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Everything posted by TearsOfHolly

  1. LevoTu egrapses. guys read what LevoTu say please LevoTu with your words that topic must locked now your words are amazing ..and the most true +1
  2. you're trying to say what? that im saying 2? omg in my last post im saying that all these are probably lies and if not then if we die WHAT? all we will die 1 day....
  3. guys its really that a lot of pple say that we will die at 2012 a planet will crash us !! mayas saying that 2. there are 1 million + websites that saying that tv says that also a movie created caled 2012. here we start. if that thing will happent in real then,1 planet named: nibiru will come close to earth and he will hide the sun This planet will not CRASH into earth but he only will hide the SUN so another ICE AGE will come to earth. some pple also they have BUY !!! lands into moon and underground of earth to save their selves.they was saying for millenium 2000 will be the end of the world but..nopez im still here and post at maxcheaters.com xD LISTEN ME DONT BE AFRAID BECOUSE..NOTHING WILL HAPPENTS AND IF IT IS THEN REMEMBER THAT I LOOVE YOU wish if you die at 2012 (if its really true) pray to god when you die dont Hurt....
  4. btw im going to be platinum member soon so i asked also,@justnoname you're right that thing with IP is really stupid...
  5. that's really fair one but if some one donater or platinum member want to login into mxc by another pc or Internet station ? or whatever it seems that the IP will be different ... you mean that different IP is autoban? or you will chek it ? and how ? maxtor answer me please and btw what cookies means?
  6. 1st of all i want to say that i dont know if this is the right section so if it isn't then just remove it. i belive that i worth +1 karma just for goes 0 ::..LETS START..:: hello every one today im going to share with you my work it isn't really my work but. i have edit this webiste and i give you FORUM like maxcheaters by SMF okay i want to say that this website is from www.l2deathwhisper.com and i LEECH it you can change GNET's IMG into another one by changing the IMG link or just pm me,also i will give you my MSN at the end of topic you can ask me about everthing on how it works how you will upload it how you will change something or whatever you want just add me to msn and im there for YOU ! ::..REAL WEBSITE..:: okay here is the real website that i leeched from : www.l2deathwhisper.com ::..PREVIEW..:: here its a preview : ::..DOWNLOAD LINK..:: and here is the download link : ***** btw it's my first website i know it isn't very good work but.. at least i tried have fun ;) for questions add me here : la2tecktonik@windowslive.com
  7. i didnt say that im pro dev. those words are from your imagination but anyway if you join and look at your self then im sure that you'l change mind ;) btw o server exei provlima DePuta....sto lew epidi niazome den boreis na kaneis destroy ta items kai afto den einai kalo einai sovaro problem kane kati plz
  8. your buffer is flying dude... wtf you dont know how to fix that? if you want to help you pm me also you cant destroy nothing ffs... and your gk flying w00t man ! and your site is bulsh1t... i can give u 1 for free at least ... SHAME
  9. haha emena pados san na diavazo mikres agelies mou fenete :)
  10. ok guys, efoson anixe o server kande lock to topic poly orea ta kataferate gia ali 1 fora na xalasete ena topic :) sinexiste etsi
  11. egine ena la8os np. an den exeis na peis kati pano ston l2carnage kai oxi na ton thikseis tote boreis na kaneis reply an oxi tote mporeis na figeis @xAster. file mou malon oxi. ego prosopika pou exo psaxei oli tin selida kai olo to forum den eida na anaferoun tpt tetio den thelo na sou po psemata ala 90% oxi. toso to kalitero epidi oi nanoi tha einai FAIL an boun ss sto shop i tpt tetio gia mena dld pou tha kanw 2 nanoun :)
  12. nai malista DePutaMadre 1on den petaksa kotsana eimai o sostos tis pareas kai den ton exeis katalavei 2on an den to exeis katalavi < milame < me latinikouc< xarakturec< nomizo< afto grafete me w to ksero poli kala kai oute to 8aro grafete me (oxto) me Θ grafete exeis dei pouthena tin leksi Oxtaro? oxi. kai den eipa tpt gia or8ografia i peretero, apla eipa tin enia tis leksis boulo oxi to pos grafete vlepeis kalista oti oli simfonoun me mena kai me ton RomZombie..giati na kataliksei se spamm topic ena omorfo topic pou arxise gia ton l2 carnage? den einai krima? @DePutaMadre den prospatho na kanw ton eksipno i na stin pw i tpt tetio, eimaste mia parea kai prospatho na se diorthoso epidi kaneis lathos to mono pou exeis na kaneis einai na kaneis lock to topic epidi tha sinexisti an oxi apo emas apo alous to flame war. thx
  13. re filaraki esi tora epidi ides ena (TO BOULO) eirthes na kaneis ton dietiti ? i malon na mou katevaseis to karma? proton DIAVASE TO TOPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aftous eprepe na warning oxi emena.. epidi einai off topic ktlveS? kai defteron to --- Boulo ---- den einai vrisia anikste kai kana leksiko den vlapti.. P.S kai alos to anafere pio prin ala den vlepo na ton proidopieis... malon oti sou katsei to elegxeis thx kiomos to idio pragma einai akrivos.. enoite metaforika (panda) einai sxedon to idio pragma an to kaloskefteis
  14. re magkes afto to topic einai apoklistika gia ton l2carnage low rate x7 ti mas niazei i apopsi sas ? sou zitise kaneis tin apopsi sou gia tous low rate? DePutMadre emeis pou pezoume low rate leme akrivos to idio gia tous PvP aftoi einai sigoura xasimo xronou ala nvm epidi to vlepo na trow ki allo - karma kai to topic na kataligei se flame to mono pou exete na kanete eseis pou den sas areei o low rate einai enas efkolos kai aplos tropos pou tha sinistousa ston kathenan na kanei NA MIN POSTAREI EDO TPT TO BOULO KAI SE ALO TOPIC kai to lew afto epidi eseis ftete pou kataligei se flame to topic kai spamm topic epidi vazete to ladi stin fotia einai san na erxome spiti sou kai na sou lew kses kati to spiti sou einai GTP einai xasimo xronou pou zeis. an den sas aresoun oi low rate kai malista o l2carnage tote dont post anymore end of story.
  15. +1 robZombie ego pados exo arxisei kiolas going live in 15 Hours :) BloodyHero Toulipas edo apo irc 2 dwarfs spoiler kai crafter elpizo i CLAM na mamisei @Pwnz0r e tote min pezeis re kolite kai min spamareis askopos...... go play waka-waka i poker
  16. he propably play a c3 srver :)))
  17. how many pple online ? those hero skills can be used in olympiad by current heros? OMG THOSE HERO SKILLS ARE TO -beep-ING UNBALANCED MAN 40%MDEF?>???????????/ LOW THEM ! andy why website and hole server is in SPANISH ??? you're in wrong section go add your server to spanish discution NOT HERE also announcemnets are in spanish wtf men ? and tell us your server OS what gb ram? what I/C?? MORE INFO !!! also tattos cost 10kk adena and they have special icon but DOESNT WORK !!
  18. hi amoral i want to buy This AIO you say 25 Euros right? answer me pls or add me la2tecktonik@windowslive.com
  19. lol this is not yours.... you copy and edit it i better wont speak hlias is here :P
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