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Everything posted by Nabzor

  1. I was playing here in 2007, it was a great expirience. I really hope this project does go well and it does not fail. Looking forward to play here
  2. Worst server. Anima has no clue about fixing stuff trying to fix one small issue takes several hours . The lack of knowledge shows up each time the server want to restart in 5 minutes and you can say it will restart in two or three hours. Very poor performance from the staff lying and trolling its community . Not recommended server 0/10 better play pac man. Simply destroyed l2 forever's legacy.
  3. nothing special another afk vote server
  4. stop open server with no experience just a simple server with 15 minutes farm
  5. cool story when hero exchange his points he go last and second go first
  6. O.o achen reborn me and my clan will join for sure good luck
  7. true i hope will not be more 40 buff slots
  8. nice photos we pwn them today ^^
  9. perfect features i will join for sure good luck
  10. today server had 140 on many mass pvp thnx pixxx clan for this pvps pdr login in game
  11. no zerk .votereward bonus status dc set +20 why not
  12. bullshits with my mage i have 4k p def i get max 2800 dmg with hex
  13. i agree we need one custom raid boss for 9vs9 and it will drop one epic mask or somethink else
  14. server is not bad i play here and every day gm try to do it better gl
  15. if someone want buy the char he will know and my dyes sux? rofl i am paladin if u didint know anyway stop spam i just try sell the char
  16. server have more 400 + on i change really fast server so here is the items for more info pm i change the char for items on other server or money armors:imperial set +20 weapons:as haste +20 {active duel might} db f +20 am acumen +20 {passive magic barier} jewels:boss jewels set +20 tattoos:Nm tattoo +20 Uploaded with ImageShack.us this status only with valor
  17. this is true i was with my clan and one random pick up all the drops this was really fail
  18. what a retard i am sure u have never join in server u are just spam anyway server is good i play here
  19. well about donates is ok because u will spawn raid boss tommorow anyway u must fix the old problems i have send you message boring to tell them again anyway i am Nah in game
  20. u must fix all augments nuker skills not only stone are u kidding me i get 4 cc to 1 pvp and remove 5 buffs + and augment paralyze is 100% and stay more 30 seconds
  21. arketo kala guide ala exi 2 la8akia opos Greater Dye of STR <STR+4 DEX-4>Aneuazo p.attack kai kovo HP kai den kovo Crt rate gt o Archer to Xriazete to Crt Rate malon enoeis str +4 con-4 kai apo buff to champion ti to 8es?gia na kanis hex .. kalitera eki na ine to song of wind gt o archer prepi na exi speed
  22. i play here server is good but need some fix skills like augment nuker skills delay 3-4 seconds because augment rate is big and is easy to get skills like solar flame /stone fix skills like cancel do it in 2 seconds and remove more 7 buff and Curse of Doom is 100%
  23. Chars:Soultaker 79 lvl/ sub saggitarius 79 lvl/ sub Mystic Muse 76 lvl Nobless:need kill only barakiel for be nobless Bot acounts:bd 79 lvl/ SE 79 LVL/EE 79 LVL for more infos pm me
  24. guys who told i am nigga? i am wannabe in game
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