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Posts posted by Morian

  1. Rates:

    - Exp:x45

    - SP:x50

    - Adena:x200

    - Spoil:x5

    - Drop:x2


    Custom Features:

    - C6 Client Supporting.

    - 3-skills bar.

    - Augementation .

    - Max level 80 .

    - Duel System, One Vs One / Party Vs Party .

    - Clan System .

    - New levels 6/7/8 by Reputation Points.

    - New Academies and Loyals.

    - Ranks Reputation Points gained by Raid Bosses, Clan members PvPs, Members classes.

    - Interlude skills. (98%) .


    Only Summoner's skills remaining.

    - Hero Skills .

    - Custom Skills.

    - Interlude Geodata.

    - Auto-learn skills.

    - Plenty of custom areas.

    - C6 Clan Ranks.

    - Zariche/Akahaman and Cursed Weapon System.

    - Working C5 Backstab, Gladiator Skills, Cancel and more.

    - Tattoos.

    - Epic Acessories.

    - No Clan Penalties.

    - Custom 1x1 peace zones in spawns to avoid spawnkilling.

    - Improved custom raid bosses with custom drops.

    - C4/C5/Interlude skills.

    - Subclasses.

    - Noblesse.

    - Olympiad fully working.

    - Hero System and hero skills.

    - Seven signs working 100%.

    - Retail-like Clan Halls.

    - Fishing works 100%.

    - Recommendations 100%.

    - Sieges 100%.

    - GM Shops.

    - Skills Modifications:

    All buffs[PP/SE/EE/WC/OL] last 1 hours.

    Dances/Songs last 30 Minutes.

    Prophecies / CoV / VoP / War Chant / Earth Chant last 20 Minutes.

    Gift of Queen / Blessing of Queen last 10 Minutes.

    - NPC buffers in Giran and Aden.

    - 2nd Class Buffs/Dances/Songs Buffs in NPC buffers.

    - Aden and Giran Towns are Shopping zones.

    - 28 Buff Slots

    Visit us on www.l2demigodz.net


  2. Loipon auto to bug einai ligo palio ala dulebei akoma s arketous servers!

    Lipon pate sthn 9h h 10h mpara h genika mia adeia mpara!

    Sto prwto slot vazete thn flogera(auth p kanei spawn to strider)

    Sto deutero vazete to weapon

    Kai sto 3o to eikonidio tou mount/Dismount!

    lipon apo dw k pera einai thema timing!


    kanete spawn to strider!

    Meta kratate pathmeno to F2 me to inventory anixto h to 2(analoga an pezete me F-Lock h kanonika)

    O char arxizi k vazo-vgazei to oplo tu!

    Ka8ws vlepete auth th diadikasia prospathiste me to mati na sudonisete peripu to xrono anamesa stis 2 kinhsis (equip k unequip oplu)

    Ka8ws o char paei na bali to oplo(ine analoga tou timing sas epanalambanw) pathste to F3(gia na anebite ston drako) UPENTHIMIZW auta me anixto inventory!

    An to pathsete thn swsth stigmh tha eiste panw sto strider me oplo equipped!(deite to sto inventory)

  3. Step 1


    Download "Decal Concverter 1.3" from here


    Step 2




    Select "File>Open Picture>[Find your picture]"(Make sure not to make it too detailed if you want transparent background; unfortunately this might give poor results.)


    Step 3


    Press REPLACE [if you want a color to be Transparent]

    Adjust the size on your Picture


    Step 4



    Select "Decal>Make decal>in the "Games Folder" you select "add">DESKTOP>Ok"

    A message will appear, Press "OK"


    Step 5


    The Image you made will now be placed on the Desktop as a WAD-File.

    Right-Click it> Properties> (Name it: TEMPDECAL) and make it "Read-Only"


    Step 6


    Find your "Cstrike" Folder.

    Often: C:\Program Files\Steam\Steamapps\"Your steam Username"\Counter-Strike\Cstrike


    Replace the "tempdecal" that is already there with your own, and voila!


    Start the game, Select a server, Spray on!

    -Let me know if you got any problems

    Give me feedback


  4. If you login as your gm or admin account "min account lvl 3"

    and type ingame:



    It will list what commands you can do, or....


    All users commands


    .acct Display the access level of your account.

    .commands Display a list of available commands for your account level.

    .dismount Dismount you, if you are mounted.

    .info Display the number of connected players.

    .gmlist Display a list of available Game Masters.

    .help $command Display usage instructions for the given $command.

    .showhonor Display your honor ranking.

    .save Saves your character.

    .start Teleport you to the starting area of your character.

    .taxicheat #flag Hide or reveal all taxi routes for the selected character.


    If no character is selected, hide or reveal all routes to you.


    Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all routes.


    Moderator's commands


    .announce $MessageToBroadcast Send a global message to all players online.

    .gmoff Disable the <GM> prefix for your character.

    .gmon Enable the <GM> prefix for your character.

    .goname $charactername Teleport to the given character. Either specify the character name .


    or click on the character's portait, e.g. when you are in a group



    .gps Display the position information for a selected character or creature.


    Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id



    .modify $parameter $value Modify the value of various parameters. Use .help modify $parameter to get


    help on specific parameter usage. Supported parameters include hp,


    mana, rage, energy, gold, level, speed, swim, scale, bit, bwalk,


    aspeed, faction, and spell.



    .modify aspeed #speed modify aspeed


    Modify all speeds -run,swim,run back- of the selected player.


    If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.



    .modify bit #field #bit Toggle the #bit bit of the #field field for the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your character.


    If no player is selected, modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.

    .modify bwalk #speed Modify the speed of the selected player while running backwards.

    .modify energy #energy Modify the energy of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your energy.



    .modify faction #factionid #flagid #npcflagid #dynamicflagid

    Modify the faction and flags of the selected creature. Without arguments, display the faction and flags of the selected creature.


    .modify money #amount in copper

    Add or remove money to the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your money.


    #amount can be negative to remove money.

    .modify hp #newhp Modify the hp of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your hp.

    .modify mana #newmana Modify the mana of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your mana.

    .modify rage #newrage Modify the rage of the selected player. If no player is selected, modify your rage.

    .modify scale #newscale 1-3 works 1 is normal 3 is bigest

    .modify speed #speed Modify the running speed of the selected player. If no player is selected,


    it will modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.

    .modify spell !!! Need informations here !!!

    .modify swim #speed Modify the swim speed of the selected player. If no player is selected,


    it will modify your speed. #speed may range from 0 to 50.

    .namego $charactername Teleport the given character to you. Either specify the character name or click on the


    player's portrait, e.g. when you are in a group.

    .recall $place Teleport you to various towns around the world. $place defines the target location.


    Available places include sunr, thun, cross, ogri, neth, thel, storm, iron, under, and darr.



    .whispers on|off Enable/disable accepting whispers by GM from players. By default use mangosd.conf setting.

    .goobject #object_guid Teleport your character to gameobject with guid #creature_guid

    .searchtele $substring Search and output all .tele command locations with provide $substring in name.



    Gamemaster's Commands


    .addmove [#waittime] Add your current location as a waypoint for the selected creature. And optional add wait time.

    .addspw #creatureid Spawn a creature by the given template id of #creatureid.

    .changelevel #level Change the level of the selected creature to #level. #level may range from 1 to 63.

    .delete Delete the selected creature from the world.

    .demorph Demorph the selected player.

    .displayid #displayid Change the model id of the selected creature to #displayid.

    .factionid #factionid Set the faction of the selected creature to #factionid.

    .guid Display the GUID for the selected character.

    .item #guid #amount Add the given amount #amount of the item with a GUID of #guid to the selected vendor.

    .itemmove #sourceslotid #destinationslotid Move an item from slots #sourceslotid to #destinationslotid in your inventory Not yet implemented

    .itemrmv #guid Remove the given item with a GUID of #guid from the selected vendor.

