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Everything posted by dde

  1. anything besides the shillen saint?
  2. you have account on wrath?
  3. It has 100% working vitality system so its higher than 7x, especially if you dont play that often.You should for sure try the live, its the most complete l2off server ive played.Has some very good devs too.
  4. Also WTS 73 EE with basic equips.
  5. ALL FOR 25 EUROS!!!!!!!! Pm me and we can exchange MSN or something: Adventurer lvl 80 (very close to 81) Angel slayer with very nice augment. Tat set some with + 100kk aa+ A lot of mats(enough to craft a few s grade weaps) A lot of enchanted skills on this char Doomcryer lvl 81 I think there are just basics on this char like homu acu, karmian set, lux jewels set and 5kk or something. SH 79 with HE 72 sub: DC robe set, homu acu, lux jewel set some other stuff. Hi just some more details about some of the chars: I have soul sep +3 aswell The tat neck and 1 tat ear is +3 If you are seriously interested in Adventurer char I can give you a list of his enchanted skills(A lot of good ones) I have 900+ S crys on char The augment is: momentarily paralyzes your target during a physical attack.Its a very nice augment that works with physical skills aswell as normal hits.Its great for PvP and PvE.It have a very high land rate. I have almost 40k blanks scrolls over 100kk aa If you really are interested I can make the char lvl 81 for you. I can change password of chars for you(not the ee though) A few random a grade items. Shit load of mats, if you are interested in a particular one just leave a post.For example I have:almost 600 mold lub over 2.5k CBP almost 1k SOPS Only accepting paypal Euros.I am also now interested in a trade for dex 4x chars/items.And l2 elixir. Almost 16k animal bones Over 2.5k CBP Almost 1k Sops Almost 13k animal skins 18k threads Almost 5k varnish Over 5k metallic fibres Over 5k suedes ALmost 600 mold lub almost 100 mold glue Almost 250 mold hardener Almost 1250 leathers. Ask me for other mats.
  6. that dont work for l2j ct2.3
  7. Anyone have a real nice one where you just press button and it spam them for you?And it only stop when you press again or something like this?Please give me link, Thanks.
  8. large file... slow download speed :x
  9. its a pretty decent one, but loads of moaning and e-fights between lil kids
  10. i put my money on l2 inc
  11. pretty useless if you ask me :x
  12. its uselesse, daggers dmg depends on skills
  13. i didnt vote, cuz i cant make up my mind :x
  14. cool, this is just where i was looking for.
  15. looks pretty decent, lets give it a try
  16. Hi can someone please tell me what options to put in Logon window?I click Ct1.5 then IG, then I put this ip in on login server and after that I dunno what to do to get l2net working...sorry im a nub at this, i never bot on private server before. Edit: Any help much appreciated, thanks
  17. GTFO no one cares about a shitty high rate. x15>crappy high rate Stop flaming just cause he change rates.
  18. Hi I have used search many times and cant find how to get a bot working for this private server I want to play on called l2 illusions.Its full interlude.I run l2 asrv set path for IG walker and then click run, nothing happens so I go ingame and press the home key and still nothing happens...can anyway help please? Thanks for help, its very much appreciated.
  19. there are alot of pictures, but those here are super :) thanks for sharing everyone! :)
  20. With buffs: PR Without Buffs: SR
  21. LOOOL, prikola2ac2.jpg and deaddwarf are very cool :)
  22. doesnt work on l2off
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