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Everything posted by ZeuZ

  1. well the last posts of working walker for abyss server DONT WORK!!! server got fixed , if anyone know please post it !!! I mean WORKING BOT!!!
  2. well server really dont have lag, its fully made so ppl cant s--t up server , there are gm lvls 5 lvls , trust me its fun. Click http://www.l2-gm.com/index.php?id=parsisiuntimai <--- here if u want play in this server and vote too!!! In the game is 5 levels. Level could raise for having points. * 0 level [0 points] - White colour nick'. Can use //gmshop, //gmspeed 4 and some another commands. * 1 level [20 points] - Green color nick. Add these commands - //nokarma, //shrinkhead, echant weapon until +65535, //settitle, //bighead, //teleportto, //nokarma * 2 level [50 points] - Black color nick. Add these commands - //save_modification, //setsex, //polymorph, //polyself, //set_level * 3 level [100 points] - Cambridge blue color nick. Add these commands - //recall, //play_sound, //res, //heal, //edit_npc, //set_karma, //show_skills, //skill_list, //add_skill * 4 level[300 points] - Yellow color nick. Add these commands - //silence, //clanhall, //clanhallset, //clanhallopendoors, //clanhallteleportself, //list_spawns, //show_spawns, //setclass, //gmchat, //save_modification * 5 level [500 points] - Green color nick. Add these commands - //spawn, //changename, //unjail, //open, //close, //visible, //siege, //add_attacker, //add_defender, //list_siege_clans, //startsiege, //unbanchat, //changename, //edit_character, //repair, //restore, //setkarma, //setname, //setsex, //invis, //vis, //invisible, //visible
  3. its www.l2-light.com
  4. As u remember on guy was talking about multiclass...well it got fixed!!!!!!!BUT.... i found the other way... what server fixed from last BUG , he made a spawn place up on giran temple on the roof ...well thats why we cant make any multiclass anymore.. BUt... this bug still exist: go to any subclass taker: 1.take a subclass 2.and change fast to ur main class Tadaaaa... u have multi class :D its soo easy... but i will HIDE it...
  5. workiking for gracia servers??
  6. thx for share
  7. LEON said: so i found out a bug at l2 server light: into giran which is a lvling area and there are all of npcs of serv there with one mob u r 79 lvl as soon as u hit the mob which can be killed with one hit cause its setted to be with 1 hp ur skills come automatically and in order to load up so many skills it makes about 30-40 secs so u make sub and ... u r 40 lvl with 2nd class and as soos as u hit the mob momentarily u change to the sub that u want the skills to be ... and u r ready and in order to take the 3rd class u change to the class that u was first make 3 rd class and momentarily u change sub and the skills will be at the sub u change to! what u dont understand tell me tested at l2light and it works 100% i dont know if it works anywhere else =] Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin translated by johny4098 Wink Wink I copyed from greek section to english section !!!! i hide it if u say so cause this works! NB! I DIDNT TRANSLATE ... I JUST COPYED AND CHANGED IT TO ENGLISH SECTION!!!! johny4098 is the translator!
  8. can u make a tutorial for this program?
  9. good one useful and working on interlude gve server :D
  10. Well im sure that is a ench bug , it worked for me in many multi skills servers i mean most of them only for fighters Step!!! 1.normally all server have this thing u can hit NPC 2.ok make ur char max atk speed 3.hit npc * i used a bow* 4.now hit npc until ur mp goes off *cause enchant depends on critical hits* 5.then if u have a low mp enchant ur weapon 6.then use mana potionmake it full mp 7.and then again hit NPC Worked on : age of shadows , L2onix , all multi skills server weer u can get almost 7k atk speed or higher ...and guys encahnt depends on criticals its not a timeing.... i know its a criticals!!!!! try ur owntake a bow from normal server and make around 25 criticals then ench, and then wait again until u count 25 criticals and ench again ... i know it work !!!!!!!!!! AND PPL : BELIVE ME ENCH DEPENDS ON CRITICALS!!!!!! NB! cause im sure if u get around 100 criticals u get 1 safe ench , IM pretty sure all ench depends on critical hits!!!! Soon coming a time if we discover a encahnt bug! dont loose youre hope!
  11. well at least it is like a blessed ench :D , yes and i tryed and it worked but it was a crapy russian serv :D!!! well should i hide it or not? cause its still normal scroll ench but same time blessed! :D
  12. ok then it was my imagine!!! :D , but i still leave open this topic , im russian i go tit in some russian servers
  13. Well i found something!!!But not very sure! ok here we go:first u need much scrolls and of curse item what u want enchant STEP: 1. put in F1 start private store sell *and put youre items to sell* 2.click START or begin 3.now press abort 4.now put to F2 weapon ench scroll !!! 5,now press F2 * but dont enchant* 6.then press F1 *Private store sell* and press begin or start 7.then u have this weapon ench window opened same time if u sell this same weapon ...press enchant weapon! 8.weapon is encahnted now press F2 again and abort store 9.then again press F2 to ench weapon but dont enchant it yet 10.and again F1 to make a shop! 11.and like this always!!! ok if u broke weapon dont cancel youre shop!!! u need to dualbox, login with other char and buy a weapon from the other char who made this shop and encahnted !!!! u get it un broken wep :D Well i think it works on L2J servers , but try out ... some day we will find the encahnt exploit :D i tryed it kamael server!!! PLZ no SPAM!!!! or i hide this post! IF it works on ur servers plz +1 karma :D
  14. WORKING ty dude
  15. i found !!!! search in maxcheaters type in : abyss l2walker
  16. search!!!
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