well server really dont have lag, its fully made so ppl cant s--t up server , there are gm lvls 5 lvls , trust me its fun.
Click http://www.l2-gm.com/index.php?id=parsisiuntimai <--- here if u want play in this server and vote too!!!
In the game is 5 levels. Level could raise for having points.
* 0 level [0 points] - White colour nick'. Can use //gmshop, //gmspeed 4 and some another commands.
* 1 level [20 points] - Green color nick. Add these commands - //nokarma, //shrinkhead, echant weapon until +65535, //settitle, //bighead, //teleportto, //nokarma
* 2 level [50 points] - Black color nick. Add these commands - //save_modification, //setsex, //polymorph, //polyself, //set_level
* 3 level [100 points] - Cambridge blue color nick. Add these commands - //recall, //play_sound, //res, //heal, //edit_npc, //set_karma, //show_skills, //skill_list, //add_skill
* 4 level[300 points] - Yellow color nick. Add these commands - //silence, //clanhall, //clanhallset, //clanhallopendoors, //clanhallteleportself, //list_spawns,
//show_spawns, //setclass, //gmchat, //save_modification
* 5 level [500 points] - Green color nick. Add these commands - //spawn, //changename, //unjail, //open, //close, //visible, //siege, //add_attacker, //add_defender,
//list_siege_clans, //startsiege, //unbanchat, //changename, //edit_character, //repair,
//restore, //setkarma, //setname, //setsex, //invis, //vis, //invisible, //visible