    .kick $charactername Kick the given character from the world.

    .name $name Change the name of the selected creature or character to $name. Command disabled.

    .random #flag Enable or disable random movement for the selected creature.


    Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable random movement.


    Not yet implemented.

    .npcflag #npcflag Set the NPC flags of the selected creature to #npcflag.


    .ticket on .ticket off .ticket #num .ticket $character_name

    on/off for GMs to show or not a new ticket directly, $character_name to show ticket of this character, #num to show ticket #num.


    .delticket all .delticket #num .delticket $character_name

    all to delete all tickets at server, $character_name to delete ticket of this character, #num to delete ticket #num.


    .prog Teleport you to Programmers Island.

    .run #flag Enable or disable running movement for a selected creature.


    Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable running. Not yet implemented.


    .subname $Name Change the subname of the selected creature or player to $Name. Command disabled.

    .gocreature #creature_guid Teleport your character to creature with guid #creature_guid.



    .targetobject [#go_id|#go_name_part] Locate and show position nearest gameobject.


    If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then loacate and show position of neares gameobject with gameobject


    tempalte id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part.


    .delobject #go_guid Delete gameobject with guid #go_guid.


    Administrator's commands


    .addgo #id

    Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current location using the #id.

    Note: this is a copy of .gameobject.


    .addgrave (any|alliance|horde) Add a graveyard at your current location for any or specific faction.


    If in radius 50f already exist graveyard then instead creating new this


    graveyard coordinates, orientation and faction updated.


    Current zone automaticly linked to created graveyard.


    .additem #itemid [#itemcount] or .additem 0 #itemcount $itemname

    Adds the specified number of items of id #itemid to your or selected character inventory.

    If #itemcount is omitted, only one item will be added.

    With the second syntax you can add an item with exact (!) name $itemname.


    .additemset #itemsetid

    Add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory.

    Will add by one sample each item from itemset.


    .addsh Add a spirit healer to your current location. Not yet implemented.

    .addspirit Spawns the spirit healer for the current location, if there is one defined for the current location.


    Command disabled.


    .addweapon Not yet implemented.

    .allowmove Enable or disable movement for the selected creature.

    .anim #emoteid Play emote #emoteid for your character.

    .aura #spellid Add the aura from spell #spellid to your character.

    .bank Show your bank inventory.

    .createguild $GuildName $GuildLeaderName Create a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName? as leader.

    .die Kill the selected player or creature. If no player or creature selected, it will kill you.

    .distance Display the distance from your character to the selected creature.

    .emote #emoteid Make the selected creature emote with an emote of id #emoteid.



    .explorecheat #flag Reveal or hide all maps for the selected player. If no player is selected, hide or reveal maps to you.


    Use a #flag of value 1 to reveal, use a #flag value of 0 to hide all maps.



    .gameobject #id Add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the #id.

    .getvalue #field #isInt Get the field #field of the selected creature. If no creature is selected, get the content of your field.


    Use a #isInt of value 1 if the expected field content is an integer.



    .go #position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.

    .hidearea #areaid Hide the area of #areaid to the selected character.


    If no character is selected, hide this area to you.



    .hover #flag Enable or disable hover mode for your character.


    Use a #flag of value 1 to enable, use a #flag value of 0 to disable hover.


    .learn #parameter Selected character learn a spell of id #parameter.


    A GM can use :


    .learn all, if he wants to learn all default spells for Game Masters


    .learn all_lang, to learn all langauges


    .learn all_myclass, to learn all spells available for his class


    (Character selection in these cases ignored).


    .learnsk #skillId #level #max Learn a skill of id #skill with a current skill value of #level and a maximum value


    of #max for the selected character. If no character is selected, you learn the skill.



    .levelup #numberoflevels Increase the level of the selected character by #numberoflevels.


    If #numberoflevels is omitted, the level will be increase by 1.


    If no character is selected, increase your level.


    .linkgrave #graveyard_id Link current zone to graveyard.


    This let character ghost from zone teleport to graveyard after die if graveyard is nearest


    from linked to zone and accept ghost of this faction.


    From instance ghosts teleported to nearest linked graveyard with ignoring ghost faction.



    .loadscripts $scriptlibraryname Unload current and load the script library $scriptlibraryname or reload current if


    $scriptlibraryname omitted, in case you changed it while the server was running.



    .Mod32Value #field #value Add #value to field #field of your character.

    .morph #displayid Change your current model id to #displayid.

    .neargrave [any|alliance|horde] Find nearest graveyard linked to zone (or only nearest from accepts any, alliance, horde faction ghosts).

    .NewMail? #flag Send a new mail notification with flag #flag.

    .npcinfo Display a list of details for the selected creature.


    The list includes :


    * GUID, Faction, NPC flags, Entry ID, Model ID


    * Level, - Health (current/maximum)


    * Field flags, dynamic flags, faction template


    * Position information


    * and the creature type, e.g. if the creature is a vendor.


    .npcinfoset TODO: Write me.

    .object #displayid $save Add a new object of type mailbox with the display id of #displayid to your current position.


    If $save is set to 'true', save the object in the database.



    .QNM #flag Query next mail time with flag #flag.

    reload Not yet implemented.

    .revive Revive the selected player. If no player is selected, it will revive you.

    .security $name #level Set the security level of player $name to a level of #level. #level may range


    from 0 to 5 (even if no command exist for levels 4 and 5).



    .setvalue #field #value #isInt Set the field #field of the selected creature with value #value. If no creature is selected,


    set the content of your field. Use a #isInt of value 1 if #value is an integer.


    .showarea #areaid Reveal the area of #areaid to the selected character. If no character is selected, reveal this area to you.

    .standstate #emoteid Change the emote of your character while standing to #emoteid.

    .transport Not yet implemented.

    .unaura #spellid Remove aura due to spell #spellid from your character.

    .unlearn #startspell #endspell Unlearn for selected player the range of spells between id #startspell


    and #endspell. If no #endspell is provided, just unlearn spell of id #startspell.

    .unlearnsk #parameter Unlearn a skill of id #parameter for the selected character. If no character is selected, you unlearn the skill.

    .update #field #value Update the field #field of the selected character or creature with value #value.


    If no #value is provided, display the content of field #field.

    .wchange #weathertype #status Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensitiy of #status.


    #weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand.


    #status can be 0 for disabled(light, e.g. light rain), and 1 for enabled(heavy, e.g. heavy snow).

    .worldport #map #position_x #position_y #position_z Teleport to the given coordinates on the specified continent (map).

    .shuttdown seconds

    .cshuttdown Cancels shuttdown

    .reset stats Resets all stats of the targeted player to their orginal values at level 1.


    Please unequip all items and debuff all auras from the player before using.

    .reset talents Removes all talents of the targeted player.

    .maxskill Sets all skills of the targeted player to their maximum values for its current level


  5. In this guide i will show you how to:


      1. Download an AC-Repack!

      2. Start your Server!

      3. How to connect and play on your server!

      4. How to make your server public without Hamachi!

    Okay First lets start with how to download your AC-Repack, (in this guide i will be using AC Web Ultimate Repack 5.0)


    First of all download:

    HTML Code:



    also download .Net Framework if you dont have it:

    HTML Code:



    Ok once the repack is installed,

    A install box (or whatever there called) will appear which should say

    “Thank you for using AC Web Ultimate Repack 5.0, for more info visit www.ac-web.org ” in a big white box.


