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About zenx

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  1. Το χω δοκιμασει και εγω και οντως δουλευει..απλα στα περισσοτερα java packs δεν πεφτουν τα πραγματα κατω..
  2. Heya, me and a friend are about to open a C6 off server but we need someone to make the begin ( bring it on ) so we can develop, would you mind to help?
  3. C4 χωρις να το σκεφτομαι και πολυ..!
  4. Φυσικα θα ηταν C4, mid rate, με η χωρις custom , και Ολυμπιαδα με A grade χωρις boss jewls. Ολα τα υπολοιπα νομιζω ειναι πειρττα να τα λεω
  5. Lol says the guy with 1 post
  6. Lol obviously not the most unbalanced thing after augumentations.
  7. You don't need to delete this file, just run it on l2.bin .
  8. I've fixed it up thanks for the help, I appriciate it.
  9. If there ishn't brazil swimswit, no point downloading it! huaehuahueauheahue:D
  10. It's totally a bullshit,it should actually read the old lanes since it's new but it's so fucking crap. Anyways, thanks alot for your advise,Im trying to find the 2005 but it's kinda strange,mostly it doeshnt have the SQL Server Managment so it needs a good research, that's why I opened a topic about this theme.
  11. I'll add picture when Im back to the PC. Actually it's really strange, I tested another database files and it says the same so I don't know, I'll add pic in some minutes.
  12. Yeah,that's what I mean :)
  13. Make the Heroic cloack buyable in GM-Shop for Noblesse Gate Passes and only Heroes will be able to wear it.
  14. C4 is the best client so far,but it needs some fixs. If you have time to spend in a project like this, then it will be awesome.
  15. I don't know what Chronicle is it though, but customs destroy the most servers. If you want to add customs,then add just armors and weapons,nothing more. L2 doeshn't need all these random client features,just his own.
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