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Everything posted by Exte.

  2. May I ask you what's the reason of having that many contacts when you never talk to 95% of them? Anyway, just to be ontopic, I've only 16 contacts and 8 of them are RL Friends and my girl friend also.
  3. I failed on making it Transparent, that's why it's like that. <.<
  4. Well, RobZombie asked me to make him a signature, so I tried something eventho I was lacking of some inspiration, so I ended up with that, dunno what to add on it, any idea is welcome! p.s.: Majestic Armor's colors are changed in order to look nice with the background. ;)
  5. Promisance nomizo (Tin eixe pidiksei tin leksi o admin). PANTOS O POUSTHS O PIO KALOS HMOUN! (/socialpsonio) AAAAAAAAAAAAND EXTE SCORES! 600h selida apo ton pro!
  6. E ti tora pou egines Gold Member katse na 'xoume ta mesa. PO PO ETOIMOS NA SOU DINA FULL GEAR HMOUN RE GAMOTO!
  7. Ektos apo to "Too epic" giati ntaksi to 'xo auto.
  8. lmfao hahah @Skiller: Kano lathos i hmoun HGM se enan LOLServer pou epaizes me tous tyrants na einai entelos OP?
  9. Aporo i kiria me ta kitrina enonomati Revenger ti ennoouse. <.<
  10. If you really want to make a successful server, you have to work a lot on platform and also some parts of the gameplay, not just make enchant rates, an armor set and you're done. For example, when me and Leeroy tried to make a server, I worked like 15hours straight in order to fix every SINGLE skill, and I mean it. Then worked on every custom NPC, tested them over 10 times, tested each class in order to get some balance and then start making rates and such.
  11. Exte.

    Bug k Game!

    Ksero pos ginete, giauto eixa paei 13level apo oso thymamai, alla to varethika.
  12. Se varane oi goneis sou sto spiti? Thes na ksespaseis kapou? Thes na gamiseis oses manes parapano ginete? Thes na nioseis yparktos? GINE KI ESY MELOS STO MAXCHEATERS.COM! Epeisis thes na nioseis kai ysxiros?
  13. Ti sou lene gia na se riksoun sto krevati re Vasili.
  14. Pigene EKEI tote http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=80128.0
  15. Vlepis pouthena na se kane quote?
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