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Posts posted by Morian


    eee kavliari :D


    iremise :P


    kali einai dn lew xD


    iparxoun kai kaliteres ;P


    I' m in love with Avril Lavigne axaxa


    The Perfect woman!




    BTW speak english cause I don't have [GR] In my topic! :P

  2. oso (emo)bafetai mpazo einai :P kata alla trwgetai , exei k kana 3-4 kommatakia kala :P


    Ou re!


    Oi pio M0Un@r@ se olo ton kosmo einai Ou kai pali Ou! axaaxaxa


    Exw oles tis diskografies tis ola ta songs tis, ta pada!


    Opois thelei kana tragoudi as mou stilei ena PM na to to doso :P

  3. Pudge the Butcher



    Hero Story

    An undead behemoth seemingly impervious to even the most potent magic, this starving abomination roams the battlefield, continually in search of unwary prey. It is said his victims catch only a glimpse of his monstrous frame as they are dragged them through the shadows, bleeding profusely as a jagged hook etches deeper in their flesh. Wails of agony echo in the distance, only to be drowned out by the Butcher's maniacal laughter as he severs their limp bodies with his great maw. Unspeakable horrors ensue in a deathly silence, a dreadful omen for what is to come.




    Starting Stats+Gains

    STR (Streanth) - 25 + 3.2

    AGI (Agility) - 14 + 1.5

    INT (Intelligence) - 14 + 1.5




    Why I sould pick Butcher?

    • If you like gangs take Buthcer!
    • If you want to practise your skill in hook take Butcher!
    • Cause Butcher it's a hero of expiriance.
    • Can Pwn Very easy in start/early game!




    Why I souldn't pick Butcher

    • Cause Buthcer don't have much MP
    • Buthcer isn't a hero for newbies
    • If you are farmer don't pick Butcher cause he is a full ganger hero!
    • Buthcer is very slow hero!




    How to play with Buthcer

    Early/start game : In Early/start game you must go solo (better lane is mid or bot) and you must take xp.

    When you go 3 level you must do a kill :P. Tactic : Spam emeny some hits and little with Rot, After Go attack with hits and rot open,

    Do hook on your enemy and you just do a kill! Stay in your lane until you go level 6 or 7.


    Mid game : In Mid game you must have Boots Of Travel for sure, Why? You must change lanes continue, to do a lot gangs and you must go fast.


    Late game : In Late game you must be a tank. In all battles you must hide in fogs and do hooks to take one enemy and you and your team to kill your enemy, Now 4 enemy remaining! Now you and your team can win the batlle easy!

    BTW one player when play Buthcer, he must know the fogs!




    Hero Skills and Abilities


    Meat Hook


    Launches a bloody hook at a unit or location. The hook will snag the first target it encounters, dealing damage then dragging the victim back to the Butcher.


    Level 1 - 400 range, 100 damage.

    Level 2 - 600 range, 200 damage.

    Level 3 - 800 range, 300 damage.

    Level 4 - 1000 range, 400 damage.


    Cooldown: 14 seconds.


    Level 1: 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.

    Level 2: 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.

    Level 3: 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.

    Level 4: 140 mana, 14 sec cooldown.


    How To Use Hook.

    When you ready to do a hook you must hide in one fog and after hook your enemy,

    Look the screenshot,



    The maximum range of hook is 1000, Look the screenshot

    width=640 height=480http://i41.tinypic.com/10qjqeb.jpg[/img]

    BTW One comm exist, With this comm you can see how much hook you do it! This comm is -ha




    Pudge releases the disease and filth inside of him, dealing intense damage and slowing surrounding enemies while hurting Pudge as well.


    Level 1 - 25 damage/second.

    Level 2 - 50 damage/second.

    Level 3 - 75 damage/second.

    Level 4 - 100 damage/second.



    How To Use Rot

    When you open The Rot You must go near your enemy and enemy take slow and damage!

    Look the screenshot

    width=640 height=480http://i41.tinypic.com/ztw3t3.jpg[/img]



    Flesh Heap


    Pudge is made of innumerable rotting corpses, giving him extra protection against spells as well as the ability add more to his bulk.


    Level 1 - 4% magic reduction.

    Level 2 - 8% magic reduction.

    Level 3 - 12% magic reduction.

    Level 4 - 16% magic reduction.




    With this skill you can grow up your Hit Points! When you kill a creep or a hero your life grow up!

    Look the image before kill any creep,

    width=640 height=480http://i40.tinypic.com/2u6fwnq.jpg[/img]

    Now look, I kill 55 creeps and look butcher's Life!

    width=640 height=480http://i44.tinypic.com/kc0b49.jpg[/img]

    By the way you can press this comm and you can see how much flesh Heap you have The comm is -fs




    Chows down on a target, causing excruciating pain.

