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Everything posted by ZeuZ

  1. OMG THIS B**I*CH is idiot , one thing , tthis l2ranger is for offiacial server russian , secondly it dont work anymore cuz russians have updated their protection and i broke it with my brother , so this Mo***e**r***** is just idiot who likes to copy everything , USELESS!!!
  2. dualbox <--- if u open 2 or more L2 windows from same computer! I think u searched L2walker ?? Or program what will make dualbox easier?
  3. very good script works in l2inc
  4. I hope u are 7 years old , im sure many peoples knew it along time , event this is not an exploit from KAMAEL u can play gracia too *but u can get criticals*same as C5 u can play in interlude but u get criticals , u can even play with c5 to c4 and c3 but again as i said u can get criticals LOL
  5. nayve u were gm ... but noob GM , who dont understand anything !! , and maybe 1% probably ur idea working , its visual only u can see u are hero
  6. First of all this guy copyed it was posted already if kamael got out and maybe before and second thing its a good exploit not for attack skills but its good for passive skills EXAMPLE : go make a warrior class (EXAMPLE:duelist) i go stack with bishop class ( because of light armor passive skills ) then i go stack warcryer then titan cuz u get guts :P stackeble skills are only good for passive skills not active ones hope u understand
  7. http://www.l2berserker.com Rate Server 35x Exp 40x SP 100x Adena 5x Drops 5x Spoil L2Berserker Include: Starting adena is 1 000 000 Buffs cost 1000 adena ( OFC there are not all buffs EXAMPLE : COV ; POF ... and on on only main buffs until server get better to ppl will start doing buffers Global Gatekeeper GmShop Wedding Priest Buffer ( For the first month ) Castle Sieges All base buff durations 30 minutes. All Song and Dance buff durations 30 minutes. Renewall,VoP, Magnus, & CoV, ecc buff duration 5 minutes. Prophecy type buffs now last 5 minutes. Subclass/Noblesse Quest 1st/2nd Class Changes: Buy from a Npc Third Class Professions: Quest or Buy from a Npc Olympiad & Hero Seven Signs Skills: Auto learn skills for all classes. Event Include: TvT: Team Vs Team CTF: Capture The Flag DM: Death Match L2Day L2Valentines More Info: server got out 5 days ago from this time , so we need you to get server better , classes are stable, NO over powered items and chars , all are equal , enchant rates are like in retail servers , active gms , 24/7 ONLINE , If i were u i would come in server now to get best , dont be scared of online players , cuz it just opened , as u can see from website its .COM se it have been payed for it , No lag , no texture lags , Ofc there are few gms not like in some server over 20 ppl are gms or admins , Buffer is for one month , maybe admin will make a poll to buffers , Gm shop with s grade items (U MUST EARN THEM ITS NOT EASY TO GET).Server is roleplaying , Never will be Clean up I mean admin will not gonna make a wipe and all fun! SERVER ONLINE
  8. OK guys i found something but , i dunno , does it work on all servers , i got 4 servers alrdy admins ID and PSW AS U CAN SEE THIS IS L2.INI , L2.ini is in Lineage II/system/L2.ini ! i will make shadow to there! RED = Admins account , sometimes they forget to change the account stuff in l2.ini GREEN = U can change ur view PINK = WOW server PORT ! Brown = Maybe it can help u with and about lags , i dont know right now !Maybe someone can tell u ! Protocol=unreal ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol Name=Player Map=Index.unr LocalMap=Entry.unr Host= Portal= MapExt=unr EXEName=l2.exe SaveExt=usa Port=7777 Class=LineageWarrior.MFighter ServerAddr=dragonheart.servegame.com ;Replace the text in "ServerAddr=" with the ip of your server to play. ;Reemplaza el texto en "ServerAddr=" con la ip de tu server para jugar. ;Server 1 ;IP ;Server 2 ;IP ;Server 3 ;IP ;Server 4 ;IP IsL2NetLogin=True IsL2Console=True IsL2Seamless=True IsL2Projector=True ISL2Mark=2 ForceAspectRatio=False AspectRatio=1.334 IsDefaultShaodw=False IsUnderWaterEffect=False IsUseCommand=True L2VersionCheck=false IsL2MemLog=False L2ThreadFilter=1 L2TestServer=false EnablePurgeLevel=True SharedSky=True L2MaxPawnResourceLoad=1.0 L2UseReplayManager=true EnableSecondWindow=true IsUseXMLUI=True L2ShaderPath=..