    Below the big white box you should see:

    Destination Folder


    If you have this as your destination folder click next if not change it to the above and click next


    After clicking Next the folders will be Extracted into your destination folder which may take a while but only a little while


    After the extraction is complete the installation box should automatticaly dissapear and its not time to open the destination folder ‘C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack’ once opened look for these folders:

    Map Extractor enUS ;

    Map Extractor enGB


    Now listen here if you live in the EU extract the folder ‘Map Extracor enGB’ into your WoW Directory but if you live in the US extract the folder ‘Map Extractor enUS’ into your WoW Directory



    Your WoW Directory is normally is normally located in ‘C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft’


    Once extracted open your WoW Directory and run ‘ad.exe’ (this takes ages go watch TV for a bit or do homework or whatever ) Once this is complete the window should automaticaly shutdown. Now take folder called ‘maps’ from your WoW Directory and place it in ‘C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack\Antrix’.


    Congratulations you have now downloaded AC-Web Ultimate Repack.


    Now i will teach you how to start your server this is very very simple.


    Start by opening AC Repack Control Panel located in ‘C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack’


    Now a small box should come up which says

    ‘Thank you for using the AC Web Ultimate Repack!

    First go to SQL Options,

    Start MySQL, then the restarter, then the website.


    *note* Repack should be located in

    C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack’


    Make sure the repack is in ‘C:\AC Web Ultimate Repack’ and not in ‘C:\AC Web\AC Web Ultimate Repack’ (move the folder ‘AC Web Ultimate Repack’ into your desktop then delete the folder ‘AC Web’ and them move ‘AC Web Ultimate Repack’ back into your C Drive aka ‘C:\’)


    Now this is easy part in the AC Repack Control Panel go to the tab ‘SQL Options’ and click ‘Start MySQL’ and wit until it ends with ‘‘ Leave this window open (you can minimize it) and now go back to the AC Repack Control Panel and go to the tab ‘Server Options’ then click ‘Restarter’ and a small box should appear with 2 Start buttons and Antrix and Logonserver next to each one. Click the bottom start button first (logonserver) and another window should appear wait for it to end with ‘Hooking Signals…’ then go back to the Restarter and click the top Start button with ‘Antrix’ next to it now yet another window should appear and end in ‘>> ping test: #ms’ and LEAVE these windows open


    Congratulations you have now started your server!


    We will now learn how to connect and play on your server!


    This is very very simple just go to your WoW Directory and find the folder Realmlist.wtf and open it with Notepad and change where it says ‘Set realmlist whatever it says here’ to ‘Set realmlist′ now save notepad and exit it and now start world of warcraft! and login with the Account name: Admin and the Account Password: Admin.


    Congratulations you have now learnt how to connect and play on your server!


    You will now learn how to make your server public without Hamachi!

    Use the guide on:

    HTML Code:



    Credits : Thorz

  6. Hi paidia se afto to topic tha sas disko pos mporoumai na bgaloumai to GameGuard apo Hellbound servers.


    1)Diagrapsteton fakelo GameGuard apo edw [glow=red,2,300]C:/Program Files/Lineage II/system



    2)Kante download afto http://rapidshare.com/files/145461106/hellbound-nogg.rar.html


    3)Mesa se afto pou tha katebasete tha brite 2 arxeia to core.dll kai to engine.dll tha ta kanete Copy mesa ston system



    4)Meta trexete to Lineage II xoris GameGuard!





    To programa to exw kanei download apo edw http://mfyyre.narod.ru/hellbound-nogg.rar alla to exw kanei egw upload sto rapidshare gia pio eykolia :P

  7. //Hold Reload / Cover Me Script (For 1.6)// by: submitted by: Vindexus

    Description: This script will ask for cover when you reload, and requires you to hold your reload button. That way, if you get jumped on when reloading, you let go and it'll bring you back to your weapon. This script also won't say "Reloading, cover me" when you press "R" while typing a message.


    alias +reloadCover "+reload; coverme; say_team Reloading, cover me"

    alias -reloadCover "-reload; weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"

    alias reloadOFF ""


    alias teamChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode2"

    alias pubChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode"

    alias +enter "+attack"

    alias -enter "bind r +reloadCover"


    bind r "+reloadCover"

    bind ENTER "+enter"

    bind y "pubChat"

    bind r "teamChat"



    //Hold Reload Script// by: submitted by: MathiasRav

    Description: This script requires you to hold r (or what key you use for reloading) instead of just pressing it, so if you meet an enemy while you're reloading, just release R to stop reloading! This script assumes that you have fastswitch off. If you don't, just remove "hud_fastswitch 0" from the alias.


    // Regular wait aliases

    alias w "wait"

    alias w3 "w; w; w"


    alias +holdreload "+reload; hud_fastswitch 1"

    alias -holdreload "-reload; slot3; w3; slot1"


    bind "R" "+holdreload"



    //Hostage Rescue Jump Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script combines your jump with the +use command, so all you have to do is jump near a hostage to rescue them.


    alias +jumpres "+jump; wait; +use"

    alias -jumpres "-jump; wait; -use"


    bind "enter" "+jumpres"



    //Jump Clear Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script combines your jump with the a clear menu command, so all you have to do is jump when one of your menus doesn't close.

    alias +jumpclr "+jump; mclr"

    alias -jumpclr "-jump"

    alias "mclr" "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"

    bind "space" "+jumpclr"



    //Jump Duck Toggle// by: submitted by: JayMan2889

    Description: Bind the 2 keys that are ? one to toggle the jump-duck script, the other to your regular jump key (showed by the binds just incase you miss this or dont understand). Turn on the script, it will duck-jump for you, turn it off, it will be normal jumping.


    alias w "wait"

    alias w2 "w; w"

    alias d1 "developer 1"

    alias d0 "developer 0"


    alias djtog "djson"

    alias djson "d1; echo Duck-Jump Toggle *ON*; w; djon"

    alias djsoff "d1; echo Duck-Jump Toggle *OFF*; w; djoff"

    alias djon "alias +rjump +djump; alias -rjump -djump; alias djtog djsoff"

    alias djoff "alias +rjump +jump; alias -rjump -jump; alias djtog djson"


    alias +rjump "+jump" //Normal Jump...bind ur jump key to this.

    alias -rjump "-jump"


    alias +djump "+jump; +duck; w"

    alias -djump "-jump; -duck"


    bind "?" "+rjump" //Jump...(change ? to your jump key

    bind "?" "djtog" //Turn toggle on/off



    //Low Sensitivity Fire// by: submitted by: elmoy

    Description: This script will set down your sensitivity when you press fire, but only when you press fire. You can toggle this on and off by binding the "lov" alias.

    //You can change the sensitivity to your playing style

    alias myse "sensitivity 4.0"

    alias +lov "sensitivity 3.0; w; +attack"

    alias -lov "myse; w; -attack"

    alias lov "lov1"

    alias lov1 "bind mouse1 +lov; d1; echo LOW SENSITIVITY ON; d0; alias lov lov2"

    alias lov2 "bind mouse1 +attack; d1; echo LOW SENSITIVITY OFF; d0; alias lov lov1"

    alias w "wait"

    alias d1 "developer 1"

    alias d0 "developer 0"

    bind "z" "lov"


    //Mouse Run// by: submitted by: Miro

    Description: You hold down your mouse3 button...when your holding it, it takes out your knife so you run faster, then when you let go it pulls out your pistol then your rifle...so your pistol is in your lastinv. Great if some1 jumps out at you.


    alias w2 "wait; wait"

    alias qknif "weapon_knife"

    alias qwpn "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_tmp; weapon_ump45; weapon_mac10; weapon_ak47; weapon_sg552; weapon_m4a1; weapon_aug; weapon_m3; weapon_xm1014; weapon_scout; weapon_awp; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_sg550; weapon_m249"

    alias qpist "weapon_glock18; weapon_usp; weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven"

    alias +run "qknif"

    alias -run "qpist; w2; qwpn"


    bind mouse3 "+run"



    //MouseWheel Weapon Cycler// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script is a very basic script that allows you to cycle to your next or previous weapon with your MouseWheel.


    alias nextweap "invnext; w3; +attack; w2; -attack"

    alias prevweap "invprev; w3; +attack; w2; -attack"


    bind "mwheelup" "nextweap"

    bind "mwheeldown" "prevweap"



