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Everything posted by EtEяNiTy™

  1. Ναι.. τα πάντα δοκίμασα. Μέχρι και καινούριο client. Κάτι από τα config μήπως να φταίει?
  2. Ναι.. τα πάντα δοκίμασα. Μέχρι και καινούριο client. Κάτι από τα config μήπως να φταίει?
  3. Κανένας να μου βρει μια λύση σε αυτό?
  4. I wouldn't invite an inexperienced player in my clan, sorry. I think since you are inexperienced you should start with high rate servers
  5. wowo fbi started closing l2 servers? epic
  6. i dont really know if server is corrupted or not but that comment made my day.
  7. i dont really know if server is corrupted or not but that comment made my day.
  8. i dont really know if server is corrupted or not but that comment made my day.
  9. esi mpes sto klasiko greek server s na kanis kana event kai ase ta paidia na kanoun ti douleia tous:P
  10. why do they keep c/p-ing this annoying text? can't they write some more innovative?
  11. I have seen that in an interlude l2off server too, but no idea how to do that. Maybe it has to do something with the community option.
  12. no problems for me using firefox
  13. catacombs for me too. I have lots of memories playing ee there
  14. interlude x 50 low rate + high rate mix
  15. I didnt understand that argument. This is one of the few serious servers that exist out there.
  16. έστω χ τα σκαλιά του πτώτου και ψ του δευτέρου:ειναι χ=3α , ψ=6β ,χ+ψ=13μ έχουμε 3α+6β=13μ και με δοκιμές για να ικανοποιείται για ακέραιους βγάζω α=3 β=5 μ=3 άρα ο πρώτος έχει 9 σκαλιά, ο δεύτερος 30.
  17. το σύνθημα κανονικά ήταν να πουν από πόσα γράμματα αποτελείται ο αριθμός που τους λέει ο φύλακας.
  18. sublimity will have an update. No idea if it will be good but opal is a good dev as they say.
  19. sublimity will have an update. No idea if it will be good but opal is a good dev as they say.
  20. sublimity will have an update. No idea if it will be good but opal is a good dev as they say.
  21. look I'm not either conviced if it will be a good server because we don't know yet many aspects of the server, but since there are not any other good mid rate servers and the developers seem to be professional I see no reason not to try this. Trust me, even if there will exist, corruption is not for me what makes the difference between a simple server from an advanced one.
  22. will u open a server or what?I see your posts and the mjority of them are'' ADMIN IS CORRUPTED'' plz tell us a reason why not to join this one.
  23. l2 servers are some kind of business so the owners' goal is to get some money. None would make a server just to have some ppl playing. However, if it's a good team and a good developped server none will say something about the donations.
  24. no interlude should rest in peace now. The majority of players are bored of the common IL playstyle. Some people just want to lag behind and stay at the same things repeating them over and over but that's not how we become better. We want something new! Besides, what's better:a game where everything is based on how well archers are assiting or a game where more classes can compete in mass pvps?(im not speaking about hellbound here)
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