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Everything posted by papa123

  1. >literally wrote this and he still doesnt get it how fucking awful he is at making "balance" changes yeah what you did is literally ultra feed chaos whole time with bots and afkers on order in b grade, making them farm everything even more, cause more people on map more easy frags for them, 30 iq clown, chaos parties are shit tier only difference between chaos and order is thge fact that chaos isnt 50% of bots following around not doing anything also i cant belive what a clown just wrote, he literally just confirmed every fucking single post in this thread about how fucking awful he is at balancing, what a fucking logic !!!!! lmao
  2. ur eyes burn from the tilt inside ur head not being able to instantly ban and delete everyone who says otherwise, ur server is shit, ur balance is 30 iq, bassicly your balancing is so bad that your server would actaully live longer if you didnt touch anything just put it lke it was on interlude,, anyway have fun it lasted for like 1 week, and 90% of people left, next time try to fix something rather than being mad when peole tell you how shit ur server is, also il pay attention to my spelling when im grammar exam, not on internet talking to some homemade admin with 30 iq logic that blames other for his own faults, yea, main reason your server failed is because "your bALanCing mega pro 3000 iq decision making"
  3. bullshit server, totally unbalanced fictions, bots spamed on 1 site, while other gathers everything totally unbalanced pve/pvp adena farm, bishops can do everything just by spaming heals, clases like archers completly unplayable unless youre full s grade or with epics, mages 24/7,gladaiators with celestial 24/7 + bishops, total score 4/10 admin totally ignores everything on forum and give instant bans if you try to "critise" anything anyway been there from start, till today and lost will to play, Chaos side totally dominated everything, not because it consisted of better players, just because order side was ruined by bots afking whole day long and being free money for other side, anyway tl dr : would not recomend, total disaster
  4. box limit in 2019 omegafuckingLUL i actaully wanted to play here with my clan, and then i came across 1+2 box limit, and just luled out of there NO BOX LIMIT IS OFFICIAL FEATURE WITH REASON now if i was younger id explain you in details why and how important it is, but since noone of you here actaully ever played this game on top level for long period of time, you wouldnt be able to understand it even if i wrote it "hur duur logic this is prohibit people from having 9 boxes in parties hur dur people will have to play more together hur duur bla bla, it will stop the bots hur dur" , and none of it will ever happen, but what does actaully hapen is that you just turn away serious people that can actaully make your server last longer
  5. we had 7 fucking CPs ready for this server, first we wait 2 hourslonger, they moved opening from 7 to 9, then they gave no info why server is down for like 6-7 hours, then they announce that server is gona open today at 16 gmt+3, (ok fair enough), and when 16gmt+3 comes, they prolonge it again for 3 hours TL DR : these people have no clue what is going on, server is already on 20-30% of their starting community, probabbly biggest fail in lineage 2 history, even random mid rate servers have better and more stable opening, just a joke dont waste ur time here
  6. Damn Fyyre, not sure if this is true old guy or some new kid that is trying to steal identity, but remember back old days, your work was really aprecieted and helpfull, good to see you back if its really you, but you will notice that many things have changed around lineage 2 in 2017, including even this site, everything is around money nowdays, quality of coders droped significly and its some joke tier flawed logic that is runing things around. About community, nobody cares about what "anti bot" does, cause they have no idea what dangerou it can bring to them, all they want is to play lineage 2 on crowded server, and you make server crowded by atracting big clans, even paying some, let your server be around 2-3 weeks, get donation money, close it and reopen soon, thats how things work now. On other side everyone wants to bot, cause its 2017, make easy levels, get some gear, be at top or atleast near top, sell those items to casual players, go to next server - perspective of players in 2017. I knew that smartguard was joke tier protection, when before 2-3 years, it was bypassed just by renaming proces. Anyway this monopoly that SG and adrenaline have, will be hard, almost imposible to break right now, cause there isnt bot around that can be competiton to adrenaline, and thats the first step for everything else.
  7. shit economy, laggy as fuck, imposible to mass pvp gets boring after 3 days, dumbest economy ever, cant enchant items cause farming is way to slow and dumb, literally nothing to do except for epics 4/10 server, seen a lot better java x1000 servers than this
  8. not sure if trying to troll or just plain dumb
  9. there are many people but not for long, we got bored only after 3 days party zones are really lame, its garden of eva with only inside rooms having 3-4 mobs and its crowded as fuck, also pvping without nobles is boring as fuck solo zone is just bot fest as usual all in all, i dont think server will survive more than 1 week sure it has 3k online, and actual true number might be halfed, but yeah for now there is people while we re still at farming stage even tho majority already got s grades, what do we do now? wait for epics? i dont think so, cause it was too easy, people are just killing time for some serious low rates like upcoming gracia final x3 and shit
  10. is it just me or this look like copy of l2dex? like same feateures, format, logic, its almost as i saw it already billions time
  11. Sure, I'l join, but dont expect me to baby sit you by playing healer or something like that, im very experienced player, and most of my people are on official classics, but i dont have time for that. Something like 30x server is perfect for me now, Im 26 years old, been in mostly best low rate cps, playing since c2 days, I know pretty much everything about this game.
