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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. really good server with great features many ppl online and fun!try it!
  2. server is great!just need more ppl!go go go guys!its a really good experiance!
  3. great news!!go go go!open this server in less than a week plix!
  4. i cant see anything unique here...(as ur title says) also when i get on the site a greek music start playing...remove this shit...or at least add music in other language exept if u want t make a greek server full of kidos...
  5. omfg...what is this?i hope this guy is joking... this one will be uber ultra super star wars 1000!!! anyway gl! PS:u will be lucky if u ever get more than 30 ppl!
  6. i did...i was lvl 78 i think and still nothing...
  7. i joined...i port t elven fortress and then i couldnt leave...there werent any gk...also i though that i was alone on the server...
  8. remove customs armor/weapon/tattoos and some day u might got many ppl!
  9. i guess the server wont open... too bad cuz features were fucking great!
  10. i really like the features!!i'll join beta 4 sure!cya arround!
  11. max augment???i mean is better t stuck 1 active and 1 passive max instead of 3000 augmentions cuz this will make server unbalance!
  12. any news for server?any progress??i ask here cuz i dont see any activity on forum!
  13. 1 of the best?Wtf???right now about 100 servers have exactly the same site...also dont complain about negative posts cuz u have made a poll about how nice is ur server...in 24 votes,16 of them say 0%...so u really got ur answer...1st step: close ur server 2nd: buy a domain 3rd: find a good dev and maybe like this u can get some positive posts and some ppl on ur server...till then have fun!
  14. dont increase it...serve will be unbalance and ppl will leave after 10 ppl got 20 actives....make it like 1 active and 1 passive max!exept if u make a donation server where u can donate for 5 augments and u want ur server last for 15days...
  15. 1 question: server starts today or sunday?cuz on the 1st post says " We'll go live SUNDAY, 25/06/2011, at 19:00 GMT +1. " but 25/6 is today and is saturday...whats the wrong?date or day?
  16. btw i suggestion: change the forum...is kinda sucks...ur site is so cool but not the forum... also what chronicle will be?cuz i dont really like attributes and certifications and i would like t know if u will make a freya or not...and if it will be freya what will happen with attri and certs?
  17. any date for opening or beta?or u still dont know?
  18. it will be great for 2 weeks or so...then?ppl will bored...ppl will need t farm...u can make it like 18h oly per day and more than 3 differents events every hour so ppl will pvp with full buffs or w/o and in the rest 6hours that left can be sieges,RBs and mass pvps!
  19. omfg...plz close ur pc and go for a walk...or better find girlfriend it will be good for u...
  20. server is dedicated and it will have .com domain in a couple of days i think!
  21. any news about grand opening?
  22. hehehe so u open the server or just adverrtising?
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