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Everything posted by WebM0nst3r

  1. this is not a enchant program, This program make your weapon look like +10 +30 etC but is not REALLY +30 you don't have the mgk.atk of +30 is just a program make your weapon only have the GLOWS of the enchants
  2. Rapidshare: Μειώσεις ορίων και αλλαγές όρων χρήσης της υπηρεσίας Πριν από λίγες ώρες, αναρτήθηκε μία ολοσέλιδη ανακοίνωση από την Rapidshare.com που προσπαθεί να εξηγήσει αναλυτικά τους λόγους, για τους οποίους θα πρέπει να γίνουν αλλαγές στους όρους χρήσης της υπηρεσίας, μεταξύ άλλων λόγω του υψηλού κόστους λειτουργίας. Μάλιστα η ανακοίνωση ξεκινάει αναφέροντας ότι κανονικά θα έπρεπε αυξηθούν οι τιμές των συνδρομών, πράγμα που όμως δεν θα γίνει. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, σύμφωνα με την ανακοίνωση οι βασικές αλλαγές που θα ισχύσουν, για όσους δημιουργήσουν ή ανανεώσουν τον λογαριασμό τους, είναι: * Μειώνεται κατά ~73% το όριο των 10 GB/ημέρα σε 80 GB/μήνα * Μειώνεται κατά 80% το συνολικό "συσσωρευμένο" download-traffic από 50 GB σε 10 GB * Τα "ανώνυμα" αρχεία που γίνονται upload χωρίς collector ή premium account, θα μπορούν πλέον να κατεβαστούν μόνο έως 10 φορές Παράλληλα, έγινε αλλαγή στους όρους χρήσης όπου πλέον αναφέρεται κατά λέξη το εξής: * Τα μέλη των premium accounts μπορούν να κατεβάσουν περισσότερα δεδομένα από τους χρήστες της δωρεάν υπηρεσία. Αυτή την περίοδο, ένα premium account επιτρέπεται να κατεβάσει 2.66 Gigabyte (2.660.000.000 Byte) ανά ημέρα. {ΣΙΓΑ ΡΕ ΓΕΝΝΑΙΟΔΩΡΟΙ} Πηγες http://rapidshare.com/news.html http://rapidshare.com/agb.html ΥΓ:Απο εδω και περα να ψαξουμε για αλλη υπηρεσια, διοτι με 2 giga την ημερα δεν κατεβαζεις ουτε ενα txt file ΜΠΕΙΤΕ ΣΤΟΥΣ PREMIUM ΛΟΓΑΡΙΑΣΜΟΥΣ ΣΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΚΟΙΤΑΞΤΕ ΝΑ ΦΡΥΞΕΤΕ ΟΠΩΣ ΕΠΑΘΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΓΩ...
  3. Hi guys, I just sold my raf account after leveling my character to 60 and there was no more time in the account. The guy I sold it to changed the email and right after I accepted the change, He got a Free month. I would like someone else to try it and confirm me if it always working. Btw it only on the linked account, not the veteran one. Im sory if it's in the wrong section but I dont see anywhere else I could put this post Thanks and have a nice day ! Credits to Soluki
  4. Hello maxcheaters member i found this exploit and i thought to share it with you ;) Is not hard the only thing you have to do is go to a flight master use your putrid plague ( #2 on the hot bar ) and all the gryphon's/bats will spawn as they are neutral they wont attack but they don't stop spawning i think i had about 5000 before i stopped. happy winning Credits to Sir Valden
  5. thank u guys i'm trying to do my best ;) thanks for the support too ;)
  6. Greeting MaxCheaters Members you may find this guide allready known or commong but with the hallows and event on even a player lvl 1 can make 200 gold per hour, on official realms and on private servers too You Must Follow Simple Steps In Order To Achieve It Create a New Human or Undead Character Now Teleport Your Character To the nearest Town (from Starting Zones) (If You Have Human go to Goldshire <-> if you have undead go to Brill) Now you to go into Inn and fish through the pumkin for a hand full of candy When you do that go and Talk with Inn Keeper and "Click" the option saying "Trick Or Treat!" w00t you did it ? man you are pro! :P Now Teleport yourself back to the main city and start spamming the trade channel saying WTS Wand Rinse and repeat it with a new character WARNING!!: You may do that trick only every hour with new char (1 trick / 1 char ^^) And Also you can get more than one wand Every time And The Last Thing You Must check, never put a price over 10 golds on the wands because nobody will buy it Good Luck ;)
