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Everything posted by politsopoulos

  1. vasika m vgazei an 8umamai kala 2 3 diaforetika tetoia paromoia.....8a to koita3w kai 8a ta postarw k afta
  2. nai afou trexoun kanonika oi serv k mpenoun k atoma ip ktlp einai swsta setarismena
  3. merikes fores vlepw auto t error st gameserver, exei kaneis idea ti einai? Bad RequestBypassToServer: java.util.NoSuchElementException at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(Unknown Source) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers.AdminEffects.useAd minCommand(AdminEffects.java:339) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.clientpackets.RequestBypassToServer.runImpl(Req uestBypassToServer.java:80) at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.clientpackets.L2GameClientPacket.run(L2GameClie ntPacket.java:79) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source ) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  4. WEBSITE: http://la2genesis.servegame.com/ FORUM: http://la2genesis.servegame.com/forum/ High Server Rates Chronicle: Interlude EXP: 100 SP: 100 Adena: 500 Items: 0 Spoil: 0 Enchant Rate: 66% Blessed Enchant Rate: 85% Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 25 Server Customs Epic:Armors/Weapons/Jewels/Cloaks Vesper:Armors/Weapons/Jewels Titanium:Armors Demonic:Weapons Custom Farming Areas Global GK Full Npc Buffer 3h Buffs No Clan/Ally Penalties Max 10 Clans Per Ally .online Ingame Command Weddings Team vs Team Weekly Olympiad Increased Private Store Slots Increased Inventory Slots No Subclass Quest Custom Name/Title Colours of PvP/Pk count Farmable Donations A lot more Low Server Rates Chronicle: Interlude EXP: 4 SP: 4 Adena: 10 Items: 20 Spoil: 20 Enchant Rate: 66% Blessed Enchant Rate: 70% Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 16 Server Customs Global GK No Clan/Ally Penalties Max 10 Clans Per Ally .online Ingame Command Weddings Weekly Olympiad Increased Private Store Slots Increased Inventory Slots Auto Pickup Class Changer
  5. hmmm my past projest was this : http://lineage2genesis.freehostia.com its since 2006 so i dont think i stole anything ps if you READ main page announcements i was doing some changes in system patch today and serv+site is NOT in host company ffs and im just promoting my server here for possible players, nobody "forced" you to play here so dont fcking flame and spam
  6. what the fuck? :S you might talk for another l2genesis cause i JUST MADE THESE WEEKS THIS ONE
  7. could someone admin change my username? pm me for further info
  8. sorry for that, i added it to 4 forums at same time and forgot to add site @ all :P
  9. New interlude full custom l2 server just opened today, come and join fast!!! ;D WEBSITE:http://la2genesis.servegame.com/ FORUM:http://la2genesis.servegame.com/forum/ Server Rates Chronicle: Interlude EXP: 100 SP: 100 Adena: 500 Items: 0 Spoil: 0 Enchant Rate: 66% Blessed Enchant Rate: 85% Safe Enchant: 4 Max Enchant: 25 Server Customs Epic:Armors/Weapons/Jewels/Cloaks Vesper:Armors/Weapons/Jewels Titanium:Armors Demonic:Weapons Custom Farming Areas Global GK Full Npc Buffer 3h Buffs No Clan/Ally Penalties Max 10 Clans Per Ally .online Ingame Command Weddings Team vs Team Weekly Olympiad Increased Private Store Slots Increased Inventory Slots No Subclass Quest Custom Name/Title Colours of PvP/Pk count Farmable Donations A lot more
  10. maybe someone could compile them into ukx files with epic file names?
  11. reshare kapoios to link einai broken, thnx
  12. popo file meswses!!! thnx a lot
  13. an mporei na me voi8isei kapoios sxetika me afto to script 8a to ektimousa, as mou kanei pm.. exw to enchant script kai to l2phx dist k 8elw ligo help sto settarisma :S
  14. lupamai file mou alla apo oti kserw kai exw prospa8isei den einai dunatwn afto.....:( sto l2superman ginetai, alla den uparxei crack, prepei na plirwneis 7USD ka8e mina gia na to xrisimopoieis... vevaia an kapoios exei kanei kanena script as to steilei edw...
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