I was the only one that play overlord there, we play a lot togheter, and with ltronl !, such a good time.
I would pay to play again on l2gve! the real one!
Something different is play with A grade and farm por S grade, but C4 S stuff not that dynasty crap. But i got your point, anyway +18 is to high, at the end on your server dagger will be op'ed like all server with higher enchant rates.
* Max Enchant: +18
* Safe Enchant: +6
that will make some classes OP, +6 is enought to get def bonus, i guess it will be better add elements instead of high enchant values
mm same features of l2 retro, l2 cerius or something like that, both were great server but to damn corrupted, if you bought that files Gh's and trickester are op as hell and all warriors sux hard =D
i'll join, those are a great server files !
Only thing that i dont like from this server is that mages, all of them, are ables to tanks at least 3 ppl.
I have a titan, 5k mdef 25k hp 6k cp, full resist too (330wind more or less) every StormS. hits me 900/2.3k crit constantly, and with skills +30 all of them on pvp i'm doing 900 crit with 6k patk LOL.