    Lasts 3 seconds at all levels.


    Level 1 - 75 damage/second.

    Level 2 - 125 damage/second.

    Level 3 - 175 damage/second.


    Cooldown: 30 seconds.


    Level 1: 100 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

    Level 2: 130 mana, 30 sec cooldown.

    Level 3: 170 mana, 30 sec cooldown.


    Butcer's ultimate! With this skill you can Bite your enemy for 3 seconds, And your enemy take and damage!

    When you press your ultimate, you musn't press click on ground cause you can to stop your ultimata!

    Skill Build

    1)Meat Hook


    3)Meat Hook


    5)Meat Hook


    7)Meat Hook



    10)Flesh Heap


    12)Flesh Heap

    13)Flesh Heap

    14)Flesh Heap















    Item Build and Explanation


    Boots Of Travel Cause Buthcer is to slow hero and he must do a lot gangs!


    Hood Of Defiance The best item for Rot, Don't take all damage from Rot! And you make nukers uselles!


    Radiance cause Rot+Ultimate+Radiance the enemy is gg!


    Vanguard More HP regenaration and more armor!


    Heart Of Tarrasque This Item make Buthcer The Tank Of Tanks :P, with Flesh Heap Butcher have very much life!


    Black King Bar Anyone can't stop your Imba Ultimate, And general anyone can't stop You! :D




    Alternatives Items


    Phase Boots One More Imba Item for Butcher cause when push the button Buthcer can walk inside from creeps and hook easy!


    Guinsoo Scythe Of Vyse Don't Laught cause I see Butcher with this item and bealive me He PWN!


    Sange & Yasha Cause Buthcer is too slow hero and he need's speed!


    Vladmirs Offering If you play Buthcer DPS this item is very good!


    Shiva's Guard More armor, More slow on enemies + Rot. Anyone can escape from Buthcer!


    Linken's Sheer With this item your ultimate can spared! :P

    Or you can make this item!


    Blade Mail With this item your enemys have return damage and you can pwn him easy!




    Rejected Items


    Eye Of Skadi Don't need it, Butcer have Rot.


    Aghanim's scepter Don't Improve Butcher ultimate And Butcher have MP, + MP is not necessary.


    Kelen's Dagger Is EPIC FAIL cause Butcer and Vengeful spirit can't use.


    Refresher Orb Butcher don't need it, cause Butcher skill's have small cooldown.




    Butcher stat's without level up and item build


    Butcher level 25 and with Item Build


    Buthcer level 25 and with Alternatives items





    Best Allies


    BTNBansheeRanger.gifBTNHydralisk.gifBTNSpiderBlack.gifBTNNetherDragon.gif etc.

    Cause Do slow on enemy and Butcher win time to hook or go and do ultimate!


    Cause he put repel on Butcher and Butcher don't damaga from Rot, and not only When Butcher Bite Omniknight can do heal on buthcer and enemy lose very much life!


    He can put Bombs and Butcher can go on bombs and do hook and enemy GG! :P Or Butcher do ultimate and Goblin teaches have much time to exlosion!


    When see do ultimate Butcher's hook is more easy cause is more near the enemy!


    Doctor come! :P When Butcher Bite the Doctor can do ultimate and and emeny deal much damage!


    Same Reason with Doctor!



    Worst Enemies

    Tanks And Hpers




    From Best Allies, Worst Enemy :S When Buthcer go and bite Omniknight do heal on himself and buthcer is just dead.


    Doom Bringer cause when Butcher Have Rot Open, the Doom Bringer do ultimate on Butcher and Butcher is dead.


    For Me is The best Anti butcher hero, The reasons is F@cK!ng Counter Helix... No more Comments...

    Mana Burns



    Credits МØЯĮẮŊ™ If you found another failure on my guide Just Post a Reply Here!




  4. File tetoies m..... dn petuxenoun...kai fly command dn uparxei oute kan se gm


    Ki omos kaneis lathos Se polous server peianei...


    Otan patas ///hero ginese hero alla bgainei mono h hero aura, No hero skills no hero weapons etc.. Oute oi alloi se blepoun mono esy blepeis ton eafto sou.


    Otan patas ///fly o char sou den petaei apla kanei ena megalo alma pros ta piso... Otan to kaneis afto h alloi se blepoun apo to shmeio pou eisoun, sto allou pou eftases...


    BTW Wrong section kai exoun ksanaginei post afta ta bugs....


    Anyway thanks for share!

