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Everything posted by partali

  1. Ωραιος οδηγος.. Τα κανω παντως ολα σωστα αλλα δεν κανει επαφη και σε μενα ο client με το l2net.. καμια λυση?
  2. Trexontas to L2WBypass , moy petaei error " Component MSWINSCK.OCX or one of it dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid " Eimai apo windows7 64bit.
  3. Geia sas magkes , gnorizete kanena prog to opio otan peftei to CP kai to HP na vazei aftomata CP kai healing pots ? Den kserw an paizei megalo rolo afto paizw se freya server.ty
  4. Παιδες σε μενα γιατι δεν πιανει?κανω cancel transform και καπακι παταω exhlarate ,το κανει αλλα δεν stackarei στην buff list !! ;/
  5. Παιδες σε nets τα οποια οταν κανεις restart το PC και κανουν αυτοματα restore ,σβηνοντε τα παντα απο Keyloggers μεχρι patches κτλ , εκει τι μπορουμε να κανουμε??
  6. Γεια σας μαγκες. Παιζω σε εναν l2freya Jserver , εχω μπει και το phx3.5 και δοκιμαζω να παρω ενα C grade weapon απο το GM shop , το packet ειναι αυτο εδω : 68 9F 5F 01 00 60 EC 53 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FE FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 αλλαζω το εκτο packet απο 60 σε 69 για να μου το δωσει +9 , μου το δεινει αλλα χωρις enchantment .. Phx protected server???Μπορω να κανω κατι? btw. χαρικα που σας ξανα βρηκα.
  7. Geia sas.THa ithela an mporei kapios na me bohthisei na kanw ena script to opio na elenxei an exoun teliosei ta SS h ta healing Pot oste na kanei Soe.To epsaxa ligo to thema me kapia ala scripts poy eixa kai nomizw pws ine me tin entoli "charstatus".Mporei kapios na dimiourgisei afto to script?Tha toy hmoyn eugomon. :)
  8. Stin prokimeni periptwsh exoume kolish oloi to pws tha broume to TOKEN :P
  9. That im looking for..
  10. You find tokens from a C5 server too?But wtf guys noone knows how to find tokens anymore?
  11. Kartaxin euxaristo gia tis apantisis sas :) Afta ta token poy moy dosate einai ta default ta opia exw dokimasei :/ Thelw na brw Token gia c5 servers alla dn brika tpt poy na bohthisei edw.(mono gia c4) An dokimaza to hexprobe??Leitourgei gia c5?
  12. Is it work for c5??have anyone tested it?
  13. Geia sas . Tha ithela na moy peite an me to L2packetHack to RequestAuthLogin einai to Token tou server???Kai an mesw afto ton packet mporei na m pei kaneis an blepei to TOKEN : 08 70 00 61 00 72 00 74 00 61 00 6C 00 69 00 00 00 E8 1C 00 00 97 08 00 00 E8 1C 00 00 D5 78 E5 31 01 00 00 00 .Euxaristw !
  14. it doesnt let me to log in.
  15. destiny got an anti bot programm which ban you after using a bot. :/
  16. Egw me 512 oute kan 2 IG den mporo na anixw :/
  17. Yparxei OOG bot gia ton cosmos kai den to xeroume ?? :P
  18. Prosopikh moy apopsi ine oti oloi oi elliniki pvp servers ine oti nanei k gemato apo mikra , poy sou brizoun manes etc gia tin plaka.
  19. Kala ola afta ta scripts mewmew , alla apo server se server diaferoun arketa pragmata , opws ta dialogs.
  20. Poli kalo to Script :D ! To pira k egw ston server poy pezw omos ithele kapies allages tis opies kai ekana (meta apo poly prospathia :P ).To bot ine sxediasmeno na agorazei apo to magazi 10 lesser heal pots , 5 soe, 500 bone arrows kai 20 antidotes??
  21. den iparxoun enchanting bugs leme.
  22. Afto mporeis na to kaneis kai mesw l2walker.
  23. Quest for assasin work on C5 but it stucks on gatekeepers , it cant teleport. :S
  24. Hello there. I would like to tell me if there is any Script for some of 3 Quest that an Abyss walker have to do.I need them for C5 server.So thnx in advance (i have already searched but i found Scripts only for 20 lvl :( )
  25. Kapio Script gia Abyss Walker;;;;Toylaxiston 1 apo ta 3 quest toy :P
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