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Everything posted by RєVєnGeR^

  1. Τα κοροιδευετε γιατι στην τριτοκοσμικη Ελλαδα δεν μπορουνε να ξεχωρισουνε το anime απο το cartoon και τα θεωρουνε παιδικα. Για πληροφοριση σας , το yugioh ειναι απο τα πιο διαδεδομενα παιχνιδια με καρτες παγκοσμιος. Αλλα βεβαια ειμαστε μεγαλοι για τα "παιδικα"
  2. Well i have a few games , but i am in "Elo Hell" atm. Who can duo with me?I need 4-5 wins i will support him he will go carry.
  3. Morning. Anyone for a Game? Thanks for the reward btw :D (w/e)
  4. Αντε να ανοιξουνε τα μπουρδελα επιτελους. Βαριεμαι το καλοκαιρι.
  5. Everyone here knows well if i C/P or Not. It took me exactly 20 minutes to finish this guide.Writing is not difficult is it?I can do a guide for Kog Maw as well if you want , or any other champ that would made you to shut your little mouth.
  6. AHRI The nine tailed FOX Role: AP CARRY Lane: MID Summoner Spells: Flash Ignite BUILD We will play Ahri as an Ap Carry with good amount of health so we can stay in our Mid lane the most we can. Always , start with and 3x . Then on your first back buy , 2x .Doran's rings will provide you some very nice early game mp regen and quite good AP so go with them. Then , when mid game you must go for IF the enemy team has a GOOD Ap carry you can go first item . And in lane game you must get and Somewhere in the MID Game upgrate your boots to . RUNES AND MASTERIES 9x Greater Mark of Insight 9x Greater Seal of Vitality 9x Greater Glyph of Force 3x Greater Quintessence of Potency About Masteries.. I choose : 21/0/9 Summoner's Wrath 1/1 Mental Force 3/4 Tough Skin 4/4 Arcane Knowledge 1/1 Havoc 3/3 Blast 4/4 Archmage 4/4 Executioner 1/1 Summoner's Insight 1/1 Expanded Mind 3/3 Swiftness 1/4 Meditation 3/3 Runic Affinity 1/1 Skill Order Start with Q on Level one then E on level two and W on level 3.From then you upgrade Q until lvl 9 (maximized it).Level 6 of course take R and whenever you cant levelup Q levelup W then E.This is very simple General Ahri Tips When you play as Ahri , you must have the full control over your lane.You have a powerfull combo that will bring your enemy's life down fast.You dont have to spam skills BUT to wait for the right time.When you find an opening use E so you "lure" the enemy to use.Then Rapidly use Q and W if he's low life and goes to run away , use your R and ignite and bring him down. You depend a lot on early game farm so it would be best if you focus on farming and not killing.Thats why we went for the boots/pots , let the oponent push you , you make sure you last hit minions.Attack only if a great chance comes or else wait until level 6-7 to start fighting. On late game , you should have nice position , thats something you can reach only by playing a ton of games.Be sure if you have done a nice start the enemy team will take care of you more than they would normally do.So take this chance and use your E on the enemy's team carry And try to bring it down.If the teamfight dont go well you can run away with your ulty or you can hunt hurt enemy team members with it as well. ~After all , you are a Hunter ~
  7. Κριμα και για ενα ημιχρονο θα ητανε τρομερος.Ειδικα στην Ευρωπη.
  8. Πηραμε Ντιακιτε. Για Ελλαδα μια χαρα δεν λεω , αλλα για Ευρωπη δεν ξερω τι μπορει να προσφερει.Οπως και να εχει θα δουμε , αν βγει κατι αναλογο του Σιμαο ευχαριστιμενοι θα ειμαστε.
  9. I was there , awesome moment , great game for you.You carried the team :D GG
  10. TSM is raping Dignitas. Seriously their Corki outfarmed Kog so much. Also love that morgana from Regionald. Go Go TSM
  11. 12 μηνη θητεια μενγκ
  12. 12 μηνη θητεια μενγκ
  13. 12 μηνη θητεια μενγκ
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