  5. add Satanic as an alternative ^^ activation and survivabilty given is extremely helpful ^^


    Done ;)

    Well nice guide but i dont see anything new in any of your topic what i mean is item build is the same over and over again in every single forum  i would really like to see smth new.


    DreaM I put this items cause I play with this items. I mean. I made this Like I play I!

    but np what you want you want to add items on Alternatives items?

    No problem just tell me :P


    BTW thank you NotAbastard

  6. Nevermore Shadow Fiend




    Hero Story

    A demon of the burning legion so abhorred that he makes the skin of even his fellow demons crawl, Nevermore is a creature of the shadows that consumes the souls of those around him. When the Shadow Fiend comes forth to battle, he augments his power with the souls he has consumed, bearing down on his enemies with spiritually enhanced attacks and powerful spiritual blasts. The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying opponent whom few have survived, and those who have perished under his tyranny have faced the most despicable fate of all.




    Starting Stats+Gains

    STR (Streanth) - 15 + 2.0

    AGI (Agility) - 20 + 2.4

    INT (Intelligence) - 18 + 2.0




    Why I sould pick Nevermore?

    • Nevermore is very good farmer with Shadowraze.
    • Is very good ganger too.
    • If you take many souls the damage of Nevermore growing up.
    • Very strong spells without a lot mana cost.



    Why I shouldn't pick Nevermore

    • Cause nevermore don't have a lot MP and HP.
    • Very low Base damage.
    • Verry slow hero in the beggining
    • Is vulnerable too





    How to play with Nevermore

    Early/start game :In early/start game Nevermore must go mid, cause he must take the runes, He must farm and take all creeps, enemy and allies creeps, cause with Necromastery take +2 bonus damage per unit. He can go gangs too cause the Shadowraze is very strong and don't have big cooldown.


    Mid game : In mid game Nevermore must have Boots Of Travel and push all lanes and farm too, Allies must leave him to take and somethink kills for make good items early!


    Late game : In late game Nevermore must PWN with items and very strong hits. Why strong hits and ultimate? Cause Nevermore in mid game push all lanes and take many souls, Souls Improve your ultimate and Shadowraze improve your damage!




    Hero Skills and Abilities




    Gives the Shadow Fiend the power to desecrate regions in front of him at varying distances.


    Level 1 - 75 damage

    Level 2 - 150 damage

    Level 3 - 225 damage

    Level 4 - 300 damage


    Cooldown: 10 seconds.


    Level 1: 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

    Level 2: 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

    Level 3: 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown.

    Level 4: 75 mana, 10 sec cooldown.


    When your put this skill in your screen you must see three icons on skill bar,

    When press the first, one death coil hit the ground in short distance, when press second button one more death coil will apear

    little farther and and if you press the third icon the death coil will apear far. Just look the picture. The Shadowraze Do magical Damage! If enemy have hood of defiance The Shadowraze don't do a lot damage!






    Whenever the Shadow Fiend kills a target, he stores the unfortunate soul inside of him. For each stored soul he gains 2 bonus damage until his own death releases half of them from bondage.


    Level 1 - 16 damage limit.

    Level 2 - 30 damage limit.

    Level 3 - 46 damage limit.

    Level 4 - 60 damage limit.




    When you put this skill you can Pwn! :P. With this skill you can take +2 damage for every unit to kill (Enemy or allies unit.)

    Look the images and you can undertstund!

    Before :

    width=640 height=480http://i43.tinypic.com/rli4ic.jpg[/img]

    I have +20 damage, Now look, I kill one enemy creep and look my damage,

    After :

    width=640 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/20z5h86.jpg[/img]

    My damage grow up to +22  :D

    Importan! When you die The damage get fell! You lose the half damage for you win from Necromastery.

    Insteance If you win 10 damage and you die, The damage get fell on 5 damage!


    Presence of the Dark Lord


    The presence of such a horrible creature terrifies nearby enemies, reducing their armor.

    Level 1 - 1 armor reduction.

    Level 2 - 2 armor reduction.

    Level 3 - 3 armor reduction.

    Level 4 - 4 armor reduction.




    This skill do -armor on your enemy if you are near on your enemy, Look the enemy's armor

    width=640 height=480http://i39.tinypic.com/zlc460.jpg[/img]

    My enemy armor is +0.8. Now Look what happen when I go near!

    width=640 height=480http://i43.tinypic.com/29w5yfk.jpg[/img]

    The amror goes to -3.2! yeah!



    Requiem of Souls


    Summons evil spirits around you dealing damage to units in the area. Number of spirits is related to the number of souls stored. Lowers movement speed and damage of nearby units. The closer the units are the greater the damage.


    Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds.