  12. this forum will hardly be revived cause nobody shares anything, its only people asking for money for most simple scripts, thus for a free lurker there is nothing and they dont even come back to site and free lurker is main force of any forum, remember how this forum loked like back in 2010, it was paradise, and anyone could find something usefull, those that were willing to pay and those that had no money and the moment you let the wanabe trolls take over this forum with shitposting on every thread without any moderation, you lost it, iv been here for a long period of time and i can guarante you, no matter what you do, you will never bring back golden days of maxcheaters, cause the core community of it left, what you have now, is bunch of autistic kids shitposting on every request or thread
  13. Yeah clones, and there is majority of them runing around following people doing nothing, its easy to spot them, just because it trigers you doesnt mean im not talking truth, and they dont get kicked simply because they are moving. Maps are chosen by players, thats true, but its only ilusion of choice since 90% of maps are pretty much same shit, and there is like 10% that long range charcters could benefit from, and i said geodata is bugged as fuck, and its really hard to move properly and target people, since you get random stops and blocks. Buffs are retail like, youre pulling now " its offficial thing, on most custom made server ever", like, its how it should be, but you forgot that you "self" edited pretty much all other things, from stats to certain skills. Balancing you did might be based on experience from previous seassons but doesnt mean you did good job, or it was good balancing. And in the end youre calling me a noob, but the fact that i might be the most experienced player you ever had is what makes me laugh, i have been playing this game since c2 days, from official to all the top low rates, in top clans and cps, and its funy when someone like you that actaully had never felt real "lineage2" is trying to call me nubcake or "i dont know how to play certain class/ i dont know how to buff", cause in the end when you have no arguments you have to start flaming, and thats the first sign that u lost argument i guess, anyway its good for new players since they can figure out how you "reason and logic" when someone is countering youre arguments, it tells a lot about person.
  14. Tried this server, duno whats fuss about, its really poor server, it has "great" online, but 50% are clones on scripts. You literally see 200 people on each, chaos or order side, but majority is afk, or just walking with group, doing nothing, clearly scripts at work, probabbly done by admin or someone else. I played for around 3-4 days, dont know exactly, got around 460kills, and in the end I can tell you that mages are broken as fuck on that server, first cause of the amount of buffs u can take, second cause of the maps played, and third cause of the "manual" nerfing of stats done by admin on "his own", bassicly i had luck to enchant a shyed bow on+10(which is same as db, just with very slow attack) and i hardly crited 3k on b grade armors with dark elf archer +5str dyes and plated leather set(+4str), which is in least said hilarious. Btw you cant take cat quen buffs since admin removed it from play. Normal hit with archer is around 600 on b grade mages, and around 300 on every other class in b grade, which is funny. Besides that, my friend played sps, he managed to get around 1.6k kills, he got full s grade, and zaken earing drop, which is funny. Now majority of those community, inlcluding admins defend their balance, by saying " mages are shit later on", which is not even remotevly true, what happens is, that if youre archer and get somehow qa+baium, you might actaully do some damage to mages before youre melted down, cause you know its 20+4 buff size, so no matter what you take( and you have to take resist against spellsingers since tehy will melt you dont in b grade) youre gona still lack some of it and doesnt matter if you have 1.4k m def or 1.6k m def, they will still hit you around 700-800 normal hits and 3-4k magic crits, which btw happens as often as archer crits. Anyway, besides all that, geodata is buggy as fuck, targeting people is really, really hard since server is really "good" coded(unless youre on adrenaline pvp radar), and critical errors on almost every event etc. Anyway long story short, when i enterd there and saw amount of online people i thought it was a good server, but fast i realised that majority of those people are actaully scripted clones and the balance of clases is lierally non existant, you either play mages or youre gona lack really behind, sure eventually when youre owning everyone with mages and you got 100kk adena you can swtich to archers with full bow jewls, but that doesnt mean sever is balanced. So, wouldnt recomend, unless youre looking for server to bypass 1-2 days.
