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Everything posted by politsopoulos

  1. nice share mate
  2. auto t error m vgainei otan 2 chars exoun dilwsi stin oly, molis tous vgazei to msg oti se 30 secs 8a pane st oly stadium
  3. to xw kanei alla tpt akoma k skeftika mipws exei tuxei k s kanenan allon k 3erei t fix
  4. dn xreiazetai na ginei wipe :S kaneis backup merika tables tis database sta opoia einai ta stoixeia twn players clans ktlp ktlp k eisai komple
  5. hi guys i use l2hardcode 206 rev server and sometimes i get this error in game server and all ingame chars stuck Exception in thread "SelectorThread-53" java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.onForcedDisconnection(L2Ga meClient.java:482) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.MMOConnection.onForcedDisconnection(MMO Connection.java:224) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.readPacket(SelectorThrea d.java:380) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java: 229)
  6. pedes xrisimopouw to l2hardcode 206 kai se kapoies faseis vlepw afto t error st game server Exception in thread "SelectorThread-53" java.lang.NullPointerException at net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.L2GameClient.onForcedDisconnection(L2Ga meClient.java:482) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.MMOConnection.onForcedDisconnection(MMO Connection.java:224) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.readPacket(SelectorThrea d.java:380) at com.l2jserver.mmocore.network.SelectorThread.run(SelectorThread.java: 229) kai ola ta ingame chars kollane :S
  7. cool weapons!!!
  8. teleio euxaristw :D
  9. thnx 4 sharing
  10. vasika la8os, pigene mesa sta stats/skills k vres to 2000-2099.xml k alla3e se auto: <skill id="2005" levels="1" name="Pollen"> <set name="power" val="200.0"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="skillType" val="MANAHEAL"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="castRange" val="-1"/> <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/> <set name="buffDuration" val="15000"/> <set name="isPotion" val="true"/> to power
  11. einai apo to kwdika java prin to compile to posa mp 8a gemizoun ta pots
  12. hmmmm i dont know if u have the same problem, but i have being useing the 206 rev of this pack, and in olympiad after the player 1 emptys the player2's hp there is a long waiting time till the "player1 has won etc etc" and teleport at town..... does anyone know whats wrong? ps" i know its offtopic but im posting it here especially for the ppl who compiled the pack
  13. exei ginei post afto to flash site edw st forum, use search
  14. wraios file, k egw smr to ekana compile me diafora customs panw ;)
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