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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. ITT: Retards trying to prove something without a statement.
  2. I want a better title for my posts. There aren't many that have this amount of posts >.> Find something unique.
  3. You have no idea what i offered in this forum and maxtor never heard to me. He just listens to you cause he became active after our demotions.
  4. I guess everybody voted yes cause of the award thingie, if there wouldn't be reward for erasing karma they wouldnt vote for it :D
  5. Heineken και Magnus.
  6. post your motherboard so we can check what it can handle..lol DDR2 Memory? Gotta be an oldie mobo
  7. http://infiniteaion.com/ Pride > Low rate Greed > High rate
  8. you can check deviantart for rainmeter or stardock, or just search google for any other
  9. I Think you shall add the places they have taken place, for example Gold > L2Mod > Global Mod > Vip etc.
  10. Αν είναι να πάρεις το arc, περίμενε μέχρι τον οκτώμβρη που βγαίνει το arc S με αναβαθμισμένο επεξεργαστή 1.4GHz.
  11. FLAC is the most flawless, but does your phone support it?
  12. Aha. Now i get it. Though its the same thing, excluding the dagger thing i mentioned. And register the skill in the specific class id
  13. You've got to do the following: Create a new column with a new skill on skillname-e Create a new column with a new skill on skillgrp (Including it's icon) Make a buff on skills folder inside an existing one or create a new xml and edit the stats you want. Add the custom skill in the dagger inside weapon table. You're done. Else; Create a hidden custom passive skill which is not added on skillgrp and skillname-e and add the stats including the line <using kind="dagger"> and add it on the character's skills so everytime he equip any dagger he will get the same effect.
  14. Παπούτσια http://store.diesel.com/DIESEL/search/Footwear/man/tskay/0B02CB5B/c/cat_140/gender/U/agerange/Adult/mm/125/viewall/1 http://www.myshoe.gr/%CE%91%CE%9D%CE%94%CE%A1%CE%99%CE%9A%CE%91-%CE%A0%CE%91%CE%A0%CE%9F%CE%A5%CE%A4%CE%A3%CE%99%CE%91_s-66911.aspx Ρούχα http://www.designerwear.co.uk/ http://www.dress-for-less.com/tmpl/en/index.tmpl?et_lid=707691;et_cid=261;et_sub=Produktkategorien;id=SYk0rXUOJ0FkhsZuzoVvmF
  15. great keep suggesting i'd like movies like american pie 17 again ace ventura no strings attached the girl next door not another teen movie etc
  16. i need a good comedy movie for tonight
  17. Title says it all, pm me for more infos.
  18. Thanks! Και όπως πάντα, τα flames δεν λείπουν απο τοπικ που αφορούν εμένα! Εύγε ;p
  19. Έπρεπε να έβλεπες τι pms λάμβανα καθημερινά εγώ όταν είμουν global mod ^^ Απλά αγνόησε τον, όσο του απαντάς τόση αξία παίρνει
  20. he mad. he dekarmed me cause I called him retard
  21. He made an english and a greek topic, i guess he didn't know where to request it first so he made a translation in here.
  22. τι epic ρε ανάπηρο; Τον ξέρεις τον krash;
  23. haha χωρίς πλάκα περίμενα τοπικ για ρούχα με το summer hot
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