  15. thats a nice alternative account u have there, i played on that server couple of times, their "balance" is joke tier, every single thing you tell them that is not working properly they pull out their 2 excuses( first is "there is no official info on this" and this the most used one, second one is "its for balance reasons") Anyway, il give you most common lul thing of them that is 30 IQ balancing, destr/tyr, HUR DUR couple of nubcakes are calling it super strong etc, well shitstains ur playing 1+1 server, OMG ADMIN U MUST NERF THIS, and here comes the admin, oh wait this class can super easy kill anyone or super easy pull huge trains, or kill any raids in matter of seconds, i have to nerf this class cause its too strong, but what they dont fucking figure out, that everyone has option to play that class, and everyone has option to have such class in their party, and if you think that a proper players would allow single destr/tyr to pull half of varka or ketra or whatever, and be there alone with afk bots in party, without forcing him to have atleast 1 or 2 full cp's ready for pvp in order to allow him to experience/farm zone then indeed youre having a server full of luljava nubcakes and you dont know better. And there shitloads of examples like this, where common logic would get you far, but they are too dumb for that, point of having sub stack is indeed this, you will have a strong clasees, and some of them are good for certain things, but in the end without masteries stacking, none of the clases are nearly broken to the level that you have to nerf them, casue each one of the class is definetly playable and counterable no matter how much you think its not. Iv been playing this game since c2 days, on old dragon, and shitloads of other substack servers, frintezza, l2 darkside, and couple of others, and only thing that can bring broken things to game, is when masteries stack, but without it, all clases are counterable and playable, but thats not the problem, problem is the 2017 lul tier dragon community and admins that fall for their crying, but in the end if admins were smart, they would never do stupid nerfes or clases that seem broken just on first sight. But whatever, i wrote many things on that site long time ago, and this is just one of those that come to my mind, il definetly never play that server again, but thats just me. We have different aspects of what is broken and what is not, and i hate to see something getting nerfed just cause nubcakes are crying when they are just bad at the game and have no concept of it. Idiots still are pvping against archers on open spaces, and then call it broken when they get kited and owned, idiots are still not paying attention to positioning and where they take pvps, and lots and lots of more things, but i just had enough of writing.
  16. I like your effort to make something more different and longer term, but I have to say that your balancing skills arent really good, just by pointing out the first custom thing you wrote "Beer: For 2 hour increases CP, HP, MP +3000, P.Atk +15%, M.Atk +15%, P.Def +15%, M.Def +15% and Speed +15." this is insane, you know how much broken this is? I mean i would explain to you step by step but i feel like if you couldnt understand how broken this is on first time you actaully made it, I dont think my explaining it would have any effect.
  17. Yestrday on first day, today you come back to wipe and this :) Friendly advice, stay away from this lul sever, biggest fail of this year so far.
  18. Most bugged server ever, first of there is friendly fire with aoe, second of all you dont get adenas when you kill people, i had like 150 pvps and only 53 adena, and then the epic one, if you restart you lose all your adenas :)) I literally wasted 40 min of my life on that server and im out.
  19. They nerf clases on 30 IQ basis, literally killed half of the classes in last server i played there, i cant remember its name, but i wouldnt ever join this lulserver again. Anyway profa send regards about last server, youll remember probabbly haha.
  20. their files are pretty trashy for something that has been 10 years online, if you ever played their server you would know, you get random tps while making trains, mobs stucking, mages failing 1/3 hits on white mobs, many exploits left over ever in 10 year period etc tho nice try with different account to make you look good lmao
  21. There is no balance Server is literally dog tier when it comes to balance, mages are broken from early gear to late gear, everyone else is useless, archers dmg is nerfed by 45% crit dmg and reduced critical rate, only way to play it is if you have epics and db+10, other classes expect daggers are mostly useless, mages are hiting for like 1.5k normal and 6k critical hits and every 1/3 hit is critical, you have 20+4 buffs, and no matter how you make your buffs youre gona lack some resist, or if youre gona take resists youll have no damage, bassicly 60 IQ balancing logic, they also have tatos which gives P def (150 p def and like 10 m def LUL) and vote buffs which gives you a lot defensive stats, bassicly mages are unkilable. Belive me dont waste your time, only reason they have 200-300 online is because they give buffs for voting so naturally people vote, and many newcomers come and leave, server is pretty boring and dull, you cant play what you want, or you can but youll be useless, bassicly play mage or dont play at all.
  22. i dont even pay for adrenaline im just explaining kids basic economics
  23. why would i pay 7 $ for unknown bot and possible get disapointed and anoyed by shitty bot? when i can get properly working, already tried on, 100% guaranted for 10$ ? like these admins are dumb or trying to scam, they are trying to break into market against adrenaline bot with huge popularity and satisfied buyers, and for literally uknown bot they are asking for 7$, well gues what, you wana gather community, bring the customers, thats now how its done, you either allow free trial to bring people so they can start buying your bot, or youre gona have to offer something that is a LOT better than adrenaline and make people pay for it without trial cause thats the only way its gona get heard, but i doubt you can make something better than adrenaline, so you should re consider your tactics tl dr : you know shit about economics edit : oh and its only suports h5 so far,lmao gg
  24. I think there is more people with this problem, its just that they dont complain, they just leave. Your server looks fine, it should have more people, but it doesnt, and guess why? I cant say for sure, but this might be 1 of the problems, youre server is kinda easy from what iv seen, i mean kinda too easy but still it should have more online, 300 is not that much for project that is fairly stable and unique. Anyway I dont think you need to open 1 more extra proxy, I think you just need to re-locate this existing one. Belive it or not, majority of eu players are actaully from east europe and russia rather than west europe, so you can have 1 proxy in west europe and 1 for east+russia.
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