\system\ [L2WaterEffect] ColorReference=(A=180,R=38,G=56,B=64,RR=150) EffectResolution=512 [LanguageSet] Language=0 [FontSet] ;Font=L2Font.Japan ;Glyph=Japan.gly Font=L2Font.gulim Glyph=gulim.gly [CharacterDisplay] Name=true Dist=10000 [ClippingRange] PawnMax=3.0 PawnMin=1.5 AntiPortal=1.5 Terrain=8.0 StaticMesh=4.0 Projector=0.2 StaticMeshLod=5.0 Pawn=2.0 Actor=4.0 [AutoLogOn] IsL2AutoLogOn=Ture L2ID=zodiac L2Passwd=zodiac L2Slot=7[/font] [FirstRun] FirstRun=2110 [Engine.Engine] RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=Engine.NullRenderDevice ;RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice AudioDevice=ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem ;AudioDevice=XboxAudio.XboxAudioSubsystem NetworkDevice=IpDrv.TcpNetDriver DemoRecordingDevice=Engine.DemoRecDriver Console=Engine.Console DefaultPlayerMenu=UDebugMenu.UDebugRootWindow Language=int GameEngine=Engine.GameEngine EditorEngine=Editor.EditorEngine GUIController=Engine.BaseGUIController ;DefaultGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame ;DefaultServerGame=WarfareGame.WarfareTeamGame DefaultGame=Engine.GameInfo DefaultServerGame=Engine.GameInfo ViewportManager=WinDrv.WindowsClient ;ViewportManager=XboxDrv.XboxClient ;ViewportManager=SDLDrv.SDLClient Render=Render.Render Input=Engine.Input Canvas=Engine.Canvas DefaultPlayerController=Engine.LineagePlayerController L2NetHandler=Engine.NetHandler L2Console=NWindow.ConsoleWnd L2Font=NWindow.L2Font [Core.System] PurgeCacheDays=30 SavePath=../Save CachePath=../Cache CacheExt=.uxx Paths=../System/*.u Paths=../StaticMeshes/*.usx Paths=../Textures/*.utx Paths=../Sounds/*.uax Paths=../Voice/*.uax Paths=../Maps/*.unr ;Paths=../Music/*.umx Paths=../Animations/*.ukx Paths=../SysTextures/*.utx Paths=../Animations/*.usk Paths=../Saves/*.uvx Suppress=DevLoad Suppress=DevSave Suppress=DevNetTraffic Suppress=DevGarbage Suppress=DevKill Suppress=DevReplace Suppress=DevCompile Suppress=DevBind Suppress=DevBsp [Engine.GameEngine] CacheSizeMegs=64 UseSound=True ;ServerActors=IpDrv.UdpBeacon ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerQuery ;ServerActors=IpServer.UdpServerUplink MasterServerAddress=unreal.epicgames.com MasterServerPort=27900 ;ServerActors=UWeb.WebServer ServerPackages=AmbientCreatures ;ServerPackages=WarEffects ;ServerPackages=Decorations ServerPackages=GamePlay ServerPackages=UnrealGame ;ServerPackages=WarfareGame ;ServerPackages=WarClassLight ;ServerPackages=WarClassHeavy ;ServerPackages=WarClassMisc ;ServerPackages=Pickups [WinDrv.WindowsClient] WindowedViewportX=1024 WindowedViewportY=768 FullscreenViewportX=1024 FullscreenViewportY=768 MenuViewportX=1024 MenuViewportY=768 Brightness=0.800000 Contrast=0.700000 Gamma=0.800000 UseJoystick=True CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False UseWindowFrame=False ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Higher TextureDetailTerrain=Higher TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Higher TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Higher TextureDetailWorld=Higher TextureDetailRenderMap=Higher TextureDetailLightmap=Higher NoFractalAnim=False ScaleHUDX=0.0 [sDLDrv.SDLClient] WindowedViewportX=1024 WindowedViewportY=768 FullscreenViewportX=1024 FullscreenViewportY=768 MenuViewportX=800 MenuViewportY=600 Brightness=0.800000 Contrast=0.700000 Gamma=0.800000 UseJoystick=True JoystickNumber=0 IgnoreHat=False JoystickHatNumber=0 CaptureMouse=True StartupFullscreen=False ScreenFlashes=True NoLighting=False MinDesiredFrameRate=35.000000 Decals=True Coronas=True DecoLayers=True Projectors=True NoDynamicLights=False ReportDynamicUploads=False TextureDetailInterface=Normal TextureDetailTerrain=Normal TextureDetailWeaponSkin=Normal TextureDetailPlayerSkin=Normal TextureDetailWorld=Normal TextureDetailRenderMap=Normal TextureDetailLightmap=UltraHigh NoFractalAnim=False [Engine.Player] ConfiguredInternetSpeed=10000 ConfiguredLanSpeed=20000 [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem] UseEAX=False Use3DSound=False UseDefaultDriver=False CompatibilityMode=False UsePrecache=True ReverseStereo=false Channels=32 MusicVolume=0.1 AmbientVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 DopplerFactor=1.0 Rolloff=0.5 TimeBetweenHWUpdates=15 