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Everything posted by Terax

  1. yea yea... cool pvp server.. but why patched (unmodified) system doesn't work? QQ
  2. Anyone besides me have problem with patched system on Epilogue client? Any ideas how to fix it? I allows me to log my char, then no icons, no messages, no anything.. process doesn't seem to be crashed.. it just can't load game to the end. [tried with and without l2.exe]
  3. Hi all! I'm recommending this server to everyone who enjoy playing at low rate. GM seem to be friendly, it's stable, weekly fixes and updates. I tried many things that i wasn't able to test on my previous server. Also, there are things from gracia Epilogue working! Like solo Kamaloka, some skills and other stuff. There is only one issue, one clan that is owning everything and there are very few ppl online. Please, let this server stand up! Join us and make other clans. Who cares if there is too little ppl now? It can be much more, but it requires you to stop complayning about low online and give this a chance. Seriously, join ^^
  4. yea.. you were right.. syntax error.. omg i am so stupid, error was telling me exactly what was wrong.. ^^' thx, works fine
  5. My L2fileedit .. ugh.. stoped working? Errors, each time i try to save and sometimes when i try to load files. Cannot open file "C:\Docume~1\T\Ustawi~1\Temp\RarSFX0\temp\new-skillgrp.dat". and something like.. 'file cannot be found'. This file do exist, i guess it's related to L2asm-disasm, because: L2asm-disasm was like "Cannot open definition file '..\temp\new-skillgrp.ddf'." so,i copied the file wanted and then it was like Decimal conversion unsuccesful. Reading row error: row: 59925 field: 5 / 19 (name: cast_range) Any ideas? o0
  6. Shit.
  7. Um... x10 with +3 safe and +65k max ?
  8. nevermind.. delete this ^^'
  9. I know that there is no patch for gracia, but could sb make one? Copy data from this for interlude ! Even if some of mobs have drop it's still nice.
  10. Me don't use E-Mail :P
  11. Gratz! You have found a kitty!
  12. You can also try other browser ;]
  13. Friend of mine found her love through L2.
  14. Leathal Strike!
  15. When my server transfered from C6 Off to CT2.2 Java at least half of working things was broken.. and only few new were added. ofc most of those few work wrong 'till now... At C6 everything worked fine. It was stable and retail like. Still... i prefer Gracia cuz C6 is boring after years..
  16. SB have some IPs for this program?
  17. Mystic Immunity is a Prophet 79 skill. Makes one invincible to various buffs/debuffs for a certain period of time. Usable only on party members. I don't remember for how long.. 30 seconds?
  18. But screen is not... there is nothing to regret.
  19. If you are in clan or Clan Leader skills will reuse instantly also?
  20. Then I can teleport anywhere using any GK? cool
  21. Why would I go to elven village? o0
  22. edit l2.ini find line what sez Allowsomething.. (dualbox, second window.. dunno) = False and delete it or change to True
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