they all started making pre-configured servers again, then making threads to brag about them and now they are making threads EVEN to find their failservername.
Its more than annoying.
Πάλι τα ίδια..
Εδώ δεν ξέρετε τι είναι java και ανοίγετε servers, ;otan δεν ξέρετε να αλάζετε ούτε 1 config.
Μέχρι και στο όνομα κολλάτε τώρα, όλα έτοιμα τα θέλετε
I rather make a tattoo than opening a hole in my body.
A friend made one on his tongue, the fagget hit a vain and he was bleeding for 2 hours.
He was eating yogurts for 4 weeks, THIS is pathetic.