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Everything posted by LauQ

  1. try one of these: Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/343586281/UE2Runtime-22261903.exe 4Shared: http://www.4shared.com/file/211677593/2760ac10/UE2Runtime-22261903.html
  2. Can't believe I said this, jeez ~~ didn't even say my 'best champion' A lot of champions are quite good, it mostly depends on the player skills and experience with the champion. Don't have prejudice about champions you don't know, like I have in the quote... My best champion is Malzahar; never gets boring and played most games with. Now he gets banned a lot on EU for some reason though; QQOPnerfplx Start with Mana crystal and 2xpots most of the time Or with Doran's ring if I'm superior in the lane Or with boots and 3xpots if I have to dodge a lot of skillshots (Urgot, Ezreal) -> get Catalyst -> Sorcerer boots -> get Deathcap -> Finish banshees -> Void staff -> eh.. Zhonya's is quite ok Stay away from Rylai's and RoA on Malz; you don't have any escapes, and the few hundred more HP you get, for the huge amount of gold, is not going to save you when you get focused. Flash+Ghost always.
  3. LauQ

    what up?

    Yo ppl, How you been? I haven't been on Maxcheaters at all for the past half-whole year; was a bit done with frickin client modding, got a bit on my nerves with ppl paying me and requesting weird shit. Beside that my hotmail on which I had some contact spammed out a bit, so I just put me off of it, maxcheaters in general. Also studying got alot more busy. Got quite a bit into lol, which is pretty lol. Might be getting into retail L2, which is unexpectedly pretty cool. Was mostly just curious to what happened the time I was gone. Like; how's the l2 client mod scene now? I know it was pretty dead when I left (there was no mod at all for it lol) How's the popularity? More sections, new mods? How's the activity? Like contests or big changing things? There are some things I've noticed: new skin of course (QQ miss the old orange), some new features n shit, CriticalError got client mod finally ~~ gratz with that bro. But I probably missed a lot. Not sure about my plans yet, if you got ideas; please let me know. I had some thoughts on getting back in l2 client modding (the new tool is pretty neat), and if I do I'll only make public stuff, and no stuff for private ppl for money and such, don't need money, mostly don't need stress. Perhaps I'm going to do more photoshop, perhaps I'm gonna start a L2 server lol (highly unlikely). I'll sure check in from time to time. Regards, LauQ
  4. LauQ

    what up?

