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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. Oriste. http://hotfile.com/dl/25040857/01e6911/CustomNPCPvP.rar.html Exei mesa : TOP PvP/PK/Adena/Noblesse/Clan An thes mono to top pvp/pk mporeis na kaneis delete ta alla :D
  2. Kanenan den exo kanei add. Einai kairos na mathete kai na min ta thelete ola etima. Eksalou gia auton ton logo ftiaxtike auto to board , gia na boithame autous pou den kseroun. Pes mou ti problima antimetopizeis sto compile tis L2J Free.
  3. H archid ena exei gia to core kai to datapack. H l2j exei dio . Apla ekei pou ebazes 1 svn tora tha kaneis add kai ta 2 links. Checkout to core prota afou kaneis add to proto svn kai meta to DP afou kaneis add to deutero svn.
  4. Kane restart to pc. Kleise firewall , anikse to no-ip programma sou mexri na kanei update tin no-ip address sou , checkare pali to l2.ini kai dokimase na beis ston server.
  5. Kai exeis ta imports se com.l2equal ... Ti na sou pw .. Dokimase na alakseis buffer bazontas ta idia imports. PS : Stamatiste epitelous auta ta packs , den aksizoun. H equal einai dead project , giati na xrhsimopoieis to pack tis?
  6. To project ths archid gia IL exei kleisei. Ta 2 auta links einai ths L2J , to core kai to datapack.
  7. Oriste. http://www.l2jserver.com/svn/branches/L2_GameServer_it/ http://www.l2jdp.com/svn/branches/IT_Datapack/
  8. To palio einai mia xara . Kai ego auto sou edosa. Bale to palio kai pes mou ti error exeis stin buffer.
  9. Woot :P You are requesting only sql files . Anyway here it is : UPDATE npc SET Serversidetitle='1' where Serversidetitle='0'; Waiting for other sql files ^^.
  10. E tote to problima einai sto quests fakelo.Gia kapoio logo to pack sou den kanei load ta quests. An eixes compiled pack , tha mporouses na to kaneis update kai tha eisoun mia xara. Tora pou xrhsimopoieis preconfigured , den mporeis na kaneis tipota..
  11. L2J Free SVN : http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/trunk/
  12. Pigene ston fakelo tis buffer sou sto init.py Alakse ta imports se com.l2equal Den pirazei :) Oloi kanoume lathi. Thanks.
  13. L2J Archid den xrhsimopoieis? Preconfigured pack ? Yphrxe problima se ena palio revision tous , gia auto se rotaw.
  14. Ola ta packs ginonte compile me Eclipse. H L2J Free ginetai compile me Maven.
  15. Oxi re min mperdeuese :) Auto iparxei sto arxeio mesa. Den einai to error pou exei. Alakse ta imports . O server sou den kanei load ta quests gia kapoio logo. Sinithismeno problima sta preconfigured packs.
  16. Poooooooo... Archid den eipes?? Tora to pires xampari? Anyway , kalo tha einai na xrhsimopoihseis L2J Free gia interlude. Kai tha xriasteis maven na kaneis to compile kai oxi eclipse.
  17. Oriste. http://www.gamershell.com/download_53076.shtml
  18. Okay auto itan . TELOS , ESY MAS KOROIDEVEIS. Min dianoithis na ksanaftiaxeis topic , tha se kanw report gia ban. Request to lock.
  19. Error sto gameserver tou bgazei oxi problima me tin criteria :)
  20. Xairomai pou ta kataferes telika :) Ax kai na kseres posa tetoia thanks exo akousei ... Anyway , oriste to guide : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64593.0 Afou den thes video.
  21. Ti error sou bgazei ? Anebase screenshot.
  22. Popo -.-' . Thes na sou doso to msn tou sX na sinenoithite ? Apo tin idia xora eiste kai nomizw pos exei paypal.
  23. Nai auto kaneis. Ta arxeia tou mmocore mesa sto gameserver.
  24. Den ftew egw gia auto . Bres kapion filo sou pou na kserei agglika esto liga kai ftiaxe paypal. Alla sou eipa an sou steilei email h eteria , den tha katalabeis tipota.
  25. You sure must learn how to explain your self. You must say it like that : Is there any way to delete or not allow players to create kamael chars? And not to Delete kamels from game or not to be in the list. Anyway , request to lock , your problem solved.
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