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Everything posted by MadTheo

  1. Maybe it's the server fault. try to contact an admin and tell him about your problem. (it's the first time i see this kind of error/bug)
  2. Both classes GH and SK are good in oly, but because i prefere adventurer as dagger, i advise you to take SK.It's a real pain in the ass.And take 2 weapons with you, 1 for damage and 1 with acumen.A bow would be nice too,in case you're out of mana PS.Try to get a weapon with magic mental shield with you, in oly.it's good against sleep. And some epic jewels.
  3. l2max, even if it has some major bugs, something keeps me on that server
  4. Pyro, i like your site. It's nice looking.And i tried your server too.But some Java would work even better
  5. Ex: Killing an elpy, splashing bllod all over you, walking in town all blood-dirty (what a sadic imagination)
  6. Same here. I was trading for a Maj heavy set.The other person put the set in trade, but because of lag i thought i've put my items too.I hit OK and waited ... till trade have been canceled,and the set appear in my inventory.Together with my items too
  7. Both lineage and wow copied something from each other. But i don't like wow, it's just look too much as a cartoon (even if lineage chars are like clones)
  8. If anyone tryed it, can tell me what's with the second continent? Are there any new castles ?
  9. BlackSouls Spartans SpartansLegion Vengeance MurderInc Gang WarriorEmpire NoThreats NightHunters Revival MoonAngels HellAngels
  10. If classes are not balanced, you will have only 2-3 types of chars on server. And that's not quite enjoyable
  11. MadTheo Keisha Divinity Tobyas and ofc, always my sweet crafter MiuMiu ;D
  12. On the 2nd pic, choose the 3rd option to see how many peope are registered to oly, and the 4th, to see how many available points do you have
  13. Well, i'm too lazy to upload now, but if someone need and don't have Nude patch for lineage2, write me at madtheous@yahoo.com You should really try it ;)
  14. MadTheo. I haven't try to use cheats before, for online games.But now i'm pissed off on lineage. Hope i'll find my revange here :P
  15. With this cheat i got a ban too, on a server
  16. Hahah. Well, it doesn't work like superhacker said, but i do know one thing. Mobs don't atack me, even if i hit them :))
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