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Everything posted by woofer

  1. Geia sas paidia ekana auto to topic epeidi dn kserw polla apo pc's . Basika to pc mou etsi opws einai twra kollaei asxhma exei gemisei virus klp , opote 8elw na to kanw ena format kai na tou allaksw ram , karta grafikwn kai na tou balw ena new antivirus . Apo esas 8a h8ela na mou proteinete poso GB ram na balw , kamia kalh karta grafikwn kai poia windows einai kalutera ta 7 i ta vista ? Sto pc exw kai to L2 kai den 8elw na kollaei ka8olou . Opote an boreite kai exete xrono na mou peite opws eipe kai parapanw ti ram k karta grafikwn na balw 8a to ektimousa . Euxaristw
  2. Kalhspera paides opws leei to title exw problhma me to program "Run" dn borw na to brw sto start menu m , kai exw patisei kai windows+r alla dn m to anoigei , borei kanenas na me help ?
  3. re paidia paw na to kanw auto alla otan paw sto start dn m exei tin entolh run h alliws ektelesh .... borei kapoios na help ?
  4. Sedooki its not a kind of bug ... like Finito said if u find the username and password qq. Thats all . Im gonna test it today and ill tell you guys the results .
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 look here johnzach is makeing replys in all the topic with 10-20secs delay . One mod take a look Thanks
  6. Κατα την γνωμη μου ο necro ειναι μακραν καλυτερος του sps και γενικοτερα καλυτερος απο ολους τους μαγους . Πρωτα απ ολα εχει ολα τα debuff και για mage αλλα και για fighter . Το θεμα μας ειναι ομως ο sps που ειναι mage . Οποτε ο necro εχει 3 silence 1 απο τα 3 αν περασει ο sps εφυγε φετουλα .
  7. Hello and welcome to maxcheaters
  8. Site is dead ? It doesn't open something :/
  9. 1 day left ill join for sure to test it . So good luck with the server
  10. This is only for weapon ? i cant find the answer i want :/
  11. Can some1 tell me if its possible to post a guide how can u make the accessories right and left and giving them status ? If its already post the same section with his answer please post the link here thnx ! Please for Interlude Server guide
  12. po re palikaria mou to xreiazomai me kalo background na fenete wraio oxi 2 xrwmata kai gg .
  13. Nop dn kserw re file apo photoshop , gi'ayto kai anaferomai edw an borei kanena palikari na me boithisei :s
  14. Kalhmera guyz exw ena problhma me to file edit , paw na balw sto New-itemname-e.dat kai mou bgazei ayto to problhma , den borw na to kanw save , an kapoios borei na help as postarei edw guyz thnx .
  15. Paidia an mporeite kante ligo edw share kanena GM crest gia na balw ston server mou an mporeite fusika . Thnx
  16. The OldOne ofc . I dont like the new one , pkSquad times :)
  17. LOL , i read Is the most easy char to play not Isn't the most easy char to play .... hehehe i must go to my doctor :)
  18. To play sagi its not so easy like you told , u must play with tacticks , 90/100 ppl in the server that i play in oly there are useing only the attack , this cost their points :p
  19. Sagi ftw man , its my favourite char then its treasure
  20. Wraio file , to ekana ston server mou kai doulepse kanonika . Paw na to dokimasw kai se alla skills twra :)
  21. Zero ntax filos apla eisai korifi , to ebala kai doulevei 100% ston diko mou , to CTF einai ola ta lefta :D
  22. kai to epsaxna na to brw pws anebazw ta stats apo s.h thnx poly wraio 7k speed mono me .sh hehehe :)
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