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  1. Well , done. Another problem: When i port to the zone my name changes to Anonymous as its supposed.. good , but when i use any skill or potion or eq/uneq item.. bammm my name change back to the original.. I changed the code writeS(_activeChar.isInsideZone(ZoneId.ANONYMOUS) ? "Anonymous" : _activeChar.getAppearance().getVisibleName()); to writeS(_activeChar.isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_ANONYMOUS) ? "Anonymous" : _activeChar.getName()); bcuz i get certain errors when compiling , also getVisibleName is not used in l2jfrozen. So whats the problem ? The changed code or i have to do smth more.
  2. The problem is here import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.zone.ZoneId; There is no such file in gameserver.model.zone . So i can't make it work :/ .. i have there L2ZoneType , L2ZoneManager and L2ZoneForm .. check them twice and have no idea what to do..
  3. nope ZoneID.java missing , and the rows in UserInfo and CharInfo too..
  4. Hello there ! I want to use the anonymous system on my frozen server , is it compatible ? If not can ya adapt it ? Thx in advance !
  5. Another crappy server approaches.. Created years ago... Over][Hits will bring you back to the times when we were escaping school to play , when we were enchanting till the morning , when there wasn't custom shits.. The Server will be on Beta version for till we make balances .. It will be hosted from another place so i will update the topic as soon as we transfer it and ill put the Site links. Shortly Exp - 500x SP - 500x Adena - 1000x Safe +5 Max +15 Normal chance 75% Blessed chance 80% Augment skill chance 20% Augment stat chance 1% Custom NPC: Buffer , GK , GM Shop , Augmenter , Event Shop , Info Center Everything else you will find in the Site and ingame. :) Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/Lineage2OverHits
  6. Hello , Everybody ! Im glad to present you possible the best Interlude Mid-rate server ! ;) Why im saying it ? Becouse im almost sure peoples will love after their first log. We are giving you the chance to enjoy real Lineage 2 Interlude... expiriencing with friends , spoiling , doing quests , raiding , large sieges , having fun with our custom events and much more. Our head goal is to balance all the classes / skills (especialy we are going to look at almost all debuff/curse skills) Server is coming soon Live , for now its runned on Public Beta version. Everyone is welcome to test and have some fun with us ! I want to note that server online period isnt 24/7 cuz is runing on main pc. After we finish with the PBE we will transfer to server machine :) Our forum: http://l2overhits.highbb.com/forum Our FaceBook Site: http://www.facebook.com/Lineage2OverHits Server Site: In construction __________ General __________ :: Rates :: Exp x300 Party Exp x2 SP x300 Party SP x2 Adena x300 Drop x1 Drop Spoil x3 Drop Siege Guard x1 Karma drop 40% after 5 pk :: Enchants :: Safe enchant 3 Max enchant for weapons 15 Max enchant for armors/jawels 15 Enchant rate 60% Blessed Enchant rate 70% Crystal Enchant rate 100% Life Stone skill chance 10% :: Limits :: Max speed 250 Max crit rate 500 Max m.crit rate 200 Max P.atk speed 1500 Max C.speed 1999 :: Game Info :: Starting adena 10kk Max Subclasses 5 Subclass without quest Noblesse quest: FULL :: Skills :: Auto learn Skills Max Buffs 35 + 4 Buffs 3h (+ Augmentation Buffs) __________ Features __________ :: Game :: Working Sieges Working Fortsieges Working Clan Halls Working Olympiad System Working TvT Engine Working DM Engine Working 7 Signs Working Clan system :: Customs :: Custom NPC's (GM Shop up to B Grade, Event Shop , Buffer (Normal) , GateKeeper , Augmenter ) Custom Farm Area - Only for Noblesse Chars Custom Spoil Areas - S grade Armor Recs and EAS/EWS with low chance Custom Grand Bosses drop - x3 Custom Events (Check Custom Events Thread) NO CUSTOM ITEMS :: Currency :: Event - Glitering Medal - A PvP reward. Used to buy special items. Vote Coin - Can be obtained by voting for us. Used to buy Special Items. PC Bang Points - Can be obtained by staying online in the server , every 15 mins you earn 1-2 with low chance for double reward. Used to buy Soul Crystals. We are waiting you ;)
  7. For the problem with TextBuilder Put this: import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
  8. Hello there im not greek and i need some help ;/ downloaded and compiled the build but i got errors with creating of database.. i edit the installer writed MySQL 5.5 instead of 5.0 cuz mine is 5.5.. and it started to install the sql files but i got errors on 50% of them ;/ how to fix it or anyone can give me clear backup of the db ? cuz the link dont work :) ty
  9. Interested of tera ? Tera Online Private Server Tutorial here you go ;)
  10. humm how to fix this ? Im trying it on latest rev of l2jserver h5
  11. Any idea why subclass don't work ? I see the problem but i dunno how to fix it... Using last revision of l2jserver h5 . Thx :]
  12. it works for H5 ? cuz i succsesfully apply it before compile .. ehm some i put manualy but it compiled without errors.. now when i make npc in custom_npc table with for example ID 65535 i must make same npc ID in fake_npc table ye? If yes , already done it.. but i dont know what i must put in ID Template (custom_npc table) anyway i tried 2 ways one with some other npc id template (example Andromeda) and i see npc andromeda without name and tittle.. if i put the ID of the npc (65535) its completely invisible humm.. Why it happens ? Sorry for my bad english ;d
  13. I just restarted my router and it worked :D anyway thx for help :)
  14. Hi all ! As subject says , i got problem while compiling ;/ .. here it is I got Eclipse 3.7 SDK with SVN and Ant 1.8.2 as the build file request.. im tryin to compile the latest l2jserver files (h5) and i got this :| Also i got installed Java JDK 7 and Java JRE 7 like it writes in the H5 Topic.. i never had this error :|
  15. Nop mate , they are done all the screens are in the archives. I havent posted all screens cuz they will consume much space ;p
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