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Everything posted by partali

  1. Guys do u know any site which i can find scripts for 2nd Quest (Abyss Walker) thnx
  2. Yes that i mean BaFoMeT ;) Does anyone have it?
  3. Can it be possible;;Thnx ya.
  4. Ok i downloaded and i have a bot now on this server.But im interested in for OOG l2walker because the other on consumes too much RAM and slow down my pc cause i have to open 2 windows.:S
  5. Ty.But it says that "can be used only for full interlude servers" .Im searching for a l2walker for java server.
  6. I dont know how to search.I mean the word.I searched for l2jwalker or l2 walker for java server .But no results found.
  7. I mean the serve which i play is java.There is two kinds of l2walker on which is the program and the other which u can configure it inside of the game.
  8. Is there any l2 walker java for Interlude servers???
  9. Im not playing on a pvp server.Server is x15 and no one are with A or S grades weapons.Maybe a few of them with A. :S
  10. I didnt ask about mutli class !Or i can find there something that can help me?
  11. Hello there.I would like to ask if there any bug for l2 j interlude on criticals!!I have seen many archers hitting me by critical to critical!Do you know something about this? .sry for my english :P
  12. When i run start.bat it appears me with my firefox a site which says Main Page and GO to the main page and Go to PHPMySQLAdmin.It is suppose to show me that ?Then I started with l2walker to see if it works but it says me wrong file size.
  13. Lipon geia sas.Tha ithela an to exei kaneis vevea to patchaki poy blepeis pio treasure chest tha anixei kai tha sou petaxei ta drop kai pio oxi.To patchaki afto pragmatika iparxei nomizw einai ena dll arxiaki poy to bazeis sto system toy l2.Euxaristo. ;)
  14. to antibot stander mporei na spaste be patient
  15. Can you tell us the name of the programs?I believe you cause i saw and someone else telling that he saw few of children made it . oO
  16. pws ine dinaton na min iparxi token?
  17. file olo outdated themata mas rotas :P
  18. File aplos briskei pass ta opia esy tou dineis na psaxei.
  19. nai afto einai to token.Yparxei kanena neo ?
  20. Yparxei telika to bug i BA :P
  21. OO se euxaristw file moy kai egw epsaxna aloy gia aloy. :P Yparxei periptosei na botaroume me ton kanoyniko ton l2walker etsi oste na min fortononte ta text k argaei poly to pc me 2 client.!Pantos mprabo sto pedi great job.!
  22. Re to l2walker poy exw egw exei xilies dio entoles na doseis px na se kanei aftomata buffs / heal ktl.Me toy pediou poy katebasa moy anigei mono 1 mikro parathiro toy walker kai exei RUN/HIDE/EXIT . ti prepei na kanw ??Thelw na to kanw na spoilerarei aytomata.
  23. WITH ARTMONEY SE V7.22 NO addreses FOUND :/ Why? :(
  24. re pedia afto poy lete na patisw HOME ti akrivos einai??Egw thelw na kanei aftomato spoiling ala dn moy anigi kanena parathiro gia na dosw tis entoles.
  25. xerw to token toy e-global . to dokimasa ala kai me to diko moy pass bgazei unknown :( . logika exei prostasia o server . Ala pws tha to prosperasoyme ?
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