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Posts posted by Morian

  1. Akyro?

    Milame i prospa8oume toulaxiston.. gia to 8ema tou DarkTerror..


    eleos dld..




    @Dark , St ksanaeipa. eisai k sinexizeis na eisai la8os...

    apo kei k pera kane oti s fotisei o 8eos. egw eimai entelws Ka8etos me tn apopsi s..


    kali epitixia



    gt kaneis mono to proto thema to post mou quote? :P


    Parakato leo pos einai akiro kai milao kai gia to thema tou DrakTerror

  2. Paidia den ksero ti lete alla eimai Pr0 axaxxax kidding!


    Pados na kserete an egw mpo sto team tha lioso oso den paei allo!


    Ksero kapote ekana leech kai mou aksize to BAN, alla ayta teliosan MaxCheaters <3 :D


    You know why I am the best???

    Cause I am the best damn think that your eyes have ever seen!        Credits --> Avril Lavigne  AXAXA!


    Ligo akiro ayto,


    Na po kai egw tin apopsimou...


    Loipon epidei me ton DarkTerror exw mislisei kai ksero giati to ekane ayto...


    To ekane logo karma, Elege eimai uploader kai den exw Karma, Kai eixe apelpisti toso polli pou ekane ta pada gia na apoktisei +1... An den me pistebete rotiste ton NobLe to kserei kai aytos nomizo...

  3. Ok Looky Here :D-> Download This File ( You Can Edit It How You Want, Just Right Click, Edit)

    And Open It You Will See Merry Xmas Prank ^^ Dont Worry No Damage For Your PC, I Writted It And Tryed By My Self ^^

    www.avalon.xz.lt/MerryXmas.vbs happy pranking ^^

    No dont worry its not porno :)


    Site don't work...

  4. File mou DarkTerror Ayto tha itan bug tou sugikrimenou server...

    BTW Eyxaristo pou to postares gia mas.


    Re paidia ti fonazete sto paidi? Aytos ayto iksere ayto postare, Arkei na tou peite oti einai palio kai den eisxi,

    Oxi na tou katebazete kurigma...

  5. Den doulebei file gia dio reasons.


    Proton otan patas to acane power/agility to hp katebainei alla otan einai polli xamilo klinei mono tou (an thimame sto 1 hp)

    Kai Deyteron Na paithenes kai na patages "to vilage" den paizei na ebgaines apo jail... Mono se kanenan polli athlio server.

    Anyway Thank you for share kali prospatheia :P

  6. Visit :  Lime Wire » Official Website & Free Download, BitTorrent « ( Don’t Think ; O shit ! im Getting Virus of that Shit ! , no u don’t)

    Download Limewire, and run the .exe u get. 1: Click on the .exe one time and press enter 2: Click Twice on the icon !

    Then install that shit ( No further description, the hardest part is over, look above. )

    When Done installing! You Search ! FOR ALL FILES <- Quite important incase there’s some noobs here. This is what you search for: glider.config.xml . Now !!!! listen carefully ! Before you search after glider.config.xml, go in your glider folder, find glider.config.xml and LOOK AT THE ICON ! , when you start searching there will pop-up some fake stuff ( This adult, example of the fake stuff: glider.config.xml hot girl, glider.config.xml wet at horny. and if the file is in a .rar file . dont download ) with virus! So Download the File WITH THE SAME ICON AS YOUR glider.config.xml so when you searched wait at least 5min ! If you’re LUCKY there will be 1. Then u download the file! and open it with notepad and search for appkey, it’s in the top of the document. Sometimes it says Demo, That’s bad, wait an hour , then try again.

    Now a little update, for those with no brains , at all. REASON WHY THIS WORK ( see this is better than school ) :When you Download Limewire it shares your document folder, it will only do that if you’re a totalt idiot who just press next when installing limewire ( I’m aint gonna get friends for this :S ) ……. Then you steal it ! cuz you’re a thief!!Lime Wire » Official Website & Free Download, BitTorrent « ( Don’t Think ; O shit ! im Getting Virus of that Shit ! , no u don’t)

    Download Limewire, and run the .exe u get. 1: Click on the .exe one time and press enter 2: Click Twice on the icon !

    Then install that shit ( No further description, the hardest part is over, look above. )

    When Done installing! You Search ! FOR ALL FILES <- Quite important incase there’s some noobs here. This is what you search for: glider.config.xml . Now !!!! listen carefully ! Before you search after glider.config.xml, go in your glider folder, find glider.config.xml and LOOK AT THE ICON ! , when you start searching there will pop-up some fake stuff ( This adult, example of the fake stuff: glider.config.xml hot girl, glider.config.xml wet at horny. and if the file is in a .rar file . dont download ) with virus! So Download the File WITH THE SAME ICON AS YOUR glider.config.xml so when you searched wait at least 5min ! If you’re LUCKY there will be 1. Then u download the file! and open it with notepad and search for appkey, it’s in the top of the document. Sometimes it says Demo, That’s bad, wait an hour , then try again.

    Now a little update, for those with no brains , at all. REASON WHY THIS WORK ( see this is better than school ) :When you Download Limewire it shares your document folder, it will only do that if you’re a totalt idiot who just press next when installing limewire ( I’m aint gonna get friends for this :S ) ……. Then you steal it ! cuz you’re a thief!!


    Source  http://www.wowbootybay.com

  7. INTRO: There has been alot of stories about people falling through the world from zeplins, elevators, and boats. But can you use this to your advantage? I wouldn’t say advantage because you don’t really benefit anything other than a good laugh. Also, a little side note, this is only good for alliance and you must be on a pvp server.


