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Everything posted by Commodus

  1. Ta configs ta checkara einai ok.Klise to firewall kai ksanaanikse tis consoles. Prosoxi : Prepei na exeis anixto to no-ip programma kai h no-ip sou na einai updated.
  2. Oriste , afou den to exeis kanei akomi install : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105338.0
  3. Oxi. Bres kapion filo sou pou na exei paypal kai pes tou. Den se kserw kai oute mporw na agorasw pc gia sena.
  4. First , try to explain yourself and then create a topic. You didn't say like a delete.
  5. Gia na sta bgalei sto workspace ston fakelo build oste na ta kaneis extract ola se enan fakelo kai na ftiaxeis ton server sou.
  6. Kanto update. Anikse to LineageII kai kane check files.
  7. I didn't said that players need sub class quest to go and kill baium. I said that they need the Baium Quest in order to kill him.
  8. Then he is dumb that he explained his problem like that. He wanted TO DELETE the kamel race absolutely from the CLIENT.
  9. Prepei na exeis PAYPAL. Allios den GINETAI na agoraseis to PC.
  10. Ola tha ta kaneis checkout kai build pou exei mesa. Commons , gameserver , datapack , loginserver kai ta loipa.
  11. Giati sinexizeis kai kaneis asxeta topics? An den exeis lefta , mazepse kai agorase to pc . Den sou fteei kaneis.
  12. Tha kaneis add to svn link.Tha kaneis browse ton trunk fakelo kai tha kaneis osa exei mesa checkout. Meta build kai eisai etimos.
  13. To firewall den to exeis kleisto ? ... PS : Den mou ta dineis ola osa iparxoun sta configs sou. Alakse kai to min kai to max protocolrevision apo to server.properties se 1 kai 999.
  14. Kala pedaki mou .. Pos thes na sto pw? Eisai xazo ? Tha sou parw egw pc stin germania gia to preconfigured shit sou? Telos padon , den ginetai tipota me sena.Katse me to lag afou protimises home pc. Request to lock.
  15. Mporeis na mou ksanadoseis ta configs sou ? { gameserver/config/server.properties / login/config/loginserver.properties } Episis , dose mou kai to l2.ini sou . Oxi auto pou mou estiles alla auto pou exeis sto system sou.
  16. Allo auto . Fisiko na exeis lag afou exeis pc apo spiti. Gia na pareis pc stin germania prepei na ksereis agglika allios den mporeis na kaneis tipota.
  17. Parola auta , mporeis na beis ston server?
  18. L2J Attacker einai h noobish error. Min agxonesai . Pianei se ola ta preconfigured packs ^^ Katse etsi twra .. Sou eipa na kaneis compile kai den ekanes.
  19. E orea bale auto to link : http://svn.xp-dev.com/svn/L2Archid/
  20. Ti kaneis ??? Popo tha trelatho simera .. Sto svn repository bazeis to link http://svn.assembla.com ???? -.-' To svn tou pack pou thes na xrhsimopoihseis bazeis kai oxi me www alla me http.
  21. Perimenw. An kai eimai sigouros pos tha doulepsei mias kai egw auta ta arxeia xrhsimopoiw.
  22. Kai to rotas ? Pos tha katalabw ti error exeis.
  23. Pou sto leei auto ? Sto installer tis database ? Anebase mia screenshot.
  24. Chronicle ? To serveraddr prepei na exei tin no-ip sou.
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