    //Movement Stopper Script// by: submitted by: Fat4ssAntFarm

    Description: This script will stop all directional movement instantly, in order to provide better accuracy while avoiding attackers. Replace your normal movement keys with these aliases.


    alias w3 "wait; wait; wait"

    alias w9 "w3; w3; w3"

    alias +runleft "+moveleft"

    alias -runleft "-moveleft; +moveright; w9; -moveright"

    alias +runright "+moveright"

    alias -runright "-moveright; +moveleft; w9; -moveleft"

    alias +runforward "+forward"

    alias -runforward "-forward; +back; w9; -back"

    alias +runback "+back"

    alias -runback "-back; +forward; w9; -forward"


    bind w "+runforward"

    bind s "+runback"

    bind a "+runleft"

    bind d "+runright"



    //One Button Reload/Stop Reloading Toggle// by: submitted by: PepperMill

    Description: Reload and stop reloading with the same button.


    alias "+ar" "alias +togreload +togreload1; wait; +attack"

    alias "-ar" "-attack"

    alias "rslot1" "alias +togreload +togreload1; slot1"

    alias "rslot2" "alias +togreload +togreload1; slot2"

    alias "+togreload" "+togreload1"

    alias "-togreload" "-togreload1"

    alias "+togreload1" "+reload; alias -togreload -togreload1; alias +togreload togreload2"

    alias "-togreload1" "-reload"

    alias "togreload2" "weapon_knife; wait; lastinv; alias -togreload ; alias +togreload +togreload1"


    bind "1" "rslot1"

    bind "2" "rslot2"

    bind "g" "alias +togreload +togreload1; drop"

    bind "q" "alias +togreload +togreload1; lastinv"

    bind "r" "+togreload"

    bind "MOUSE1" "+ar"

    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "alias +togreload +togreload1; invnext"

    bind "MWHEELUP" "alias +togreload +togreload1; invprev"




    //Quick Slash Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: When the key that you bind to +qslash is held down, this alias will pull out your knife and start slashing. When you release the key, it will bring out your last weapon.

    alias +qslash "weapon_knife; wait; +attack"

    alias -qslash "-attack; lastinv"


    bind "alt" "+qslash"



    //Quick Stab Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: When the key that you bind to +qstab is held down, this alias will pull out your knife and start stabbing. When you release the key, it will bring out your last weapon.

    alias +qstab "weapon_knife; wait; +attack2"

    alias -qstab "-attack2; wait; lastinv"


    bind "alt" "+qstab"



    //Reload and Cover Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This reloads your weapon and asks for cover.

    alias +recov "+reload; wait; coverme; say_team cover me I'm reloading"

    alias -recov "-reload"

    bind "r" "+recov"



    //Reload Stop Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script stops your current weapon from reloading and switches back to it quickly.


    alias reload_stop "weapon_knife; wait; wait; wait; lastinv"


    bind "q" "reload_stop"



    //Run/Walk/Crouch Toggle Script// by: submitted by: EmbraceThePing

    Description: Crouch when your walking and normally you'd have to switch back to "run" to move. Switch back to standing and you'd be running instead of sneaking up on someone.

    This script handles it all for you! If you are walking just hit couch and you're still moving, hit it again and you're straight back into a walk.

    Note: This script is set to "Q" walk/run toggle and "C" to crouch/stand toggle if you have other prefs then change the appropriate binds.


    alias walk "+speed; -duck; bind q run; bind c crouchwalk; dv1; echo Walking; dv0"

    alias run "-speed; -duck; bind q walk; bind c crouch; dv1; echo Running; dv0"

    alias crouchwalk "+duck; -speed; bind c walk; bind q crouch; dv1; echo Crouching Ready to Run; dv0"

    bind "q" "walk"


    alias crouch "+duck; -speed; bind c stand; bind q walkcrouch; dv1; echo Crouching; dv0"

    alias stand "-duck; -speed; dv0; bind c crouch; bind q walk; dv1; echo Standing"

    alias walkcrouch "+duck; -speed; bind c walk; bind q crouch; dv1; echo Crouching Ready to Walk; dv0"


    bind "c" "crouch"




    //ScouT WhorE// by: submitted by: NumB-nUTz

    Description: Uses simple walk command infront before firing to greatly improve accuracy with the scout while on the move.


    alias d1 "developer 1"

    alias d0 "developer 0"

    alias +whore "+speed;+attack"

    alias -whore "-attack;-speed"

    alias whoreon "bind mouse1 +whore;d1;echo ::ScouT WhorE: 0n::;d0;alias whore_switch whoreoff"

    alias whoreoff "bind mouse1 +attack;d1;echo ::ScouT Whore: 0ff::;d0;alias whore_switch whoreon"

    alias whore_switch "pwnon"


    bind END "whore_switch"



    //Scoutzknivez Keyboard Strafe Script// by: submitted by: FatAssAntFarm

    Description: Using this script you can strafe using the keyboard instead of the mouse! Easy off and on button - all controls are default until you turn it on, and go back to default when you turn it off! :D You have to bind +gostrafe and +nostrafe to different keys in order for this to work (e.g. bind mouse4 +gostrafe and bind mouse5 +nostrafe). When you press the +gostrafe key you can strafe, and then press the +nostrafe key to stop strafing.

    Yawspeed is what affects the keyboard turning speed - a higher yawspeed means a higher turning speed (all this is done without using the mouse). Change it if you feel the need.


    alias +stra "+left; +moveleft"

    alias -stra "-left; -moveleft"

    alias +straf "+right; +moveright"

    alias -straf "-right; -moveright"

    alias +gostrafe "-left; -right; -moveleft; -moveright; -forward; unbind a; unbind d; bind a +stra; bind d +straf"

    alias -gostrafe "bind a +stra; bind d +straf"

    alias +nostrafe "-left; -right; -moveleft; -moveright; -forward; unbind a; unbind d; bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright"

    alias -nostrafe "bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright"

    cl_yawspeed 450



    //Speed Attack Script// by: submitted by: NoVa

    Description: With this script you can slow down when you attacking to increase shot accuracy.


    alias +speedatk "+speed; +attack"

    alias -speedatk "-speed; -attack"


    bind "x" "+speedatk"



    //Stop Reload Advanced Script// by: submitted by: elmoy

    Description: When you reload, if somebody attacks you, press mouse1 (will stop reload) and attack!

    alias rld1 "bind mouse1 rld3; rld2"

    alias rld2 "+reload; w10; -reload; mouse1a"

    alias rld3 "weapon_knife; w3; lastinv; mouse1a"

    alias mouse1a "bind mouse1 +attack"

    alias "w3" "wait; wait; wait"

    alias "w5" "w3; wait; wait"

    alias "w10" "w5 ; w5"


    bind "shift" "rld1"



    //Strafe Shoot Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script allows you to strafe and shoot as you move. It alternates between left and right while firing.


    alias +ss_left "+attack; +moveleft; alias +strafeshoot +ss_right"

    alias +ss_right "+attack; +moveright; alias +strafeshoot +ss_left"

    alias +strafeshoot "+ss_left"

    alias -strafeshoot "-attack; -moveleft; -moveright"


    bind "mouse3" "+strafeshoot"



    //Suicide Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This script warns your team of your impending death; then kills you so the enemy doesn't get the money for the kill.


    alias +suicide "say_team I'm being overrun; radio1; menuselect 6; slot10"

    alias -suicide "slot10; wait; wait; slot10; kill"


    bind "SPACE" "+suicide"




