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Everything posted by WebM0nst3r

  1. WebM0nst3r

    Text 1

    w00t w00t k nomiza pos to xioumor exei xa8ei apo tous neous simera, tlk diapseueis auti tin 8eoria m ;) katarxas na s pw thnx gt gelaga 5 mins me to topic s, episis na s pw oti to thnx mpla mpla einai i epibrabeusi mia doulias twra to dikio s dn 8a to breis etc apla perase kapia credits mesa se ena share s pantos apoti blepw dn se tarakounise to ban, don't worry ore3ei na exoume k apo ban dn bariese pote ;)
  2. san tis serbietes 8a ginei to conn-x to fora k petaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas :P downloading porn in 10 secs my dream :P
  3. egw p exw 24 pou 8a paw ? :P sto tabani exw ftasi xD
  4. nta3 banned efoson sta @@ s
  5. brake the rules * broke einai to parel8on w00t w00t
  6. k apoti fenete 8a deis k se kamia ebdomada to -3
  7. Athens Los Angeles Heraklion Sydney
  8. k ena akoma -1 = -3 gz exeis akoma alla -2 gia ban tecpa dn exw prob sto download katebazw me 1mbps, to l2 to gracia part 2 p einai 4GB katebenei to polu se 2 wres opote dn exei toso megalo prob sto downloading
  9. egw p exw connex-24mbps k kala oriste ta apotelesmata Los Angeles
  10. elpizw na exei pe8anei o mitsontakis mexri to 2012 allios bb ta 100mbps
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=33656.0 deite edw ena topic p eixa kanei palia gia to 8ema ton 100 mbps stin ellada
  12. otan stin ameriki dinoun ta 100mbps 49$ diladi 36€ k egw dino 60€ to mina gia 24mbps k tilefwno ston ote , katalabenete poso pisw eimaste akoma Killer to 2012 8a er8oun ta 100mbps (100mbps mpam mpam oxi EWS 100 k to polu na pianeis 50 :D) 8a er8oun stin athina gia tis trigirw perioxes exei o 8eos :D
  13. @HeyHop ee mipos lew mipos eisai ligo ektos ? ka8os i wra tis ghs exei perasei edw k 24 wres k kati lepta
  14. to 2012, tote 8a olokliro8ei to ergo gia tin egkatastasi optikwn inon pou 8a ipostirizoun ews k 100mbps ;)
  15. dn 3erw ean einai house alla to kommati apla ta spaei idika ean exeis terma ta mpasa :D Y8SYl8yddb0
  16. Okay i will inform you that we are close to fix the server :P we made a new custom area to get adena and to lvl (is not instant 80 any more :D) and we are adding a normal buffer not a core one ;) Stay tuned !
  17. N1Bm241Rri4 the video clip of this song is awsome too :P
  18. wtf ? uncle noble kaneis la8os, katarxas to STR8 dn molinei to ozon (apo pisw grafei oti dn to moluni :D) episis dn egine k kati p klisame ta fota gia 1 wra (egw prosopika eri3a ton geniko k afisa mono to psigio min pa8oume k tpt :D ) k na s pw k kati perase poly grigora o xronos, gt apla pernousa kala (kala tropos tou legin me gamisane stin monopoly xD) episis ta kanalia eixane gami8ei sta spotakia k egw apo to mpalkoni m eblepa to sima tou alpha kata kokkino na lampei ;)
  19. Tommi double post is not allowed, if you had forgot something modify your first post ;)
  20. Locked, discussion for illigal activities such as warez is not allowed!
  21. well is not such a big thing to stay for 1 hour without lights and electricity, see it as a challenge and have some fun ^^ i had invited some friends to come and play games (monopoly , taboo etc) with candles do something like that you too ^^
  22. well this is a start BUT we are still on the beggining we got a big road to make our world better for us (new blood :D)
  23. nah nitrous if they don't wanna save their lives (goverments - factories etc) they can sure kill us, this is just a "nudge" to them to inform them that we are here!
  24. yeah i will close my lights too, also i will send e-mail to my computers hosting company wich got my server to turn off my computer, BUT the 1 hour we will close the lights we will save some energy, on monday when the factories will start again working will consume this energy so is pointless. . .
  25. 8eopoula's post deleted, i am the admin i decide who will be on the team, asark0s got some experience you don't and also from 3city is not only asark0s w00t
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