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Everything posted by woofer

  1. I already made 3 trade's here but i was the buyer :/ ... Anyway you can try me im not gonna be scammer for 10 euros :S
  2. Some infos for the account : - 2310 IP - Skins : 7 - 2 Rune Pages - 46 Champions OWNED - Unranked on s3 ( Played 1 game and i won it ) Scarlet Hammer Poppy Sandstorm Katarina Full Metal Pantheon Dreadknight Nasus Nightblade Irelia Uncle Ryze Noxus Hunter Anivia Payment method : Psc Price : 10 Euros Reply here / send me prv msg
  3. You must be lucky to get the account f/e or the real owner must be stupid , i bought from him 5 accounts and i still have in my own the 4 of them ... the last one got recovery by the real owner . Anw the good accounts lot of champs / elo rating / etc etc are so difficult to stay in your own
  4. He told it dude , the accounts are cracked its not his fault , maybe the real owner of the account made a recovery !
  5. Hello a friend of mine wants to buy an account on EUNE so im gonna post some informations about the account needed 30LvL account 60+ Champions owned ( if its possible and more ) Skins : he doesnt care if the account has Rune : at least 4 rune pages s3 rating : CLEAR ELO RATING Add him on skype : prophecydlf
  6. watafaaaaaaaaaaak ! i just bought a 30lvl acc with 70+ champions and i cant believe it . 90+ Champions owned , gold division and lot lot lot of stuff , this guys is just AWESOME !
  7. Ah cool ill buy it for sure now . come on guy get a life and stop trying to scam people .
  8. OH REALLY . maybe you must have phreak son/dad/brother to have 24rune pages cause the max limit is 20 .
  9. There are 2 guys that already got their 30 lvl ... anw Matthew i rly dont care if they are cracked it costs me only 3 euros .
  10. 3-4 trash accounts 30 lvl ... i got 2 accounts 30 lvl the 1st one was with 50+ champions with 3 rune pages and the 2nd one was with 35+ champions with 4 rune pages .. I dont think that he is spending his time to buy so many champs and to sell it only for 3 euros..
  11. Trusted guy ! I just bought from him the pack with random accounts and i got a 30lvl account .
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