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Everything posted by partali

  1. Agahmin the program doesnt work for "The-Game" server :cry: I take this message 10:43:48 ->Agahnim's Bot Collection Version 1.9 10:43:48 Link LoginServer Succeed. 10:43:49 ->Login LoginServer Fail. Informations : [TheGame] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=749 ServerList=RPG;PVP [Options] Title=L2Walker 10.6.6 Server=TheGame Token=5B 3B 27 2E 5D 37 38 2D 35 32 3D 3D 2D 25 26 40 21 5E 2B 5D OffSet=$005374A4(i put and your Offset but again it doesnt work) GMFix=1 Rename=1 Plz m8 check it ;) Edit:Another problem is that i cant run l2walker but only the default when i try to run it says me "error bad option"
  2. No.Can you tell me where i can find it? :wink:
  3. Help me i cant bot this server.Look my information about the server but when i try to log in i take this message 20:41:04 ->Link VerifyServer Fail. please help me :cry: :cry: Option.ini [Options] Title=L2Walker 10.6.1 Server=TheGame Token=5B 3B 27 2E 5D 37 38 2D 35 32 3D 3D 2D 25 26 40 21 5E 2B 5D OffSet=005374A4 GMFix=1 [DEFAULT] CountryList=Thegame; DefaultCountry=0 DefaultServer=0 DefaultCharacter=0 DefaultAccount= DefaultPassWord= [Thegame] LoginServerIP= LoginServerPort=2106 ProtocolVersion=749 ServerList=[PvP];[RPG];
  4. i have this problem to for "the game server"
  5. yes but ok i found it. :P Now i have problem i cant log in but all options are right. its says me 09:37:07 ->Link VerifyServer Fail.
  6. Ty my friend.Now one more think can you tell me the OffSet of the server? :D
  7. I would like to know of "THE-GAME" server the Ip/token/Protocol version/ports . ty If someone knows plz reply.
  8. I want the help.htm for "THE-GAME(pvp server)" :D I will try to help you.
  9. i have this problem too.i think maxtor doesnt want to help us on this server :P :oops:
  10. This help is written on rusians?Or there is any transletion to english?
  11. From where i get verify serveR?
  12. Ok i make all of them..I read the sticky but when you tell "Now find the token" I cant find it?Where i must look?I make all of that you write in sticky.Can you help me now?
  13. Re man.Dn mporw na brw oute egw to Token.Poy na psaxnw dld ? ti?
  14. All links that you give is down.I try to download token for hours.I have l2walker 10.5.3 version and i take varify fail.Help me plzz!!!!
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