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About Bariudol

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  1. Nice guide, ill try it now.
  2. nice guide, but, a 1TB conecction? wow, i used to think (until now) that the fastest conection (direct pc-pc) was 250MB... (maybe you are meaning Tbits and not TBytes) anyway, thnx for the guide is very very useful.
  3. nice work, downloading
  4. OMG ill have to get 30 post for seeing this :'(
  5. cool, using for sure.
  6. :O downloading! thnx, i hope they work on gracia
  7. i need hel for making it LAN, can someone help me? ty
  8. till waiting ss
  9. finally! ive benn looking for this for long long time!
  10. very nice, ill use it for sure
  11. very nice, i might use it for my server.
  12. im still wating screen shots
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