  7. Hello Everyone. I have just figured a simple way to make a NPC talk with out using any scripts . First : NPC creating You have to create your npc who will say the messages you want him to say and thats simple I made my npc with 195009 ID and Dark Dragon Dyamz Name. Second : NPC Messages Now we enter the serious part. You have to find The table NPC_Monstersay There you will find 11 Columns The important number of Columns is 7. First Column : Entry The ID of your NPC , Second Column : Event The id of the Event when he will say his message 0 Entering Combat 1 Unknown 2 Damage Taken 3 Leave combat : when fight resets or all Players dead. 4 When NPC cast spells (I do not Recommand Using it , its kinda bugged) 5 When NPC Dies. Third Column : Chance The chance that your NPC will say his message probaly 100 Fourth Column : Language The language of your NPC's Message Usually ( 0 ) Is used Fifth Column : Type The Type of the NPC's Message Usually 14. The list of the Types i have only test : 11 Say 12 Say 13 Party 14 Yell Sixth Column : Monstername The name of your monster, this is important and must be spelled correctly. Seventh Column : Text0 The only needed Column to type your Text (NPC's MEssage) at. The Rest Columns : You do not need to type any thing on the rest columns. :Congratulations: You have Just made you NPC talk with out [Lua] Scripts. The Shard is a part questline about my server custom content. I hope it helped some one Credits to nether drake
  8. Post in all topics in 1 page :D and all thankfull posts Name: opcpower
  9. Hello guys! I've been into coding bots and programs for some weeks, and now I'm working on an BG bot. In this guide you will, shortly, learn how to create your own BOT. You can use it for WoW, or any other games. Download AutoIt v3 : AutoIt v3 - Downloads Install it, then right click your desktop, hold mouse over "New" and New AutoIT Document. Now you get an new file on your desktop, rightclick it and press " Edit Script " Now we will start code. To start the bot in test mode, press F5! Ok, in the top now, you enter this code : MsgBox(0, "Titel of msgbox", "MSG BOX TEXT") The 0 is the sort of the window, you can try 1 - 2 - 3 etc and see wich you like most. The other stuff I hope you can fix yourself. (its titel and msgbox text ^^) --- When you press F5 to test the bot, a msgbox will appear and you need to press like OK or which sort of window you picked and then the bot starts, so be sure to have wow or maybe an txt file to see what the bot press. --- Now you go down to an new line. Here you do this code. sleep("15000") send("{space}") This will paus the bot for 15 secs (1000 = 1 sec) and then press space. so it can look like this : sleep("15000") send("{space}") sleep("105") Send("w") sleep("600") Send("e") send("{space}") sleep"("30") But you add more to make it do other stuff, I mean it can do like "send("4")" and you can have mount at button 4, or maybe "send("2")" and you got an dot etc. I'll write an more advanced guide in a few days when my bot is done! As you see i got {space}, its becuse { means its a button press, if you just type ("space") then it will press s,p,a,c,e. Uhm all {buttons} is here : HOPE You got any use for this guide! You maybe can learn more and more and in a while create your own l33t bot?! :-) ADDED - To make an anti afk thingie, you can use this code. Remember when you copy the code, to remove all my tips. (tips is after the -) $Msg = MsgBox(1, "TITEL", "Msg.") - First an titel of your msgbox, then an msg. the 1 is the type of the msgbox. USE 1 !!!! If $Msg = 2 Then - This is if the user press Cancel instead of OK, the bots exits. UserEnd() - Code to end bot. EndIf HotKeySet("{Pause}", "UserEnd") - an Hotkey to stop the bot manually. u see ("{PICK BUTTON HERE}") to change the button to pause. Func UserEnd() - funciton Exit - exits EndFunc - end function - NOTICE ---- You can type anything else instead of World of Warcraft. --- - NOTICE ---- THIS IS AN ALONE CODE, IF YOU DO THIS ANTI AFK BOT, SKIP THE CODES ABOVE!! --- WinSetState("World of Warcraft", "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) - This will maximize WoW. ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "/join thisislolepichaha") - Here is an channel it joins, bot will join it and type the msg under here. ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{ENTER}") - Presses ENTER. While 1 - here is the start. ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "This is an simple NOT AFK thing.") - This is what the bot should say. ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{ENTER}") - Presses ENTER and sends the msg. Sleep(25000) - "sleeps" before starting all over again ^^, 1000 = 1 sec, 10000 = 10 sec. WEnd - Here is the end.¨ ADDED - A BOT WITH WINDOWED MODE. While 1 - here is the start. ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "send("w") ; This will press w. ControlSend("World of Warcraft", "", "", "{w down}") ; This will hold w down until command w up. Sleep(1500) ; sleeps 1.5 sec. and then WEnd command makes it restart all over (while 1 to wend wil restart until stopped) WEnd - Here is the end. And restarts. Ps. plx no more useless bots now, no more AntiAfk that just press Space. if you use this guide, you can make him press w,w,w,w,then maybe button 4 so he mounts etc. dots and {tab}s.. ENJOY! PM me if you got question. here : Send("{TAB}") Navigate to next control (button, checkbox, etc) Send("+{TAB}") Navigate to previous control. Send("^{TAB}") Navigate to next WindowTab (on a Tabbed dialog window) Send("^+{TAB}") Navigate to previous WindowTab. Send("{SPACE}") Can be used to toggle a checkbox or click a button. Send("{+}") Usually checks a checkbox (if it's a "real" checkbox.) Send("{-}") Usually unchecks a checkbox. Send("{NumPadMult}") Recursively expands folders in a SysTreeView32. Use Alt-key combos to access menu items. Also, open Notepad and try the following: Send("!f") Send Alt+f, the access key for Notepad's file menu. Try other letters! Send("{DOWN}") Move down a menu. Send("{UP}") Move up a menu. Send("{LEFT}") Move leftward to new menu or expand a submenu. Send("{RIGHT}") Move rightward to new menu or collapse a submenu. To send the ASCII value A (same as pressing ALT+065 on the numeric keypad) Send("{ASC 065}") To send UNICODE characters enter the character code, for example this sends a Chinese character Send("{ASC 2709}") Single keys can also be repeated, e.g. Send("{DEL 4}") ;Presses the DEL key 4 times Send("{S 30}") ;Sends 30 'S' characters Send("+{TAB 4}") ;Presses SHIFT+TAB 4 times To hold a key down (generally only useful for games) Send("{a down}") ;Holds the A key down Send("{a up}") ;Releases the A key If you with to use a variable for the count, try $n = 4 Send("+{TAB " & $n & "}") If you wish to send the ASCII value A four times, then try $x = Chr(65) Send("{" & $x & " 4}") {!} ! {#} # {+} + {^} ^ {{} { {}} } {SPACE} SPACE {ENTER} ENTER key on the main keyboard {ALT} ALT {BACKSPACE} or {BS} BACKSPACE {DELETE} or {DEL} DELETE {UP} Up arrow {DOWN} Down arrow {LEFT} Left arrow {RIGHT} Right arrow {HOME} HOME {END} END {ESCAPE} or {ESC} ESCAPE {INSERT} or {INS} INS {PGUP} PGUP {PGDN} PGDN {F1} - {F12} Function keys {TAB} TAB {PRINTSCREEN} PRINTSCR {LWIN} Left Windows key {RWIN} Right Windows key {NUMLOCK} NUMLOCK {BREAK} for Ctrl+Break processing {PAUSE} PAUSE {CAPSLOCK} CAPSLOCK {NUMPAD0} - {NUMPAD9} Numpad digits {NUMPADMULT} Numpad Multiply {NUMPADADD} Numpad Add {NUMPADSUB} Numpad Subtract {NUMPADDIV} Numpad Divide {NUMPADDOT} Numpad period {NUMPADENTER} Enter key on the numpad {APPSKEY} Windows App key {LALT} Left ALT key {RALT} Right ALT key {LCTRL} Left CTRL key {RCTRL} Right CTRL key {LSHIFT} Left Shift key {RSHIFT} Right Shift key {SLEEP} Computer SLEEP key {ALTDOWN} Holds the ALT key down until {ALTUP} is sent {SHIFTDOWN} Holds the SHIFT key down until {SHIFTUP} is sent {CTRLDOWN} Holds the CTRL key down until {CTRLUP} is sent {LWINDOWN} Holds the left Windows key down until {LWINUP} is sent {RWINDOWN} Holds the right Windows key down until {RWINUP} is sent {ASC nnnn} Send the ALT+nnnn key combination {BROWSER_BACK} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "back" button {BROWSER_FORWARD} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "forward" button {BROWSER_REFRESH} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "refresh" button {BROWSER_STOP} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "stop" button {BROWSER_SEARCH} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "search" button {BROWSER_FAVORITES} 2000/XP Only: Select the browser "favorites" button {BROWSER_HOME} 2000/XP Only: Launch the browser and go to the home page {VOLUME_MUTE} 2000/XP Only: Mute the volume {VOLUME_DOWN} 2000/XP Only: Reduce the volume {VOLUME_UP} 2000/XP Only: Increase the volume {MEDIA_NEXT} 2000/XP Only: Select next track in media player {MEDIA_PREV} 2000/XP Only: Select previous track in media player {MEDIA_STOP} 2000/XP Only: Stop media player {MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE} 2000/XP Only: Play/pause media player {LAUNCH_MAIL} 2000/XP Only: Launch the email application {LAUNCH_MEDIA} 2000/XP Only: Launch media player {LAUNCH_APP1} 2000/XP Only: Launch user app1 {LAUNCH_APP2} 2000/XP Only: Launch user app2 Credits to Zeroi9
  10. kl blane egrapses file mou auto einai ali8ia, isos na bariounte merikoi (ti lew twra :D) egw pantos stin deutera k stin triti gimnasiou den piga dioti pisteuw oti den 8a fanoume poso iperifanoi eimaste gia tin xwra mas apo to ean 8a pame stin parelasi, kanw ta dokimastika kanonika me olous alla parelasi den piga ta teleutaia 2 xronia.
