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Everything posted by v4l3r1

  1. hi
  2. server dont work :S
  3. can you give me link with guide how can i create a faction serv ???
  4. FUCK Allways Hide ???
  5. pff why allawys hide posts ???
  6. lol how work ? can you tell me
  7. yeee ty man 8)
  8. I can use phx but only on multy sell :S
  9. [move]Dude I Need Buffer Tooo >:([/move]
  10. ye is not so good cuz use multy sell :S and is easy for hacks
  11. pfffff why you hide the fucking posts :@
  12. LoOoOoL PerFeCt !!!!! :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o ;) :D ;D
  13. I have This Problem Too :S
  14. pff fuck rapid share .....
  15. wings are cool ty stefolis
  16. can some one help to me too ?
  17. yes but more of this guides are for pro ... I'm Teaching NEWBIE L2Maniacs !!!
  18. good Skins ;] Tnx
  19. this server work ? is online ?
  20. Need phP WeB :(
  21. yes ucoz is cool ;]
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