DisablePitch=False LowQualitySound=False [ipDrv.TcpNetDriver] AllowDownloads=True ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=0.2 MaxClientRate=20000 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=20 LanServerMaxTickRate=35 DownloadManagers=IpDrv.HTTPDownload DownloadManagers=Engine.ChannelDownload [ipDrv.HTTPDownload] RedirectToURL= ProxyServerHost= ProxyServerPort=3128 UseCompression=True [Engine.DemoRecDriver] DemoSpectatorClass=Warriors.CHSpectator MaxClientRate=25000 ConnectionTimeout=15.0 InitialConnectTimeout=500.0 AckTimeout=1.0 KeepAliveTime=1.0 SimLatency=0 RelevantTimeout=5.0 SpawnPrioritySeconds=1.0 ServerTravelPause=4.0 NetServerMaxTickRate=60 LanServerMaxTickRate=60 [Engine.GameReplicationInfo] ServerName=Another Unreal Server ShortName=Unreal Server [ipDrv.TcpipConnection] SimPacketLoss=0 SimLatency=0 [ipServer.UdpServerQuery] GameName=ut [ipDrv.UdpBeacon] DoBeacon=True BeaconTime=0.50 BeaconTimeout=5.0 BeaconProduct=ut [XboxDrv.XboxClient] TextureDetail=Medium SkinDetail=Medium LightmapDetail=High TextureMinLOD=6 TextureMaxLOD=9 Brightness=0.8 Contrast=0.7 Gamma=0.8 NoFractalAnim=True [XBoxAudio.XBoxAudioSubsystem] ReverseStereo=False Channels=32 MusicVolume=1.0 SoundVolume=1.0 AmbientFactor=1.0 UsePrecache=True [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseTrilinear=True AdapterNumber=-1 ReduceMouseLag=True UseTripleBuffering=False UseHardwareTL=True UseHardwareVS=True UseCubemaps=True DesiredRefreshRate=60 UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=True Use16bit=False Use16bitTextures=False MaxPixelShaderVersion=255 UseVSync=False LevelOfAnisotropy=1 DetailTexMipBias=0.8 DefaultTexMipBias=-0.5 UseNPatches=False TesselationFactor=1.0 CheckForOverflow=False [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseTrilinear=True UseStencil=False MaxTextureUnits=8 VARSize=32 ReduceMouseLag=False [Engine.NullRenderDevice] DetailTextures=True HighDetailActors=True SuperHighDetailActors=True UsePrecaching=True UseCompressedLightmaps=True UseStencil=False [Editor.EditorEngine] UseSound=True CacheSizeMegs=32 GridEnabled=True SnapVertices=False SnapDistance=10.000000 GridSize=(X=16.000000,Y=16.000000,Z=16.000000) RotGridEnabled=True RotGridSize=(Pitch=1024,Yaw=1024,Roll=1024) GameCommandLine=-log FovAngleDegrees=90.000000 GodMode=True AutoSave=True AutoSaveTimeMinutes=5 AutoSaveIndex=6 UseAxisIndicator=True MatineeCurveDetail=0.1 LoadEntirePackageWhenSaving=0 EditPackages=Core EditPackages=Engine EditPackages=Fire EditPackages=Editor EditPackages=UWindow EditPackages=UnrealEd EditPackages=IpDrv EditPackages=GamePlay EditPackages=LineageEffect EditPackages=LineageWarrior EditPackages=LineageNpc EditPackages=LineageNpc2 EditPackages=LineageNpcEv EditPackages=LineageMonster EditPackages=LineageMonster2 EditPackages=LineageMonster3 EditPackages=LineageMonster4 EditPackages=LineageVehicle EditPackages=LineageDeco EditPackages=LineageCreature EditPackages=UDebugMenu ;EditPackages=NWindow EditPackages=LineageSkillEffect ;EditPackages=WarEffects ;EditPackages=Decorations ;EditPackages=WarfareGame ;EditPackages=IHVDemoContent ;EditPackages=Pickups ;EditPackages=WarClassLight ;EditPackages=WarClassHeavy ;EditPackages=WarClassMisc ;EditPackages=AmbientCreatures ;EditPackages=Vehicles ;EditPackages=UPreview [uMenu.UnrealConsole] RootWindow=UMenu.UMenuRootWindow UWindowKey=IK_Esc ShowDesktop=True [uMenu.UMenuMenuBar] ShowHelp=True GameUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTGameMenu MultiplayerUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTMultiplayerMenu OptionsUMenuDefault=UTMenu.UTOptionsMenu [Engine.GameInfo] bLowGore=False bVeryLowGore=False [uWeb.WebServer] ;Applications[0]=UTServerAdmin.UTServerAdmin ;ApplicationPaths[0]=/ServerAdmin ;Applications[1]=UTServerAdmin.UTImageServer ;ApplicationPaths[1]=/images DefaultApplication=0 bEnabled=False [Engine.LevelInfo] PhysicsDetailLevel=PDL_Medium [Engine.Console] ConsoleKey=9 [WindowPositions] GameLog=(X=0,Y=0,XL=512,YL=256)
  9. well all servers are like this , IM not lieing , there are even more players than on this picture , in empire at day there are over 1 k people in giran selling items !!!! i will update and search more mass player servers! if u want , cuz actually i know a lot of mass play servers !