    //Ultimate Fast Weapon Switch// by: submitted by: monkey fist



    alias go_slot1 "weapon_ak47; weapon_aug; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_m249; weapon_m4a1; weapon_m3; weapon_mac10; weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_scout; weapon_sg552; weapon_sg550; weapon_ump45; weapon_tmp; weapon_xm1014; weapon_awp"

    alias go_slot2 "weapon_deagle; weapon_usp; weapon_glock18; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven"

    alias go_slot3 "weapon_knife"

    alias pist_kni_gun "gun_pist_pist_on"

    alias switchweapmsg1 "developer 1; echo FastSwitch Mode:: Gun-Pistol; developer 0"

    alias switchweapmsg2 "developer 1; echo FastSwitch Mode:: Pistol-Knife; developer 0"

    alias switchweapmsg3 "developer 1; echo FastSwitch Mode:: Gun-Pistol-Knife; developer 0"

    alias selectswitch "pist_knife"

    alias gun_pist "alias pist_kni_gun gun_pist_pist_on; alias selectswitch pist_knife; go_slot1; switchweapmsg1"

    alias pist_knife "alias pist_kni_gun pist_knife_pist_on; alias selectswitch gun_pist_knife; go_slot2; switchweapmsg2"





    //Walk Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script allows you to walk without holding a key. Press it once to walk and again to run.


    alias walk_t "walk_on"

    alias walk_on "alias walk_t walk_off; +speed; developer 1; echo Walking enabled; developer 0"

    alias walk_off "alias walk_t walk_on; -speed; developer 1; echo Running enabled; developer 0"


    bind "w" "walk_t"



    //Walktoggle Enhanced Script// by: submitted by: Luis Cypher

    Description: This script is a normal walktoggle script but it also automatically resumes running when you start firing (or if you press the button again). You do not have to have a finger on the walk toggle key all the time any more...


    alias "walktoggle" "walk"

    alias run "-speed; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"

    alias walk "+speed; bind mouse1 +wakeup; alias walktoggle run"

    alias +wakeup "+attack; -speed"

    alias -wakeup "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"


    bind "yourkey" "walktoggle"



    //Walktoggle Plus Script// by: submitted by: Vanquish

    Description: Walktoggle that stops when jump, duck, or fire.



    alias "walktoggle" "walk"

    alias run "-speed; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"

    alias walk "+speed; bind mouse1 +wakeup; alias walktoggle run"

    alias +wakeup "+attack; -speed"

    alias -wakeup "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack; alias walktoggle walk"


    alias "+SpeedDuck" "-speed; +duck"

    alias "-SpeedDuck" "-duck; alias walktoggle walk"


    alias "+SpeedJump" "-speed;+jump"

    alias "-SpeedJump" "-jump; alias walktoggle walk"


    bind "your jump key" "+SpeedJump"

    bind "your duck key" "+SpeedDuck"

    bind "your walk key" "walktoggle"




    //Weapon Mousecycle Attack Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This script allows you to cycle through your weapons with the mousewheel when on, and will rebind your MWHEELUP to +attack2 and MWHEELDOWN to +reload when off. MOUSE3 is used in this example to toggle it on and off.



    alias "wpn1" "invprev; +attack; wait; -attack"

    alias "wpn2" "invnext; +attack; wait; -attack"

    alias "toggle1" "bind MWHEELUP +attack2; bind MWHEELDOWN +reload; bind MOUSE3 toggle2"

    alias "toggle2" "bind MWHEELUP wpn1; bind MWHEELDOWN wpn2; bind MOUSE3 toggle1"


    bind "MOUSE3" "toggle1"

    bind "MWHEELUP" "wpn1"

    bind "MWHEELDOWN" "wpn2"


    Source  http://www.counter-script.net/index.php?id=92#2

  8. //Advanced Coverme-Reload Script// by: submitted by: Vindexus

    Description: Asks for your team for cover when you reload, but doesn't do it when you type the letter it's bound to.



    alias +reloadScript "+reload; coverme; say_team Reloading, cover me"

    alias reloadOFF ""

    alias teamChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode2"

    alias pubChat "bind r reloadOFF; messagemode"

    alias +enter "+attack"

    alias -enter "-attack; bind r +reloadScript"


    bind "r" "+reloadScript"

    bind "Enter" "+enter"

    bind "u" "teamChat"

    bind "y" pubChat"


    //Advanced Strafe Fire// by: submitted by: EDGEY

    Description: An extension of the strafe fire script. While walking or running you strafe alternating right and left with each press of the fire button. While ducking you do not strafe, for those long distance shots. Great on pistol round.


    alias strafe_toggle_on "bind ctrl +newduck; bind rightarrow +newright; bind leftarrow +newleft; bind end strafe_toggle_off; bind mouse1 +strafeshoot; developer 1; echo Strafe_On; developer 0"

    alias strafe_toggle_off "bind ctrl +duck; bind rightarrow +moveright; bind leftarrow +moveleft;bind end strafe_toggle_on; bind mouse1 +coloratk; developer 1; echo Strafe_Off; developer 0"

    alias no_strafe "bind mouse1 +attack; Echo Strafe Fire Off; adjust_crosshair"

    alias do_strafe "bind mouse1 +strafeshoot; echo Strafe Fire On; adjust_crosshair"

    alias +ss_left "+attack; +moveleft; alias +strafeshoot +ss_right; adjust_crosshair"

    alias +ss_right "+attack; +moveright; alias +strafeshoot +ss_left; adjust_crosshair"

    alias +strafeshoot "+ss_left"

    alias -strafeshoot "-attack; -moveleft; -moveright"

    alias +newduck "+duck; no_strafe; adjust_crosshair"

    alias -newduck "-duck; do_strafe; adjust_crosshair"

    alias +newleft "+



    //Amazing Movement Script// by: submitted by: FatAssAntFarm

    Description: A marriage between the Crouch Jump Script and the Run/Walk/Crouch Toggle Script with a little bit extra thrown in. It is now possible to execute a jump crouch without screwing up the walk/crouch toggle script. Also, if you are walking and execute a jump crouch and keep holding the jump crouch button to maintain a crouch, you will move at crouching, and not walk+crouching speed! With this script, you will always move in the way best suited to the situation at hand.


    To use, replace mouse4 with whatever your walk button is, space with whatever your crouch button is, and alt with your jump button.



    bind "ALT" "+cjumpw"

    alias walk "+speed; -duck; bind mouse4 run; bind space walkcrouch; bind ALT +cjumpr;"

    alias run "-speed; -duck; bind mouse4 walk; bind space crouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpw;"

    bind "mouse4" "walk"

    alias crouch "+duck; -speed; bind space run; bind mouse4 walkcrouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpw;"

    alias walkcrouch "+duck; -speed; bind space walk; bind mouse4 crouch; dv1; bind ALT +cjumpr;"

    bind "space" "crouch"

    alias +cjumpw "+jump; +duck"

    alias -cjumpw "-jump; -duck; bind mouse4 walk;"

    alias +cjumpr "+jump; +duck; -speed;"

    alias -cjumpr "-jump; -duck; +speed; bind mouse4 run;"


    //Bomb Jump Script// by: submitted by: |EHK|Sibling

    Description: Makes you do very funny jump as have the bomb and pistol out.


    alias w2 "wait; wait"

    alias w3 "w2; wait"

    alias w4 "w2; w2"

    alias w5 "w3; w2"

    alias qpist "slot2; w2; +attack; w2; -attack"


    alias +bombjump "qpist; w5; +attack; w5; w5; +reload; w5; w5; w5; weapon_c4; w5; w5; +jump"

    alias -bombjump "-attack; w5; w5; w5; w5;-reload; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; w5; -jump"


    bind "x" "+bombjump"



    //Bomb Plant Script // by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This Script plants the bomb and tells your team to Cover you. You bind a key to +bomb.



    alias +bomb "weapon_c4; +duck; +attack; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm planting the bomb"

    alias -bomb "-duck; -attack"


    bind "b" "+bomb"


    //Buy-ammo-and-move-script// by: submitted by: Miro

    Description: Buy you ammo for both your guns when you move, so you can buy faster when your at spawn.


