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Posts posted by Morian

  1. Loipon paidia tora tha sas deikso ena polli kalo koplo.


    Oloi  kseroumai to gnostomas www.youtube.com


    Se ayto to topic tha sas po pos na katebazete videos apo to youtube, eykola kai grigora xoris programata k.t.l...


    Apla deite to paradeigma :


    Pairno ena opoiodipote video apo to youtube p.x. ayto...


    Kai to mono pou kano einai na allakso to link, apo



        Na to kanw




    Diladi to www.[glow=red,2,300]youtube[/glow].com/watch?v=bd.....  to kanoumai se





    Credits go to me

  2. Hypnotick Hook v2.4.2




    This is a client hook for Counter-Strike and Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. The hack has undergone drastic changes and has an improved hooking method. Additionally, the hack does not require OpenGL any longer and will work with D3D or OpenGL.


    Installation: Extract .Zip archive anywhere on Hard Drive.


        * Extract archive anywhere on computer


          Run Hypnotick Hook Executable.


          Run Counter-Strike or Counter-Strike: Condition Zero.


    By deafult the menu is bound to home and the console to end. You can change this through the startup.cfg script. The following keys are used to navigate the menu:


        * Up arrow: move selection up

        * Down arrow: move selection down

        * Right arrow: Select option

        * Left arrow: back


    New Features:



          Sequence Esp: Displays what the player is doing for example reloading their weapon.


          Barrel Hack: Displays a laser from all of the players point of view.


          Player D-Light: Players appear to have a light shining on them. The color of the light is based on team.


          Player Glow: Players have a glowing "shell" around them. The color of the glow is based on team.


          Grenade Shell: A glowing shell around HE grenades that helps distinguish and move out of the way.


          Damage Beam: A "laser" is shown displaying where you are being shot from.


          Sparks: Displays a shower of sparks where you are aiming.


          Crosshair: Draws a crosshair.







          Auto Shoot




          Vec switch


          Pistol auto-fire


          Aimbot binding ( mouse keys 1-3 )


          Player and ent esp


          Name esp, weapon esp, distance esp, seqeunce esp


          Barrel hack and Player glow shells


          Grenade shell


          Damage Beam


          Sparks and Crosshair


          Recoil and nospread


          No flash and no smoke


          bunny hopping




          Console and menu


    Download     http://rapidshare.com/files/203092893/Hypnotick_Hook_v2.4.2.rar.html

    Author: Hypnotic (Upload by MORIAN)

  3. Den pistebo paidia na doulebei na kserete...


    Kai mia symbouli, Pote Min Dokimazete Agnosta Bugs Se Main Weapons, Armors, Genika ston main character sou, Kalitera tha itan oute kan sto main account sou!


    Ftiakste ena allo acc kai dokimaste ta ekei.


    By the Way Eyxaristo pou to postares file alla den nomizo na doulebei...


    This cheat will be peridoically updated so make sure you check for the newest updates frequently.

    To Autoupdate, start the loader, locate the icon in the tray icon area *right next to the clock*, right click on it, and you should see an option to “Check For Updates”.

    It'll check our servers for an update and either report if the version is out of date or that it is currently updated.


    The current version is Version 3.02




    VAC2 optimized

    Fixed autorecoil

    Fixed crashing on Game(any MOD) load



    Re Release



    Project Mayhem v3.02


    Developer- Kalvin

    Co-Developer - Christ

    Lead Beta Tester - gir489




    * Hitbox Style Aimbot

    * Bone Style Aimbot

    * Origin Style Aimbot

    * Auto Pistol

    * Smooth Aiming

    * Randomized Aiming

    * Triggerbot

    * Adjustable Aim Spots

    * FOV or Distance Based Aiming


    * Wallhacks

    * Fullbright

    * Nightmode

    * Whitewalls

    * Entity Glow

    * Outline Walls

    * Wireframe

    * Super Flashlight

    * Nosky

    * Thirdperson

    * Remove Gun

    * Crosshair

    * Scope Removal

    * Quake Guns for selected mods


    * Radar w/ Overview


    * Name ESP

    * Entity ESP

    * Weapon ESP

    * Sprite ESP

    * Box ESP

    * Distance ESP

    * Spiked Models

    * Barrel Effects

    * Reload Meters

    * Entity Glow

    * Player Glow

    * Target Lights

    * Sound ESP

    * Adjustable ESP positions


    * LTFX Speedhack

    * Bunnyhop

    * Duck Jump

    * Grenade Dodge

    * Autofollow

    * Turn Hack

    * Spinhack


    * Clock

    * Clean Screenshots

    * Winamp

    * Mouse Driven GUI-Works in windowed mode

    * Console

    * Scripting Engine

    * In-game HLSS


    * Anti-Screenshot

    * Speed Graph

    * Spycam

    * Rearview Mirror

    * Say-stats

    * Stats-box

    * Grenade Trace

    * Flash Percentage



    * Auto Updating Offsets

    * Auto Updating Binary

    * Seperate MOD saves

    * Seperate Menus


    Commands And Installation


    After you have successfully downloaded Project Mayhem Cheat, open it up with Winrar


    1. Double click on the downloaded file.

    2. Unzip (Ctrl + A, then drag and drop

    into a folder).