    Yo ppl, How you been? I haven't been on Maxcheaters at all for the past half-whole year; was a bit done with frickin client modding, got a bit on my nerves with ppl paying me and requesting weird shit. Beside that my hotmail on which I had some contact spammed out a bit, so I just put me off of it, maxcheaters in general. Also studying got alot more busy. Got quite a bit into lol, which is pretty lol. Might be getting into retail L2, which is unexpectedly pretty cool. Was mostly just curious to what happened the time I was gone. Like; how's the l2 client mod scene now? I know it was pretty dead when I left (there was no mod at all for it lol) How's the popularity? More sections, new mods? How's the activity? Like contests or big changing things? There are some things I've noticed: new skin of course (QQ miss the old orange), some new features n shit, CriticalError got client mod finally ~~ gratz with that bro. But I probably missed a lot. Not sure about my plans yet, if you got ideas; please let me know. I had some thoughts on getting back in l2 client modding (the new tool is pretty neat), and if I do I'll only make public stuff, and no stuff for private ppl for money and such, don't need money, mostly don't need stress. Perhaps I'm going to do more photoshop, perhaps I'm gonna start a L2 server lol (highly unlikely). I'll sure check in from time to time. Regards, LauQ
  5. Looks like a pretty neat tool. Thanks for the guide Michaeltje uit België ;)
  6. Looks like a pretty neat tool. Thanks for the guide Michaeltje uit België ;)
  7. Modding battle 2? there was a 1? Anyway...
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=184745.0 Not a client mod. So for the [share] Lineage II Develop [L2J Server].
  9. I can't see well from the screen, but you can see from my vid here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=100529.0 Anyway, thanks for sharing, perhaps you can try other soulshot effects, because there are many many more :)
  10. Try this --> http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=4984.0 Else try search yourself (in this section, you search for "duals how to" or "duals guide" something like that) If it's still too hard I'll try to explain...
  11. Heimy is frickin awesome
  12. I lost once to a dps Janna: Infinity edge, Guisoo's rageblade, Nashor's tooth... whut? I think the Katarina is worse :p infi edge, black cleaver.... woops didn't saw the other xin. Amazing
  13. This error means there's something wrong with the model. This usually happens when you make the model in Unreal editor, because it's not compatible to L2. I suggest trying different versions of OAUKX, and try different ways to export as .obj. You do have custom models of, for example, weapons? or made other things with OAUKX before that did work in L2? Good luck and if it still doesnt work: next week Im a little busy but next weekend or so I might be able to help (if you want)
  14. Just 1 malady? I think with 2-3 is best
  15. 100% nowadays 100% stronger, uh...; it adds your total Ability Power to the physical damage of a basic attack after you cast a spell (effect has a 3 second cooldown), so ye that's mostly a shitload of damage with a Mark. Anyway, nice guide. My friend should try this :) he bought akali and doesn't go very well with her...
  16. lol @ that Katarina copies teemo's build xD
  17. My friend always says, Ashe needs only two items: 3 boots (Boots of Switftness) and an Infinity edge. Most Ashe's then build Brutalizer. The rest of the build depends on your opponents. You might want lifesteal if you need to fight against other ranged carries, like Miss fortune, Twitch, Tristana. Against Melee opponents you just have to kite (keep hitting them while walking away (or towards if they are fleeing), so they can't hit you because of your 3 boots and your slow arrows) or(/and) hide behind your tanks. Conclusion: I agree with your mate; don't focus on lifesteal with ashe :)
  18. When you open musicinfo.dat, you see one column with the tile names, for example: T19_14 and next to it a column with a song name: T19_14 NT_Giran But in some tiles, there are more songs that they can vary with: T19_14 b08_a b09_a b08_b Well, it might not be how you exactly want, but at least it's a sort of mix of different music. If you really want some song, then another, then another, try what is suggested by flamdring and CE (putting multiple songs into 1 song, and making that a .ogg etc. (read the guide, or search other guides)) Good luck
  19. check the way you export your .obj (if the settings are correct with how I put it in the guide, and in some of my vids) and try what CriticalError suggested
  20. probably ye. You can also check the encryption by opening it with Notepad. You can also try opening it with UTPT (perhaps with UTXfixer from L2wh)
  21. Source: http://eu.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=61130&page=4 I not entirely agree with this guy; not for the Creeping Death part: I think that's quite a boost, but for the rest I kind of agree with him. You see what the problem was: Mordekaisers building Warmonger's and Force of Nature, and still dealing imba damage, just killing people. Now it's more like: You either go Tank build, which will allow you to tank: shield others, get your Iron Man up, and finish someone off with your ulti (a bit like Garen you could say), Or you go AP build, might be viable now, with all the ratio's increased. But if you'd go that way, you're just a little bit tanky, you can't take as much as Tank Mordekaiser. At least this is how I THINK of it, I haven't tried it, he might just still be strong. You also realise he wasn't played a bit at high ELO? Only low and perhaps mid, because ppl didn't know what to do with him. I think he will be sort of an AP version of Garen; still very tanky, you could go for full power, or Tank, and is able to finish off.
  22. Or a Tornado, or a Volcano, or an Earthquake, or a Thunderstorm stuff Seeing that shit happen with this engine... But perhaps you're right, but then I'm not so interested =)
  23. Well this is only a demonstration of the engines capabilities, not really gameplay footage It also reminded me a bit of Populous: the beginning :) very classic RTS; I hope it will be something like that
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