    alias fullprim "buyammo1: buyammo1"

    alias fullpist "buyammo2; buyammo2; buyammo2"

    alias ammo "fullprim; fullpist"


    alias +cforward "+forward; ammo"

    alias -cforward "-forward; ammo"

    alias +cback "+back; ammo"

    alias -cback "-back; ammo"

    alias +cmoveleft "+moveleft; ammo"

    alias -cmoveleft "-moveleft; ammo"

    alias +cmoveright "+moveright; ammo"

    alias -cmoveright "-moveright; ammo"


    bind w "+cforward"

    bind s "+cback"

    bind a "+cmoveleft"

    bind d "+cmoveright"


    (Edited by SxRxRnR - Added Toggle Option)


    alias ammot_tog "ammo_off"

    alias ammo_off "bind w +forward; bind s +back; bind a +moveleft; bind d +moveright; ammo_tog ammon_on"

    alias ammo_on "bind w +cforward; bind s +cback; bind a +cmoveleft; bind d +cmoveright; ammo_tog ammon_off"


    bind l "ammo_tog"



    //Chooseteam Script// by: submitted by: Carl-cox-

    Description: This script will automatically select a random model for which team you want to join. Now all you have to do is hit one key. Just bind one key for joining Terrorists and one for joining CT's.



    alias tclr "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"

    alias auto_t "chooseteam; wait; menuselect 1; wait; menuselect 5; wait; tclr"

    alias auto_ct "chooseteam; wait; menuselect 2; wait; menuselect 5; wait; tclr"


    bind "z" "auto_t"


    bind "x" "auto_ct



    //CrossHair Color Attack// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This script changes the crosshair color every time you press Attack. Useful for maps where the map's colors might interfere with the crosshair color, and also it is a good visual cue.


    alias +coloratk "+attack; adjust_crosshair"

    alias -coloratk "-attack"


    bind "MOUSE1" "+coloratk"




    //Crouch Jump & Fire Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script executes a crouch jump while firing.


    alias cjumpfire "cjumpfireon"

    alias cjumpfireon "bind mouse1 +fire; alias cjumpfire cjumpfireoff"

    alias cjumpfireoff "bind mouse1 +attack; alias cjumpfire cjumpfireon"

    alias +fire "+cjump; wait; wait; wait; +attack"

    alias -fire "-attack; -cjump; bind mouse1 +attack1"


    bind "kp_enter" "cjumpfire"



    //Crouch Jump Clear Script// by: submitted by: Simoski

    Description: This script is a combination of the jump/crouch/clear menus off screen script-very handy for that quick getaway from spawn.



    alias +cjumpclr "+jump; wait; +duck; mclr"

    alias -cjumpclr "-jump; wait; -duck"

    alias "mclr" "slot10; wait; wait; slot10"


    bind "ctrl "+cjumpclr"




    //Crouch Jump Modified Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This is a modification to the widely used Crouch Jump Script. This one is supposed to be more reliable. Try them out and pick the one that is best for you.

    alias +cduck "-jump; wait; bind shift +jump; wait; +duck"

    alias -cduck "-duck; wait; bind shift +cjump"


    bind "space" "+cduck"



    //Crouch Jump Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This is a widely used Script to Crouch Jump instead of standard jump, for added height.


    alias +cjump "+jump; +duck"

    alias -cjump "-jump; -duck"


    bind "space" "+cjump"



    //Crouch Reload & Cover Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: *Updated for CS1.6* Similar to others like the normal Reload & Cover Script. This one simply ducks as you reload and asks for cover.


    alias +ducrecov "+duck; wait; +reload; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm reloading"

    alias -ducrecov "-duck; wait; -reload"


    bind "x" "+ducrecov"



    //Crouch Toggle Enhanced Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This script, when activated will make you duck and stay in a crouch without holding a key; and you will immediately stand up when you fire or de-activate it. This example uses "enter" as the key to activate and de-activate.



    alias "ctoggle" "crouch"

    alias stand "-duck; bind mouse1 +attack; alias ctoggle crouch"

    alias crouch "+duck; bind mouse1 +release; alias ctoggle stand"

    alias +release "+attack; -duck"

    alias -release "-attack; bind mouse1 +attack; alias ctoggle crouch"


    bind "enter" "ctoggle"



    //Crouch Toggle Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script allows you to crouch without holding a key. Press it once to crouch and again to stand.

    alias duck_t "duck_on"

    alias duck_on "alias duck_t duck_off; +duck; developer 1; echo Ducking enabled; developer 0"

    alias duck_off "alias duck_t duck_on; -duck; developer 1; echo Standing enabled; developer 0"


    bind "x" "duck_t"



    //CS1.6 Fast Shield by Dodgy Embalmer// by: submitted by: Dodgy

    Description: This small script allows you to drop shield fire a shot and raise shield with just the fire button.


    // Basic Aliases

    alias "wt" "wait"

    alias "wt2" "wt;wt"

    alias "wt3" "wt2;wt"

    alias "wt4" "wt2;wt2"

    alias "wt5" "wt4;wt"

    alias "wt6" "wt4;wt2"

    alias "wt10" "wt5;wt5"

    alias "wt15" "wt10;wt5"

    alias "d1" "developer 1"

    alias "d0" "developer 0"


    // Fast Shield Bind a Key "fshield"

    alias "fshield" "fshield1"

    alias "fshield1" "d1; echo -=FAST SHIELD ON=-; d0; bind mouse1 shatk; alias fshield fshield0"

    alias "fshield0" "d1; echo -=FAST SHIELD OFF=-; d0; bind mouse1 +attack; alias fshield fshield1"

    alias "shatk" "+attack2; wt15; -attack2; wt15; +attack; wt15; -attack; wt15; +attack2; wt15; -attack2"




    //Cyanide Pill Script// by: submitted by: S9ilentscope

    Description: This script drops your gun so enemies only get ammo in the gun (none for reload),throws any he grenade, and kills yourself so enemies don't get cash for your dead body.


    alias +cyanide "weapon_mp5navy; weapon_p90; weapon_tmp; weapon_ump45; weapon_mac10; weapon_ak47; weapon_sg552; weapon_m4a1; weapon_aug; weapon_m3; weapon_xm1014; weapon_scout; weapon_awp; weapon_g3sg1; weapon_sg550; weapon_m249; drop; weapon_glock18; weapon_usp; weapon_deagle; weapon_p228; weapon_elite; weapon_fiveseven; drop; he_grenade; wait; wait; +attack"

    alias -cyanide "-attack; wait; wait; kill"


    bind "F12" "+cyanide"




    //Defuse & Cover Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This Script tells your team to Cover you as you defuse the bomb. You bind a key to +defuse.


    alias +defuse "+use; coverme; say_team Cover me I'm defusing the bomb"

    alias -defuse "-use"


    bind "d" "+defuse"



    //Drop C4 Script// by: submitted by: GibSG

    Description: One button that switches to the C4, drops it and returns to your original gun.


    alias +dbomb "weapon_c4; wait; drop"

    alias -dbomb "lastinv"


    bind "x" "+dbomb"




    //Duck, Slow down and Aim// by: submitted by: skyd1v3r

    Description: This script will tune your mouse sensitivity down while you duck and return you back to your original setting after you release the bound key. Remember to set the sensitivity to what you use.



    alias +duckslow "+duck; sensitivity 4"

    alias -duckslow "-duck; sensitivity 9"


    bind shift "+duckslow"



    //Enemy Down Spray Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: *Updated for CS1.6* This Script sprays your Spraypaint and says the "Enemy Down" Radio Call when the key is pressed.

    alias +killspray "impulse 201"

    alias -killspray "enemydown"


    bind "k" "+killspray"



    //Enemy Spotted Fire - Enhanced// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This script will execute the radio call "Enemy Spotted" every 5th time you fire using the MOUSE1 button. This makes it so you are not spamming the radio call on every button press.