  10. I searched but i found crap only , well big problem is i guess its GRACIA II
  11. working! on la2-pvp.ru
  12. Server name Chornicle Players ONLINE SIte Rates Ageline C4 4500 www.ageline.ru 10x Empire Gracia 5000 www.la2-empire.net 5x lineage-game.ru Gracia and interlude 4000 www.la2-empire.net/ 800x 10x 5x 15x The abyss Interlude 6000 www.la2.theabyss.ru 3x 300x 7x 10x 1x 5x Asterios Gacia 4000 www.asterios.ru 3x l2rx Hellbound 2000 www.l2rx.com 1000x Shock-world Interlude 1500 www.Shock-World.com 10x 1x 100x Now Some Real Pvp servers!color] L2dragonheart returns Gracia 500 www.l2dragonheart.forocreacion.com/portal.htm 10000x l2evo Gracia 300 www.l2evo.ro 10000x lineage antique Gracia 400 www.antique.info 5000x L2-light Gracia 400 www.l2-light.com 9000x infiniteL2 Gracia 600 www.infinitel2.com GvE NB! dont spam , its better to admin lock the topic , cuz i just made a small search , this topic is actually for mass pvp servers ! but ok i added some pvp servers too ! updated 11.november 2008 05:42 GMT +gmt 2 NOT FAKE U LOL GUYS ALL ARE REAL , YES MAYBE I FORGOT SOME SERVERS , BUT I MADE THIS TOPIC NOT FOR U WILL TELL ME IM BAD , I MADE IT CUZ SOME PPL SEARCH MASSIVE PLAYER SERVERES , AND U CAN GET ENGLISH LANGUAGE ON RUSSIAN SERVER EASALLY , JUST SOME WORK ON IT , AND IF U WANT I MAKE A TOPIC FOR GOING TO RUSSIAN SERVERS WITH RNGLISH TRANSLATION , ITS EASY AND STOP PUTTING COMMENTS U DONT LIKE IT ... I JUST MAKED UR LIFE EASIER! ONE MORE THING I PUTTED PLAYERS ONLINES WITH NIGHT TIME IN +GMT 2 , IN DAY TIME THERE ARE LIKE 3X OR 4 X MORE PLAYERS , I FORGOT TO ADD THIS !NEXT TIME U CAN SEE WHAT TIME I MADE THIS ! AND ALL ARE REAL I hide it CUZ PPL WILL MAKE SOME ACTIVITY ON MAXCHEATERS! AN I HIDED IT WITH 15 POSTS, LET IT BE !!!
  13. what this means only for retail servers , ???
  14. good one i can use it on other programs
  15. wts account on l2-light all best items . +20 items hero nobles charname GoD add me msn andrei1155@hotmail.com
  16. i didint understan how can i get it? or its not out yet?
  17. i need a walker for l2-light , plz anyone try to find for me , thankyou! good is if its IG , but OOG is good to!game connect is trough HOST , not patch!
  18. u can find augment skill exploit in forums go search !
  19. u should mix theese 2 or more scripts to one , i hope u understand what i mean , by this way u can make 10 and more scripts run in same time :D LOGIC!!!!!
  20. very good explanation! thank you
  21. good for newbies!
  22. not working for me i think im doing something wrong !
  23. Closed For while ... Sorry ... i send K4rma4rrows some instructions , he will test em if all is ok , he make a new topic , i need go to hospidal for somewhile ... sorry for all !
  24. still its good share , i was looking for it , but now i found it thankyou!
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