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Everything posted by kor0o0

  1. 8.3/10 its great but we have to test it 1st :D
  2. C/P from another forum...Plz give credits... ty:http://devs-spot.com/index.php?topic=294.0
  3. It's not necessary...there are the server files inside the rar...just put the on the correct folder......
  4. Nai guys i armor einai Vesper...Kante Search kai 8a tin vreite ayto to topic einai gia to shop... :D
  5. WFT???THEY OWN!!! does they work on Gracia Part 2?
  6. Is it a game of something??? YaY lets play the MINUS Karma Game!!! Amature 10 year old kids!
  7. Re man pos ginete na m ta kanei ola me tin mia? Gt patao ena buff,m to kanei men,alla m leei script error kai prepei na 3anapatiso kai na to 3anakanw...exo dokimasei 2 buffer kai oi 2 to idio m kanoun... pezei kamia idea???
  8. Hero airplane??It's the1sttime i see something like this xD nice job m8..keep up the great work...
  9. LoL this is madness!!! No...This is L2-CSS!!! hahaha man thnx they pawn!!!
  10. :O great share man...Thnx a lot...I make a collection of all these... :)
  11. Re pedia ti ginete gmt...Mia mera ton eixa anoixto to server kai mpikan kamia 15aria atoma filoi m kai pezame pvp kai etc...Tin epomeni pao na tn anoikso kai anoigontas to start.bat o browser prin anoixei edelos kleinei monos t...Opote o server dn douleyei... pao na anoikso gs/ls tipt...Press any key to continue...Exo to pack tou ZOUMHS.Opoios exei kamia idea........ ???
  12. Kali einai trogetai :D sinexise man..
  13. filos vale kana ss,kana decsription,vale kt tespa einai edelos sketo... thnx
  14. LoL!!!It pawnz!!! Thnx Strike...Btw I put it in the systextures folder?
  15. .::Palaiokostas Joke::. Itan o palaiokostas sti filaki kai paei sto mageira tin ora tou fagitou kai ton rotaei: Palaiokostas:Mageira ti fagito exoume simera??? Mageiras:Psarosoupa (apanta o mageiras) Palaiokostas:A kala g*** to 8a faw ekso... >.<
  16. 29502 is it good? xD
  17. I guess it's swimming... :P
  18. You type 312 characters per minute You have 69 correct words and you have 2 wrong words
  19. LoL could you ever imagine? this Share pwns thnx for sharin'!
  20. They are fucking YAY!!! they pawn! they OWN! Great share keep up the good sharing Critical!
  21. I got a question.... Are they official armors or custom ones?
  22. yay!!!This is better than my own job :P thnx Critical :D
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