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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. -.-' You can use it for L2J too. All geodatas/pathnodes work in any client.Just to make some changes first.
  2. Do not use preconfigured packs. Compile L2J Archid's one. http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/L2Archid/
  3. You are not modifying the original string. What happens is that you create a new String object with the expression "n" + str, and you assign that new String object to the variable str. The old String object that str was referring to is discarded. Class String is indeed immutable, which means that the content of a String object cannot be modified after it has been created. But ofcourse you can make variables of type String refer to a different String object. And btw , String str = Your string. tb ( just see your edit ) = your string has been changed. PS : If you don't understand something , do not hesitate to ask me.
  4. Restrict sta skills pou eftiaxes. Arkei na thimase ta id's tous ^^
  5. Oriste . Perna auth thn buffer kai tha eisai mia xara. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78189.0 Oute mp tha xalane , oute lag tha exeis , oute tha blepeis tous players na kanoun ta buffs. Einai h kaluterh buffer gia mena . Mias kai einai ftiagmeni apo java side. Loipon , dothikan polles apantiseis sto problima sou. Request to lock.
  6. Auto den ginetai na to ftiaxeis para mono na kaneis edit to core. Anyway , kai oi 2 tropoi gemizan to mp tou kathe pexti.
  7. Exeis kanei ena reply me enan tropo pou den ginetai sinithos . Isos kai na min tou doulepsei. Stin sinexeia kaneis quote me to idio reply. Meta les ' ti pack exeis ' ? .. Auta mporouses na ta kaneis modify se ena post. Anyway , telos to spam . Froufrou , bale enan apo tous kodikes pou sou dosame sto init.py tis buffer sou kai tha eisai ok.
  8. Oti nane les . Request to lock. Stamatiste na spammarete me akira replies. H apantisi dothike . Den ginetai na pareis ta skills apo ena allo pack kai na ta baleis sto diko sou.
  9. H poli apla mporeis na baleis auto : st.getPlayer().restoreMP() Meta to kathe buff. @Apithanos , giati spammareis re boy ?
  10. Kai siga ta mp pou kaine otan kanoun buffs . E tote tha prepei na mioseis to mp pou xalane gia na kanoun buffs , an to thes etsi.
  11. It's okay to put it in your server but these symbols %@ etc are not accepted by the client . So you can't put them into your npc.
  12. Gameserver/data/stats/skills Bres ta xml arxeia pou periexoun ta buffs sou kai kane kane edit auth thn grammh : <table name="#mpConsume"> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 </table> Bale pantou 0 etsi opos sou ediksa.
  13. - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122218.0 Solved.
  14. - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=122218.0 Solved.
  15. Nope. Perimene gia to new client ^^ Request to lock , efoson den iparxei svn gia l2j free ct2.3
  16. Oriste ta projects ths L2J Free : http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/archive/ Tora douleuei se gracia epilogue , min perimeneis svn gia ct2.3 Ama psaksei tha to brei alla oute esy to blepeis ? Ok.
  17. Of course its possible. With java , you can do whatever you want . Just practice with some codes/methods and voila.
  18. Here is the html code : <tr><td width=90>Weapons :<td width=90>Armors :</td><td width=90>Misc :</td></tr> It will look like that : Weapons Armors Misc
  19. Do not use preconfigured packs. L2J Server SVN : www.l2jserver.com/svn - Core www.l2jdp.com/svn - Datapack If you don't know how to compile , search for a guide.
  20. Topic Undigger. - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=1268.0 - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=101665.0 - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=111017.0 - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=119877.0
  21. Mpes sto custom fakelo . Tha breis ton fakelo tis buffer sou kai kati alla npc's. Ekei pera exei ena __init.py__ . Ekei tha prostheseis to name tou fakelou tis buffer sou. Oriste etimo . __all__ = [ '3995_echo', '4000_ShadowWeapons', '6050_KetraOrcSupport', '6051_VarkaSilenosSupport', '7000_HeroItems', '8000_RaidbossInfo', '9999_NPCBuffer', ] print "" print "importing custom data ..." for name in __all__ : try : __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1) except: print "failed to import quest : ",name print "... done" print "" To problima tou pediou lithike. Request to lock.
  22. Shit = Noobish error. Also you must fix the L2J Attacker since a lot of kids using it.
  23. Sto __init.py__ exei olous tous fakelous pou kanei load. Esy apla tha baleis kai ton fakelo tou npc buffer sou . P.x 9999_NPCBuffer
  24. import sys from com.l2equal.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from java.util import Iterator from com.l2equal.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2equal import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2equal.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2equal.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2equal.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest Min ksexaseis na baleis kai to path tis buffer sou sto __init__.py
  25. Analogos to pack pou xrhsimopoieis. Pas kai kaneis edit ta imports apo to init.py tis buffers sou. H buffer i sigkekrimeni einai gia l2j archid ara tha exei imports : com.l2jarchid Esy apla tha ta kaneis com.l2equal. Prosoxi : Min baleis l2jequal , den tha sou doulepsei.
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