    So I was pretty bored on my priest tonight so i decided killing low levels on zeppelins would be pretty fun. I camped the zep going from grom’gol to org for about an hour. It’s pretty well known that there is a bug out where if you DC while on zeppelin it is possible to fall through the world and end up in some crazy place. I wanted to try and make that controllable as far as really putting other players at an inconvenience.


    Pretty much, SOMETHING has to happen during that brief loading screen because that seems to the the area of effect with the known bug. I assume this would work with a lock but I will explain it from a priest POV.


    NOTE: You must be going from grom’gol TOO org as that is when your victim is flagged.


    1. You should be targeting a level 30-40 so there HP is not very high. You need to be able to make a pretty accurate guess at how much HP they have. You will be using a DOT to kill your target DURING the loading screen.


    2. You need to be staying at the bottom of the zep so you can see whats getting on it before you waste your time. You do need to zoom out so you can see the people getting on as you will need to hurry in some cases.


    3. Lets say you see a level 32 run aboard you guess he has 1700 life. As the zep takes off, run up there and DOT him up with just ONE dot (Assuming you are level 70 with decent gear) You need to time it just right so that the killing blow of your DOT kills them during the loading screen.


    4. If it worked, when you get out of the loading screen, their dead body will not be there. [smile]


    This happened to me but I wasnt sure if it had worked or not. I dont have a friend of the opposing faction on this server to test it out with. However a short time after I got a whisper from the guy who was pretty mad.




    Source  http://www.wowbootybay.com

  8. Requirements: Steam Tonk Controller, PvP trinket in the upper slot


    Make a macro:



    /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Shadow Bolt(Rank 1)/use 13

    Then immediately start spamming the hell out of your shadowbolt.


    What it does is simple, it will use the casting time your shadow bolt rank 1 (1.2s) for any spell you spam after clicking on this macro. Going lower than 1.2s (1.5s in fact) is not of any use, since you’re limited by the gcd anyways, hence the choice of sb rank 1.


    You will actually cast shadow bolts rank 11 at 1.2s cast speed.


    For mages, replace “Shadow Bolt(Rank1)” in the macro with scorch for example, and spam pyro/fb.


    The only limitation to this in raid is the aggro your tank will be putting out, and you cannot move a lot (so use this on tank and spank fights).


    So basically, choose any spell with a short cast time, place it in the second line of the macro, after after you trinketed out of the stun (it’s instant) start spamming the spell you want to use.



    You can use the cast time of any spell with low cast time (like scorch or sb rank 1) to summon people, open a portal, etc. The only limitation is that you need an enemy target.

    There are probably other ways of casting a short spell without a target, but I’ll update later if I find some. ^^

    Example for nearly instant ritual of summoning:



    /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Shadow Bolt(Rank 1)/use 13/cast Ritual of Summoning

    Nearly Instant portal:


    /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Scorch/use 13/cast Portal: Orgrimmar

    Nearly Instant teleport (mage):



    /use Steam Tonk Controller/cast Scorch/use 13/cast Teleport: Orgrimmar



    Source   http://www.wowbootybay.com

  9. So a few days ago I got to level 65 and since it wasn’t my first toon I knew that first thing is to get a new weapon from “Ring of Blood” quest chain. I came across this bug when i attempted to do the first part with a full T6 geared warlock friend and an alliance group was there too starting the chain.


    1. You need to have done the first part, in my case it was done when some guy from the alliance group accidently attacked the first boss that spawned, I ended up running away so they killed it for me since it was attacking their group :O.

    2. There has to be another group doing the quest. Now you say “well why don’t i just join them?” well if they are starting their chain they are probably full or it might be a group of the opposite faction.

    3. So now the key to soloing the rest of the chain is DO NOT turn in your quest until the other group has started on the chain whereby the goblin yells this emote. When they are killing the boss and are about halfway to done, turn in your quest quickly and grab the new quest. This spawns a new quest boss in the arena, but DO NOT ENGAGE. When the other group has killed off their arena boss your guy despawns and you get (completed) for your quest! Now DO NOT TURN IN your newly completed quest. WAIT for the other group to start on the next part and at around 50% life for their boss, turn in your quest quickly and start up the next quest. Continue doing this for the rest of the chain and enjoy your easy exp/pots/gold/new weapon.

    Note: For safety, you should mount up when you take each new quest, as the other group might fail and wipe on their own boss or accidently aggro the new spawned quest boss (yours). This might piss off and confuse the crap out of the other group doing their chain so try to time it so those things don’t happen.



    Source  http://www.wowbootybay.com

  10. and what's the meaning of adding worst enemies and good allies?


    you play allpick?

    or you are so lucky to fortune the antihero of this hero?

    watch out mate...

    Noble make it 1st don't copy him...

    i never put the worst enemies and good allies...i never play allpick..

    Strike you play public games? or in private channels?

    I play in private channels and the modes is -ar or -cm


    from all these heroes you mention real foe imo is only ursa late game and maybe naix(if played pro)the others are butter in bread for axe :)

    no he is not!

    You don't have right, especially naix, If you play naix with first skill (Rage), in level 4 have 80% attack speed and 4.75 sec Magic Immunity... Axe Counter Helix is useless

    Clock with first skill (Battery Assault) 80 Damage per 0.75 sec for 10 sec, And bashes...

    In late game with luna? -No COmMeNtS- Morphing too.


    BTW axe with 2 vanguards pwns...


    Start the lane with 2 stout shields and then 2 ring of healths... This items can make Axe Imba in early game (untin 10-13) :P



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