    alias +attack3 "+attack; enemyspot"

    alias -attack3 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack4"

    alias +attack4 "+attack"

    alias -attack4 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack5"

    alias +attack5 "+attack"

    alias -attack5 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack6"

    alias +attack6 "+attack"

    alias -attack6 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack7"

    alias +attack7 "+attack"

    alias -attack7 "-attack; bind MOUSE1 +attack3"


    bind "MOUSE1" "+attack3"




    //Enemy Spotted Fire Script// by: The Counter-Script Crew

    Description: This Script is an alternate fire script that gives the radio call "Enemy Spotted" as you fire. This would normally replace your normal +attack (MOUSE1).


    alias +attack3 "+attack; enemyspot"

    alias -attack3 "-attack"


    bind "MOUSE1" "+attack3"



    //EZ Jump, Duck & Speed Script// by: submitted by: ItchEtrigR

    Description: A full "No Conflict" Jump, duck & speed script with a speed toggle that inverts the speed key to run or walk depending on the speed toggle.


    alias +nc.jump "-speed; alias d.spd; alias +spd; alias dnc.spd; nc.duck; nc.wait; +jump; +duck; wait; -jump; alias d.duck"

    alias -nc.jump "j.spd; alias d.spd spd; jnc.spd; alias dnc.spd alias +spd +speed; j.duck; alias d.duck -duck"

    alias +nc.duck "-speed; alias j.spd; alias +spd; alias jnc.spd; +duck; alias nc.duck -duck; alias nc.wait wait; alias j.duck"

    alias -nc.duck "d.spd; alias j.spd spd; dnc.spd; alias jnc.spd alias +spd +speed; d.duck; alias j.duck -duck"

    alias +nc.speed "speed.on"

    alias -nc.speed "speed.off"


    alias speed.on "+spd; alias spd +speed"

    alias speed.off "-speed; alias spd"

    alias nc.speed.tog "nc.speed.on"

    alias nc.speed.on "speed.on; alias +nc.speed speed.off; alias -nc.speed speed.on; d1; echo *** Walk Activated ***; d0; alias nc.speed.tog nc.speed.off"

    alias nc.speed.off "speed.off; alias +nc.speed speed.on; alias -nc.speed speed.off; d1; echo *** Walk Deactivated ***; d0; alias nc.speed





  9. Project-7.Net CS Hack v3.5

    AntiCheat Status: VAC2 Safe from DoR ( Day of Release ), NOT PROOF FROM ANY LEAGUES



    Fixed Module hiding

    Removed radar patch

    Fixed menu item bug/crash

    Improved overall code speed.




    Bone Aiming

    Bone Aiming Adjustments

    Vector Aiming

    Vector Aiming Adjustments

    Draw Aimspot

    Target By FOV

    Target By Distance


    Aimthru on mouse1


    Auto shoot

    Correct Spread

    Correct Recoil




    Radar Hack







    D Lights

    Wireframe Weapons



    Show Aim FOV

    ASUS Wallhack

    Wallhack transparancy editor


    WallColor Editor




    Custom Angle



    Rapid Pistol

    Round say

    radio say



    Autobuy m4/ak

    autobuy awp/deagle

    autobuy p90/deagle














    Source  www.project-7.net



  10. [FkN]Hook  v1.0 by DCLXVI.

    24/7 Support available at Fkn0wned.com!



    - Wallhack Style #1 (F5)

    - Wallhack Style #2 (F6)

    - NoSky (F7)

    - NoFlash (F8)

    - NoSmoke (F8)

    - NoAds (Scoreboard) (F9)

    - WireModel (F9)



    - Extract all files to a folder.

    - Run [FkN]Hook.exe

    - Press "Start Hack!"

    - Run CS1.6

    - Use the above buttons to activate features.



    - Jimster480

    - [FkN]Niggorex



    - [FkN]TuxifieD

    - [FkN]tKer

    - [FkN]Shifty.

    - [FkN]Peski-Ruski










  11. Every 18 seconds or so .. the bot checks to see if your queued .. if your not, it runs the queue routine .. if you are, then the bot moves your mouse to the EnterBG position and then to the LeaveBG position .. this does 2 things .. 1) checks if your ready to Enter a BG or Leave a BG .. 2) Acts like a Anti-AFK .. keeping you from getting the Deserter debuff .. the code may seem inefficient .. but it kills 2 birds with 1 stone


    Also if your WoW is minimized the bot will do nothing (I was getting annoyed because i was minimized and my cursor was freaking out so i added that) so if your in a BG and you minimize for a long period of time its likely you will get the Deserter debuff


    This bot uses No Injection, No Hooks, No Memory Offsets .. the only way your going to get reported for botting is if a player In-game reports you .. Ill let you worry about that though .. and you can rename HonorBot.exe to Notepad.exe or w/e if you care that much about the warden reading all your app names .. warden is overrated imo


    Short Tutorial -

    Everything is pretty straightforward, Ill go over configuring the bot though


    1) Lag: if your WoW is a little laggy you can set this to 1-9(secs) .. this is the delay between mouse clicks, 1 or 2 normally works for everyone


    Now 2-7 is a little different .. once you press one of these keys .. WoW will have focus and you’ll have 6sec to move your mouse to the right location .. a beep will indicate that its captured and you can move on


    2) BGMinimapIcon: once you queue for a battleground a icon is added to your mini-map, when you press 2 and WoW has focus simply move your mouse over the icon .. make sure you get a nice red(horde) or blue(alliance) pixel .. i do capture the pixel value here .. and if you notice the bot trying to queue you up while your already queued .. you need to reconfigure this setting


    3) BattleMaster: just move your mouse over the battlemaster and all done .. no pixel, just cords


    4) QueueList: once you talk to a battlemaster you’ll see “i wish to join the battle” move your mouse over that


    5) JoinBattle: just move your mouse over the “Join battle” button at the bottom of the dialog while in the queuelist dialog


    6) EnterBG: after you queue you must wait for a BG to pop .. once it does .. give HonorBot focus and press 6 and wait till WoW has focus .. then hover over “Enter Battle” button .. i do capture pixel values here so hover over the red part of it .. that works the best it seems


    7) LeaveBG: this is the same as EnterBG only you must wait for a game to be over and when you see the scoreboard at the bottom of that, you’ll see “Leave Battle” capture that .. i do capture pixel values so hover over red .. NOTE: you don’t need to configure LeaveBG although if you do not after every game you’ll stay in it for the 2min before it kicks you out






    Uploaded by me

    And guide take from http://www.wowbootybay.com

  12. Well... First off only do this in private servers becuz u will get banned in real servers. and anyways hacking in the real servers is bad so dont do it anyways!!


    kk this isn't really a hard hack really. first open WoW.exe in cheat engine.

    make sure you are signed in on wow when u do this. make sure you have no buffs and arent on a mount or moving. k now in cheat engine check the 2 boxes called hyper and fast scan. then set the value type to float. then set the value to 7. Then click first scan. kk now listen closely...after its done scanning should only take like 30 seconds. then get on yur mount(not flying mount). then go back in cheat engine and put 14 in the value box. then click next scan. should only take 1-2 seconds. now on the left in cheat engine there should be 5-50 addresses. look for one that says 0c04. double click it and make it go on the bottom. NOW LISTEN... erase the 0c04 and put 0bb8. an save the changes or whatever and change that value to 7 then hit ok. then go back to wow and u should be flying.


    I expained it as good as possible... so sorry if u dont like it... but this only works about 1 out of 3 times. so enjoy.


    then when u are flying u can also put on speedhack


    and not many people at all know about this so... there u go. now u do.

    AND also i quit wow thats why i told u guys this. not a secret anymore.




    Cheat Engine 5.4 is a tool designed to give you the upper hand in games, but also contains other useful tools to help debugging games and even normal applications. Using CE 5.4 you can easily cheat and hack in almost every computer game. Getting started is very easy!


