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Everything posted by politsopoulos

  1. nice file m
  2. file m katevase ta id twn custom items.... px apo 90000 kanta 10000 i 20000 kai 8a sta deixnei kanonika ;) to eixa k egw auto to provlima, afto fteei
  3. alli fora filaraki na sai pio sugekrimenos s auto p zitas ;)
  4. kata t gnwmi m an dn mpainei st server p 8es n pai3eis oute walker IG/OOG oute l2net kalutera i na paizeis kanonika i leave k teleiwnei i upo8esi, afto to prog edw den kanei apolutws tpt se sxesi me afta p prosferei t walker/l2net
  5. reshare anyone? :S
  6. kalo reshare file, xisimo gia tous newbies :D
  7. hmmm handy for mage classes in low rate servers :D
  8. wraio guide gia ts newbies file m
  9. its already shared i think :S
  10. popopo exw liwsei sto gelioooooo xaaxxaxaxaxa prwto file!!! :D
  11. mipws efages ban acc apo tn server k exoun ftia3ei sto systemmsg-e tous na sou vgazei afto to munimataki katw? k oxi oti exei ginei suspended to acc s?
  12. thnx for that man i was looking 4 them :D can you reshare plz?
  13. you should make them light blue/transparent :D
  14. lol? auto file m den paizei me tpt na doulevei :D
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