  11. haha pragmmatika den i3era oti ginete auto eixa mpei se enan server k akouga to the Way We Are k lew lol wtf ? ti ginete edw m hackaran to pc k akougete alla meta katalaba oti ka8e fora p pigena giran akougotane. Thanks m elises mia aporia k m edoses k mia nea empiria :P
  12. it's very usefull because sometime you may press ALT+F4 by mistake so you "shutdown" the server so with this you can make this mistakes more less ^^
  13. in a silly way we are all startes :D personal i'm a very noob noob noob player - developer of lineage i can't understand anything of pro programms etC :)
  14. i use Youtube Music download, but you have to crack it so i don't give u the link i see that the download speed is not as fast as utube music downloader, but we all know the free programms are less good than programms which u have to buy
  15. i know onether way i don't know which is easier, the other way i know is Open Start.bat and when the website open go to the database then find the characters (Human - Elf - Dark Elf - Orc - Dwarf) and press the "pencil" (edit) then edit their Spawn Location and press save then reboot the server and ... dadan ;) thanks for your way too (as you leave u learn too :))
  16. GOD DAMN IS FREAKING AWSOME man you are G R E A T in greek (poro8ika!!) in english i don't know :D thank you m8 as karma says the old one was too boring ;)
  17. psifisa YPER epidi pisteuw oti prepei na ginonte parelasis gia na min xa8ei o politismos mas k i istoria mas. Eimai yper gia tis A8OEES parelaseis k oxi tis ratsistikes. Exw akousei polla gia tous albanous, efoson iparxoun k albanoi p exoun parei elliniki tautotita k einai ellines polites gt re paidia na min simetasxnoun k gt oxi na sikosoun tin elliniki simaia anyway auti einai i apopsi m ;)
  18. Most Popular User : K4rMaArr0ws Most Funny User : Skaros Most Professional User : Koyfo + NobLe Most Missed User : Maxtor Most Wierd User : Skaros Best Shares User : Blitztrager Best New User [From 2008] : Skaros Biggest Spammer User : (can't tell :D) The Best G.Mod : NobLe The Best L2 Mod : K4rMaArr0ws The Best CS Mod : Blane The Best Gold Member : XxRxX + Mafia_007
  19. Kazeno is a great developer i know him from crysis and from cursed world i didn't expect something less proffesional than this good job m8 you are a very good developer keep up ;)
  20. URL: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=5542.msg251756#msg251756 Name: mr667 Reason: Dig and old thread
  21. URL: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24320.msg251983#msg251983 Name: sadistic Reason: Dig An Old Topic
  22. den nomizw na ipostirizonte private server stis ekdosis ton 64 (den eimai sigouros) pantos sta 32 paizei 100% tested by me k apo tous ipoloipous kamenous :D
  23. i was playing L2nJoy for a while and then L2CursedWorld but then i stop l2 and i start WoW :D
  24. he mean the topic he got 19 posts so he can't see it ;) anyway i think is very good i will test it in 30 minutes when i return ;)
  25. well, you are not noob :P everybody started from 0 now if you got preconfigured pack is not hard open start.bat and make a new connection in MySQL. Then you have to open l2jdb which is your L2 Daatabase. Now if you wanna add a buffer you have to make right click no l2jdb and press "Execute Batch File" then you have to add the Buffer's Files And Then Press Start. When a Messege which say you Succesfull bla bla come out that mean you have put your buffer succesfully. now you have to put buffers file into your gameserver folder. when you do that restart the game and make //spawn (NPC Id) and you are done PS: I'm not l2 developer i just know this things if i'm wrong some dev tell you what is the right ;) Good Luck
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