    It comes with a memory scanner to quickly scan for variables used within a game and allow you to change them, but it also comes with a debugger, disassembler, assembler, speedhack, trainer maker, direct 3D manipulation tools, system inspection tools and more.


    For new users it is recommended to go through the tutorial(The one that comes with Cheat Engine, you can find it in your programs list after installing) and at least reach step 5 for basic understanding of the usage of Cheat Engine


    The download link can be found at the buttom of this post.



    Rewrote the memoryscan engine to make better use of multiple cpu cores

    Added an All valuetype

    Added a Custom scan option, which allows auto assembler scripts to be used as internal compare routines

    New Auto Assembler functions: Added CreateThread(address) , loadlibrary(filename) and readmem(address,size)

    Added /* */ comments to the auto assembler

    Added codehighlighting for the auto assembler

    The assembler now allows you to type in normal decimal values instead of hex. Add a # in front. e.g #100

    Goto history for disassembler and hexview

    Follow and back instruction for the disassembler-view

    Added a simple C-scripting language.

    The trainer maker now lets buttons execute cheat entries

    The address interpreter now understands pointer notations like [[0041234523]23]

    When opening a process for the first time the current disassembleraddress will go to the entrypoint of the process. The hexview will go to the start of data.

    Added the DF flag to the debugger

    Implemented a reverse pointer scan. Instead of starting at the base address andscanning all memory, it scans for the final address and continues from the results there.

    Added multiline selection to the disassembler. (Hold shift)

    Added Ctrl+C in disassembler to copy to clipboard.

    Added ability to show multiple memoryview windows at a time. (multiple displays recommended)

    Implemented a hypervisor that CE can make use of. Look up DBVM on the website. Intel VT only for now

    Added an option to save the memory when a pointerscan has finished so it can be reused again




    Several Vista-32 fixes

    fixed some asembler/disassembler instructions

    The trainer maker now supports scripts with alloc in them

    hotkeys now work better and don't execute without pressing any key, or when pressing an unrelated key

    Fixed a dpi bug for the trainer maker "Add cheat" window

    Fixed missing confirmation screen when closing and a script was edited.

    Fixed pressing C in the hexview would stop the editing.

    Fixed alignment problem of the "at least %" string when increased or decreased scan is selected

    Fixed example c-plugin where the define of changeregonbp was missing some padding

    Fixed the processwatcher for vista 32-bit (don't even try vista 64, will not work)

    Fixed ce detecting vista as an older version instead of newer.

    Now when selecting a new process ticked assemblerscripts go to disabled state.

    Type change window now closes when pressing escape.

    Fixed cleanup problem when the red X was used causing group info to stay behind on new entries.

    Fixed typing in values with the numlock keypad

    Hexview editbox now closes when rightlicking on the hexview.

    The autoassembler now handles spaces and tabs better

    Added some extra checks to the processname doubleclick when kernelmode has been enabled to prevent a BSOD


    Latest version:



    Source http://www.d3scene.com



  13. Hi guys i have one hlapex and packets for hLaPex.


    In the packet you find this :

    100 christmass trees

    100% stun resistence-passive skill

    Angel Slayer haste

    ant queen

    Arcana Mace Acumen

    baium's gift - skill

    baiums Heal - Buff

    bless the soul buff

    Blessed enchant armor A

    Blessed enchant armor S

    Blessed enchant Weapon A

    Blessed enchant Weapon S

    blessing of noblesse-buff

    blessing of Queen

    Blessing of Seraphim

    bow of peril quik recovery

    Crown of lord

    dagger 30k

    dragon slayer

    dragonic boots

    dragonic Bow Focus

    dragonic full body Armor

    dragonic gloves

    dragonic helmet

    earring of antharas

    earring of zaken

    earring orfen

    eminence bow guidance

    focus buff-passive

    Forgotten Blade - Focus

    fortune of noblesse-buff

    gift of Queen

    gift of Seraphim

    gm super haste-buff

    greater haste potion

    harmony of noblesse-skill

    haste buff-passive

    heroic berseker-buff

    heroic miracle-buff

    heroic valor-buff

    Hp x2

    Hp x3

    Hp x4

    Hp x5

    Hp x6

    Hp x7

    Hp x8

    Hp x9

    Infinity Blade

    Infinity Bow

    Infinity Rod

    Infinity Stinger

    Infinity Wing

    Lance 30k

    neclage of valkas


    Prophecy of Fire

    Prophecy of Water

    Prophecy of Wind

    resist Archery

    Resist Bow attack

    Resist Daggers attack

    Resist Earth

    Resist Fire

    resist full Magic Attack

    Resist m.Atk

    Resist P.Atk

    Resist Paralisis

    resist Physical Attack

    Resist Water

    Resist Wind

    ring of baium

    SP Scrolls

    strider - pet

    Sword of miracles Acumen

    wyvern - pet

    zariche buff

    Zariche sword - Buy

    ZERO buff - gm stats




    Packets for hLaPex


    Credits go to me




    Guide For hLaPex

    1. Start Program

    2. Starting customer

    3. Entry to the game

    If all normal, the first in the game to get a private message from hLaPEx


    As a bonus packages ready for the challenge and animation LVL-UP straydera / viverna




    hLaPex Its a Explorer that you use to decode the pack

    From server And CLinet that they send each other

    ok lets get start it..


    1.You need to put the hLaPex in ur System folder

    2.Start hLaPex Before Statin Your client


    so When u join the Game it Should said this




    Well ok i see that You Guys Are Havin Problem

    Whit the "Gettin Items" & "Multiple Class skill Mixin"


    *Getting Items


    Well ok First u need to know Two Importan Things To make This Action

    1. Its the ListID from the Item You wanna Get!

    2. Its The ItemID


    The code to make this action its make in 4 Part


    1. 1F = Request To Buy

    2. ListID = The place that the ID is in the Server Files or Shop ListID

    3. itemID = The ID off item U want ItemID

    4. 01 00 00 = the mount u wanna to get of the Item

    *IMPORTAM* * *

    Always remmeber that the ListID have to be the one where is You item in the Shop


    Lets have Fun Now

    *Makin the Code


    First u need to do the Request to the server "1F" Put the rest of ur Code




    1F "ListID" 01 00 00 00 "ItemID" "Mount Of THe Item"


    Lets use This Code For test

    ListID: 9036 ItemID: 5643 Sword of Miracles [A] Sword Of Miracles + Acumen


    OK we got this


    9036 For ListID

    5643 For ItemID


    this code its the same One u have in the files

    But you cant use them in hLaPex u need to conver them


    Here is what You need to do

    In The version that im use Is in the Explorer Tab


    There You will see this




    You need to use Conver This part to the Code




    First lets do the ListID


    You Need to Put the number in the ListID







    The code that we need is in the Hex Part


    here is a Pic



    OK Lest Save the New Code "4C230000"


    Now Lets Do the Same Think for the ItemID "5643"



    Now we have the ItemID 0B160000


    Lets Make the Code


    1F 4C230000 01 00 00 00 0B160000 01 00


    Ok Now We Have the Code for The Sword of Miracles [A]) Sword Of Miracles + Acumen


    To Use this Code u need to target an NCP some people Use The GMShop

    I Always Go to a Started Town and Target A weapom Trader

    Enjoy and Have Fun!


    Credits for the guide go to dwre123

  14. Nai isos paizei k auto.....bska o anti  xristos 8a einai 3an8os(An exete akousei gia tn 3an8o strato) k para ply omorfos...k episis 8a einai politikos ...!!!!Poio ply mago 8ewrw tn koperfield gt ta kn k live....i8ele na e3afanisei k tn akropoli alla dn tn afisane.... O Angel dn kn live...ara kt allo paizei1!! ;)


    Loipon epidei pistebeis ston Koperfild apla des ayto to video...




    An einai Warez to video pou ekana post apla Sbiste to link,

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