    Level 1: 150 mana, 120 sec cooldown.

    Level 2: 175 mana, 110 sec cooldown.

    Level 3: 200 mana, 100 sec cooldown.


    Yeah! The Imba Ultimate! This is a mass skill. With This skill You can Pwn Everthing hero and creep on Battlefield! :P, But you must have spirits!

    What the fuck is this? Yeah, The spirits... The spirits is creeps and heroes, as many creeps and heroes you have, so much more spirits you have!

    When you have many spirits the damage of ultimate skill is growing up!

    Look the picture,

    width=640 height=480http://i42.tinypic.com/ml2hq0.jpg[/img]

    I have only 3 creeps and damage is very low!

    See what happen now,

    width=640 height=480http://i44.tinypic.com/15fgj8x.jpg[/img]

    Look the creeps, cause i have much more spirits, I have 30 creeps!

    And I Pwn All the Creeps!


    Skill Build









    9)Requiem of Souls


    11)Requiem of Souls





    16)Requiem of Souls

    17)Presence of the Dark Lord

    18)Presence of the Dark Lord

    19)Presence of the Dark Lord

    20)Presence of the Dark Lord









    Item Build and Explanation


    Boots Of Travel cause Nevermore in mid game must push all lanes and he needs speed too.


    Lothar's Edge on Nevermore is Imba You can be Invisible and you go in the battlefield and prees your ultimate button and GG!


    Stygian Desolator with Presence of the Dark Lord Is Imba much - Armor on enemy!


    Butterfly Nevermore need's attack speed butterfly is the perfect item on Nevermore!


    More attack speed and mini bash make Nevermore God!


    Buriza-do Kyanon And the cherry on cake, With so big damage from items and from Necromastery the Critical is too Big!




    Alternatives Items


    Boots Of Treads Is good on Nevermore cause he take attack speed can Pwn very easy.


    Bottle Is very good items, especially if Nevermore go solo on mid, he can put runes in bottle and do very much gangs!


    Kelen's Dagger is verry good too! You can hide in fog and when the battle start you can do dagger and press ultimate button!


    Black King Bar The enemies can't stop your ultimate with stuns etc.


    Eye Of Skadi Attack Speed + Slow the enemies can't escape from you!


    Divine Rapier No Comments If you are pro you can understound! :P




    Alternatives Items#2


    Phase Boots cause for eternal hunt!


    Satanic Yeah one Imba Item for Nevermore cause Nevermore need life


    Linken's Shere this item can protect you from one nuker skill, px Laguna!


    Shiva's guard cause nevermore is very fragile and this item can give you Armor +


    Assult Quirass with Shiva's Guard you have perfect armor, And with Presence of the Dark Lord enemy don't have much Armor -


    Mjolnir With your first skill and this item you can farm very fast



    Alternatives Items#3


    Boots Of Travel same reason with Basic Item Build


    Hand Of Midas of fast farm and Attack speed


    Manta Style cause Is imba, Mana burn and three Illusions!


    Vanguard cause Nevermore need Life and Armor!


    Orchid Malevolence with silince Nevermore can Pwn very easy!


    Hood Of Defiance This item protect you from strong skills!




    Rejected Items


    Arcane Ring Nevermore don't need it, cause Nevermore he can Pwn with Hits!


    Mekanism Nevermore is not healer, Nevermore is DPS with @@ :P


    Vladmirs Offernig xaxa Epic Fail on Nevermore cause is range hero.


    Battle Fury same reason with Vladmirs Offering.


    Aghanim's scepter Don't Improve Nemevrmore ultimate's and don't need very much MP.




    Nevermore stat's Without level up and item build.


    Nevermore level 25 with Item Build


    Nevermore level 25 with Alternatives Items


    Nevermore level 25 with Alternatives Items#2


    Nevermore level 25 with Alternatives Items#3





    Best Allies

    Stunners and Slowers


    Mass Stunners







    Worst enemies

    All Nukers


    Hpers Hero



    Credits МØЯĮẮŊ™ leave your Commends guys! If you found problem on my guide just do a relply here!


  7. Exw Hol 2 xronia, Ton proto xrono 1 mbps kai ton detero(2009 dld) ekana anabathmisei kai ebala 6mbps, apo ta 6 epiana ta 4.5 me 5 mbps.


    Tin teleytea bdomada den ksero ti ginete alla exei G@m1thei edelos 300kbps peiano, Tous pira kai phone kai mou eipan oti tha to diorthosoun alla den.


    /On topic File ase Conn-x einai ena apo ta kalitera apo oti exw dei apo filous mou, Alla kai i HoL mia xara einai ektos apo to parapano pou eipa!

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