] _vti_bin/ 15-Oct-2008 11:32 - [DIR] _vti_cnf/ 06-Aug-2008 14:12 - [DIR] _vti_log/ 06-Aug-2008 14:12 - [DIR] _vti_pvt/ 06-Aug-2008 14:12 - [DIR] _vti_txt/ 06-Aug-2008 14:12 - [DIR] cgi-bin/ 06-Aug-2008 13:53 - [DIR] css/ 12-Aug-2008 16:44 - [DIR] des/ 07-Dec-2008 14:51 - [DIR] devs-spot/ 13-Nov-2008 15:34 - [DIR] flash/ 08-Nov-2008 14:53 - [DIR] forum/ 09-Dec-2008 02:37 - [DIR] gve/ 10-Dec-2008 06:19 -
  5. looks nice , how many ppl in? :)
  6. http://www.linebastards.com/siteicons/linebastardshostchanger.zip here u have the hgots instructions inside :D
  7. This is a cool server , whit small but active and growining community, and gms work it on it all the time, just check it !!! info: HIGH RATE SERVER WELCOME TO LINEBASTARDS GRACIA CT2 PART 2 LINEBASTARD SERVER X5000 STARTED ON 14.11.2008 Server rates: Xp 5000 | Sp 5000 | Adena 5000 | Items 5 | Spoil 50 Server features: * Gracia part 2 stable server L2JFREE VER 1.2.4 * Completed Interlude / Kamael skills * Custom Shops * Custom Shop with full Kamael weapons / armors * Custom Telleporter with Hellbound Zones * Official SubClass System ( 3 subs ) * Geodata server: quality geodata + pathnode active on all areas * Class Manager in towns * Fishing system working * Olympiad system - starting from 18:00 - 22:00 * Auto learn skills, skills can be enchanted * Max enchant weapon +50 rate of succes is 75%, safe till +20 * Max enchant armor +50 rate of succes 75% , safe till +20 * Blessed Scroll of Enchant weapon rate of succes is 85% * Clan Hall working * Player spawn protection 60 seconds, newbie till lvl 40 * Wedding System players take bow * npc buffer * Custom zones * Buffer-9 hour buff time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants * Maximum level is 85 subclass 80 * Augmenter in every town whit full items on sale * Nobless Manager * Nobless / Hero / Olympiad system working * NPC Bank - exchange money * All skills enchanter * Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, GM events daily * And many more new features. LOW RATE SERVER WELCOME TO LINEBASTARDS GRACIA CT2 PART 2 LINEBASTARD SERVER X10 STARTED ON 14.11.2008 Server rates: Xp 10 | Sp 15 | Adena 25 | Items 10 | Spoil 12 * Gracia part 2 stable server L2JFREE VER 1.2.4 * Completed Interlude / Kamael skills * Official SubClass System ( 3 subs ) * Geodata server: quality geodata + pathnode active on all areas * Class Manager in towns * Fishing system working * Olympiad system - starting from 18:00 - 22:00 * Max enchant weapon +16 rate of succes is 75%, safe till +4 * Max enchant armor +16 rate of succes 75% , safe till +4 * Blessed Scroll of Enchant weapon rate of succes is 85% * Clan Hall working * Player spawn protection 60 seconds, newbie till lvl 40 * Wedding System players take bow * Maximum level is 85 subclass 80 * Nobless / Hero / Olympiad system working * Team vs Team, Capture the Flag, GM events daily * And many more new features. www.linebastards.com
  8. HE foreva. BTW: +4 SRT -4 con + 4 dex -4 con its too much? ( whit antharas and zaken) ty and sry off topic :D
  9. same for me ;_;
  10. roger :D downloading ^_^
  11. damn looks so nice , and good graphics :D
  12. the space era its rly bad...
  13. was good like 4 years ago , ty anyway =P
  14. i will try it on oly :D
  15. mm rare but i can try it... sure take 3 years kill a rb on this way =P
  16. :O maybe help me tanks ;)
  17. i just said to new players go log and check the custum stuff. i only can said the server whit custom shit.... its make to unbalance the server.
  18. O rly Balance??? no dynasty pfff for what u whant dynasty when have some "custom" items how give u +20% matack or +50% patack or +20% critical damage??? sure its balanced. BTW : im 100% sure about 90% of this items ar rly fuking hard to get , and easy to get via donation. play it.
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