    3. Open (double-click) "Mayhem.exe" within the folder and click "monitor".

    4. You should now have the program open. You don’t need to do

    anything else but start your preferred game, so enjoy cheating!


    Once you are in-game, and you wish to change settings, you may need to use the following commands:


    * delete opens the “console”


    * home toggles the “hlss”


    * insert opens the “menu”


    As you can see, “del”(delete) is the command, and “console” is the effect. With this, you should know that:


    * Command delete opens Project Mayhem console

    * Command end toggles your multiplayer communication link(by toggle I mean you don’t need to hold it down to keep it on/off)

    * Command home opens HLSS (Half-Life Sound Selector) for your microphone spamming needs

    * Command insert opens/closes the menu, and saves the cvars you have changed


    Treat the Project Mayhem console like the STEAM console,

    except for the commands. You won’t be able to use your arrow keys to

    highlight menu options in the menu, you will need to use your

    mouse (mouse movements to highlight, left click to select, and right

    click to go back).




    * OGC Team

    * P47R!CK

    * LanceVorgin

    * XanTrax

    * Akane

    * tweak

    * Azorbix

    * LTFX

    * tabris

    * Ap0c

    * kirby

    * siodine-

    * h1web

    * DavVv

    * jLn

    * wav

    * FX-Illusi0nz

    * Silvernoma

    * suxx

    * gir489

    * CampStaff

    * czar

    * b2k5

    * The entire community

    * Game-Deception


    Supported Games


    * Counter Strike

    * Condition Zero

    * Team Fortress Classic

    * Day of Defeat

    * Half - Life

    * Half - Life DeathMatch

    * Opposing Force

    * Natural Selection

    * The Specialists

    * Science and Industry

    * Pirates Vikings Kings

    * Battle Grounds

    * FireArms

    * Desert Crisis

    * Hostile Intent

    * Digital Paintball

    * Zombie Panic

    * Global Warfare

    * And more



  5. Time to run all optimizations: 10-20 min


    Disclaimer: Some programs on here are not free, but all of them come with free trials, wich is what were using here.


    Ok its time to begin


    Step 1: Lower the MTU size

    What this dose: Basically forces wow to send smaller packets, lowering disconnects. and lowering latencies in some cases.


    1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

    2. Locate and then click the following key in the registry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Servic es\Ndiswan\Parameters

    3. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.

    4. Type Protocols, and then press ENTER.

    5. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click Key.

    6. Type 0, and then press ENTER.

    7. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

    8. Type ProtocolType, and then press ENTER.

    9. On the Edit menu, click Modify.

    10. Type 800, and then click OK.

    11. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

    12. Type PPPProtocolType, and then press ENTER.

    13. On the Edit menu, click Modify.

    14. Type 21, and then click OK.

    15. On the Edit menu, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.

    16. Type ProtocolMTU, and then press ENTER.

    17. On the Edit menu, click Modify.

    18. Type the appropriate MTU size (decimal value), and then click OK.

    19. Quit Registry Editor.


    Step 2: Take your 802.11a/b/g wireless card and switch it from all three to just b.

    What this dose: For some reasions after doing several tests found wow runs fastest under the b setting. and slowest under the g and the a.


    To do this: This changes from router to router. so it might be diffrent


    in most casses:


    1. Locate on the bottom left of your screen, near your clock, the wirelesss network conection


    2. Right click it and click status


    3. Then click suport


    4. Locate default gateway


    5. Enter that IP address in your explorer bar.


    6. Its usualy under wireless settings, or network settings


    7. Locate the option to change 802.11a/b/g to 802.11/b


    Step 3: Download and install TCP/IP Optimizer

    what it does: Reduces lag

    1. Download and install Download TCP/IP Optimizer 1.00 - TCP/IP Optimizer is a internet speed optimizer. - Softpedia

    2.Click the General Settings tab and select your Connection Speed (Kbps)

    3.Click Network Adapter and choose the interface you use to connect to the Internet

    4.Check Optimal Settings then Apply


    Step 4: Make shure XP is in DMA Mode

    What it does: Raises FPS and in some cases reduced lag


    To do this:


    1.Open ‘Device Manager’

    2.Double-click ‘IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers’

    3.Right-click ‘Primary Channel’ and select ‘Properties’ and then ‘Advanced Settings’

    4.In the ‘Current Transfer Mode’ drop-down box, select ‘DMA if Available’ if the current setting is ‘PIO Only’

    Step 5: Improve swapfile performance

    What this does: Forces windows and wow to use all your ram befor virtual ram, raising FPS and lowering latency, and preventy freezze lag, and lowers disconect rate.


    How to do this:


    1.Go to Start then Run

    2.Type “msconfig.exe” then ok

    3.Click on the System.ini tab

    4.Expand the 386enh tab by clicking on the plus sign

    5.Click on new then in the blank box type”ConservativeSwapfileUsage=1?

    6.Click OK

    7.Restart PC


    Step 6: Turn off windows firewal

    What this does: Reduces lag


    To do this:

    1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel, then select Windows Firewall.

    2. Select Off, then click Ok.



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