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Everything posted by RightHandMan

  1. File des auto to guide , dn einai gia l2 walker , einai gia l2net ena allo paromoio programataki http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=65608.0 PS : to guide einai tou Oracle
  2. File to ekanes post se lathos section , eprepe na to eixes kanei edw : http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=55.0
  3. Hi , I'm looking for a patched system with the Treasure Chest/Box thingie , I've searched the site and the only results I got were for gracia pt 2 :-\
  4. I like the second best , but good job on all three :) Thanks !
  5. Well your work is cool , but I would prefer if it were only 1 book instead of two , so you can have a shield or smth , I think that would be cooler :)
  6. The gracia 2.3 patched system .... Well I try to use it , run l2.exe and then it says that the GameGuard is damaged and that I should re-install it , any advise ?
  7. Kai gw to idio problhma exw , xrisimopoiw to ig walker 2.06 , benw sto game , pata End kai tpt dn ginete , please ama exei kanenas walker p na doulevei as to moirastei :-\
  8. Glad to see you like the server :) , bring your friends/enemies so we can have nice pvpies :)
  9. Well I believe the enchant rate is pretty sweet , because you don't see ppl running around with +239583497586423985 weapons
  10. Well it's a pretty good server been playing since open beta here and I wasn't dissapointed at all , join ppl ^^
  11. That's actually wrong , cause if the bots get too close to the RB they will hit it and die ...
  12. Re lol einai sta rwssika kai ta grammata m fenontai etc "????"
  13. Well I disagree that with aggro mobs you are gonna have a prob with boting , I mean you can just log 3 chars (tank,nuker,pp) and make heavenly botting . If you ask how I bot , I just take 5 chars (BD,WC,spoiler,sws and a crafter ) , then I go to any place I want , and then just leave them kill everything , and since they got almost full buffs , I can leave them there for like days ..... P.S. thanks for the list
  14. Des to title kai to prwto post p s leei ti na kaneis ... den einai gia to xrwma ...
  15. Auto ante na to ebriskes polu palia , twra pia to 99,9% twn server to exoun bgalei teliws i to exoun kanei fix ...
  16. Akuro ... ( egw xrisimopiw T9 pantws :P) Tespa re , kalo to exploit , alla einai mono gia l2j INTERLUDE ? Dld apo Kamael kai panw , den ?
  17. Pou kolaei twra auto ? Auto basizetai ka8ara sto pws to exw programmatisei oi devs tous serv ( ama exei devs ) .....
  18. Kaneis char den ksekina me rec , prepei na ginei lvl 10 kai meta na perimenei akoma mia mera ama 8umamai kala ... Entaxei kai esu re aiwnie PAIXTI tou l2 .... ypame .. to paidi to 8ewrise swsto na to kanei post , allo ama to kseroume idi auto to pragma i oxi ....
  19. Re paidia oso anafora to dlvl , parte to walker , brite kana dlvl script kai afuste to mono tou .... Pate esus p eiste gkomeniarides me tis gkomenes sas ....
  20. Prin 7 xronia ( sto prelude kai c1 ) den ypeirxe to recommendation system .... esu dld pws to ikseres ?
  21. Alt+X / Options / Hide Dropped Items ..... Meta ti kaneis ?
  22. Kai ti 8a baras panw apo to wyvern xwris oplo i apla 8a kateveseis kai 8a baras . Episis ----> Otan anebeneis ston wyvern xaneis ta buffs ....
  23. Koita proswpika ama me rwtiseis den nomizw na piasei se kanenan ( den einai kai toso ka8usterimena ta paidia !! ) . Alla ama einai enas toso ilithios pou mporeis na tou to kaneis auto to prama , einai a3ios tis moiras tou ....
  24. Didn't work on l2 Pilgrims (x10) server (l2j) . My mp decreased normally even though I was in petrification state...
  25. Auto ginetai alla meta 8a kratisei mono oso krataei kanonika to buff , opote ektos ama o server einai mapa kserw gw kai to Puma i tpt allo einai panw apo 2 wres , den aksizei na to kaneis ...
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